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Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Coleman Concedes, Senator "Rape Is Funny" Franken Goes To D.C.

Breaking News Tuesday, 3PM CST:

Norm Coleman, U.S. RINO Senator of Minnesota has conceded to Liberal Al "Rape Is Funny" Franken. KSTP News:

    Republican Norm Coleman has conceded to Democrat Al Franken in Minnesota's contested Senate race, ending a nearly eight-month recount and court fight.

    Coleman conceded at a news conference in St. Paul, a few hours after a unanimous Minnesota Supreme Court ruled Tuesday the former Saturday Night Live comedian and liberal commentator should be certified the winner.

Another election stolen by the Liberals and the corrupt voter fraud group ACORN. Once again, we have another example from The Left that EVERY VOTE DOES NOT COUNT. Every vote counts only matters when the losing candidate is a Dem.

I have no love for Senator Coke Head, but this should be a lesson to all the RINOs and Moderates out there...Coleman being just that. Will the RINOs and Moderates learn anything from this? I'm not holding my breath. I didn't vote for Coleman in his re-election. The concession looks good on you, Norm. Be the spineless, wishwashy, RINO that you are.

We now have a U.S. Senator who thinks rape is funny and who is a rank homophobe.

"The horr-ah, the horr-ah."


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Michael Jackson Update:
Fans Committing Suicide,
Custody Battle?
Funeral Arrangements Pending

Not since Elvis died or since John Lennon was killed have we witnessed such large-scale world reaction as those to the death of Michael Jackson. Many pundits are saying, "enough, already," but they don't grasp the scope of his death and what he meant to his fans.

Sadly, some of his fans have committed suicide. Sky News:

    The man behind the world's biggest online Michael Jackson fan club has said heartbroken followers of the star have committed suicide because of his death.

    Gary Taylor, president and owner of MJJcommunity.com, said he understood the tragedies had mostly taken place outside of the UK but he believed one may have been British.

    "I know there has been an increase, I now believe the figure is 12. I believe there may have been one Briton who has taken their life," he said.

    "It is a serious situation that these people are going through but Michael Jackson would never want this. He would want them to live."

Then, there is the question of who will get custody of his three children?

Will it be his former wife Debbie Rowe? LA Times:

    Michael Jackson’s former wife, Debbie Rowe, is most likely to receive custody of the two children she bore when she was married to the late pop star, legal experts said today.

    Although Rowe initially waived parental rights to the children, she later changed her mind, and an appeals court ruled she was the legal mother of Prince Michael Jr. and Paris Michael Katherine.

    “When a child has two legal parents and one of them dies, the other takes custody,” said USC law professor Scott Altman.


    A legal fight over Jackson’s children “seems almost inevitable,” Altman said. “It is very hard to reach amicable agreements over child custody in circumstances like that.”

Michael's mother has been granted temporary custody of his three children. Chicago Sun Times:

    Michael Jackson's mother won temporary guardianship of her late son's three children Monday, and a person close to the proceedings said the Jackson matriarch is also attempting to take control of the King of Pop's estate.

    Superior Court Judge Mitchell Beckloff granted Katherine Jackson temporary guardianship of the children and scheduled a hearing for Aug. 3 on Jackson's petition to become permanent guardian of her son's children.

    The petition also sought to name Jackson as administrator of the children's estates, but the judge did not grant that request.

I hope the custody issue does not descend into an ugly battle. No child should have to go through such a thing.

Joe Jackson, Michael's dad, said a funeral date has not yet been set, pending the results of the second autopsy. AP:

    Michael Jackson's father, Joe, says planning for the pop star's funeral is awaiting results of a second autopsy.

    Joe Jackson told reporters outside the family's Los Angeles compound at midday Monday that the second autopsy is under way, but he expects results soon. The county coroner conducted an autopsy on Friday but has deferred a decision on the cause of death.

    Joe Jackson denies reports that his son will be buried at his Neverland ranch. He says, "That's not true."

The real tragedy of Michael Jackson is that he never lived his childhood; he never had the opportunity to be kid.

May the Jackson family and all Jackson fans find some peace. They so deserve it.



Michelle Obama Is A Drunk?

Is Michelle Pickles The Dangerous Washerwoman Obama a drunk?

That's what the scoop is!

From Stop the ACLU via The National Enquirer:

    Michelle Obama - cracking under the pressure of being First Lady - is drinking way more than she should, friends fear.

    Longtime pals have been keeping a close eye on her White House booze intake for months, sources told The ENQUIRER, and her husband President Barack Obama even stepped in when she recently consumed too much alcohol.

    “When Barack saw Michelle drink more than she should at a recent dinner, he hit the roof. He told her, ‘This is NOT going to turn into a problem!’” a close source told The ENQUIRER.

MofoPolitics is also covering Michelle's boozing.

Remember, while in London, Michelle took her children into a PUB for something to eat. UK Daily Mail:

    Accompanied by bodyguards and secret service agents, Mrs Obama, Malia and Sasha ate at the Audley pub in Mayfair.

Why didn't she take her children some place that didn't serve booze? Isn't it The Left that tells us that children should not be exposed to environments where booze is served? She could have taken her kids to a non-alcohol establishment, but then she wouldn't have been able to booze it up.

Michelle in NYC?

Remember, the National Enquirer was right about
former U.S. Democrat Senator, VP and presidential candidate John Edwards having an affair.

Besides, who needs facts? We learned from The Left during the W. Bush Admin that facts don't matter. Therefore, I declare Michelle "Pickles" Obama is a Boozer. A Big, Angry, Uppity, America-hating Boozer.


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Celebrity Deaths On The Rise

It seems like one celebrity after another is dying.

There was the untimely death of pop superstar Michael Jackson. And Farrah Fawcett. And Ed McMahon.

Infomercial superstar Billy "OxyClean" Mays died on Sunday.

The wonderful vocal impressionist Fred Travalena also died on Sunday.

Actress Gale Storm died.

The - no offense intended - Old Wives Tale that death comes in threes is certainly being proven inaccurate.

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Air Force Successfully Tests Missile Launch

Should Imperialistic America under Fascist Barack Hussein Obama, Junior even be testing missile launches and interceptions? I know when this same type of operation was done by the W. Bush Admin, The Liberals and Progressive pooped their collective pants saying that doing such things is nothing more than Bush trying to compensate for, what they said, was some type of inadequacy issues.

From CBS San Diego:

    The Air Force has successfully launched an unarmed Minuteman 3 intercontinental ballistic missile from the California coast to an area in the Pacific Ocean some 4,200 miles away.

    Lt. Raymond Geoffroy says the ICBM was launched from Vandenberg Air Force Base at 3:01 a.m. Monday and carried three unarmed re-entry vehicles to their targets near the Kwajalein Atoll in the Marshall Islands.

I have to imagine a big part of this test was because of North Korea's Kimmy saying he is going to fire a missile at Hawaii on July 4.

Pacification, appeasement and weakness.

According to The Left, we should never defend ourselves or take preemptive action. So we should just let North Korea fire missiles at Hawaii.

Who needs Hawaii anyway? What good is it? It's a worthless state. Who needs it?

And if Kimmy's missile does obliterate Hawaii, remember, The Left says War Is Always Wrong. Always. We need diplomacy, pacification and appeasement. Not War. We can never defend our country. It's wrong. Just so wrong.

Clearly The World hates Obama and The World still hates the United States. Excuse me, but didn't the Pillow-Biting Pbama Cultists tell us that the World would love us again because Their Cult Leader stole the election? Where is that love? Just where the hell is the love?


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Sotomayor Ruling Overturned In New Haven Firefighter Case Ricci v DeStefano

Woooooooooooooo Hooooooooooooooo!

Nominee for the Supreme Court, the "Reverse Racist" Sonnia Sotomayor witnessed her ruling in New Haven Firefighter case Ricci v DeStefano OVERTURNED. USA MacPaper:

    The Supreme Court has ruled in favor of white Connecticut firefighters in a 5-4 ruling that reverses an appeals court finding by Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor, the Associated Press reports.

    The high court found that the firefighters in New Haven, Conn., were unfairly denied promotions because of their race, reversing a decision that Sotomayor endorsed as an appeals court judge.

    Update at 10:38 a.m. ET: The court ruled that New Haven was wrong to scrap a promotion exam because no African Americans and only two Hispanic firefighters were likely to be made lieutenants or captains based on the results, the AP says. The city said that it had acted to avoid a lawsuit from minorities.

    “Fear of litigation alone cannot justify an employer’s reliance on race to the detriment of individuals who passed the examinations and qualified for promotions,” Justice Anthony Kennedy said in his opinion for the court. He was joined by Chief Justice John Roberts and Justices Samuel Alito, Antonin Scalia and Clarence Thomas.

Kennedy, I will remind all of the Liberals and Progressive, has more often than not sided with the Liberal justices on the Supreme Court. This time, he made the right call.

Dissenting Justices were Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Stephen Breyer, David Souter and John Paul Stevens.

I love the Libs out there who agreed with Sotomayor's original decision. They say, yeah, make the test easier for minorities. Yeah, that's just what we need in a firefighter, huh? Someone who passed the test because it was made "easier." Do you want a person who passed a test because it was made "easier" rescuing you or your loved ones from a burning home?

How about a doctor? Do you want a doctor treating you who passed his exams because a test was made "easier," taking into account his/her minority status? If you do, great, book him as your personal physician. But allow the rest of us to seek out the person best qualified for the job, not someone who passed a test because it was made "easier."

You Liberals and Progressives are stupid. You do know that, right?

Sotomayor has a 60 percent failure rate and she says she was inspired to enter the law profession by Nancy Drew novels.

She's a legal lightweight. She has no business being a Supreme Court nominee. She is horribly under-qualified for the position. But she's a woman and she's not white...and that's why FraudyObama nominated her and that is the only reason. Bork her. Bork her good.


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Woman Does At-Home Silicone Injection,
Disfigures Her Face

No, don't let the headline or post title fool you. It wasn't Speakeress of The House Nanny Pelosi. No...she's a wealthy Liberal Elitist. She can afford the very best silicone injections and botox.

A Minnesota woman bought silicone over the internet and injected it into her face, thinking it would be the same as a professional job done by a plastic surgeon. No, no, no, no, no. WCCO News:

    A black market has developed for some of these and other products. One Twin Cities mother decided to speak out about what happened to her after she tried to save money by injecting herself with silicone.

    "I really though that I was getting a bargain and I really didn't do my homework like I should have," said the woman who did not want to be identified.

    Her lips and left cheek are disfigured from silicone she self-injected. She was trying to make her upper lip fuller and fill acne scars.

    A year and a half ago, another doctor had given her silicone injections. That treatment went well but it wasn't cheap. It was $2700 for a series of three treatment.

    So she turned to the Internet and found a site advertising silicone for $10.

    The site clearly says the product is to be used externally as a personal lubricant. She thought because it was 100 percent silicone she could inject it. She bought the syringes at a local pharmacy.

    "Initially I thought I did a good job," she said.

    However, within a day her lips and cheek were disfigured.

    "Its very frightening, its very embarrassing having to be in public," she said.

    The doctor who is helping her, Dr. Edward Szachowicz, fears in this weak economy more and more patients may try to do their own injections. At his office the price of injectable fillers ranges from $250 to $800. The products last anywhere from four months to up to 18 months.

    "I believe that what happened to our patient is a sign of the times," said Szachowicz.

    Szachowicz said patients are turning to the Internet, especially overseas sites.

    "They are actually getting product in their hands that wasn't previously available," he said.

    Now this Twin Cities mother will be going to California to consult with a plastic surgeon. She faces thousands of dollars in medical bills.

    "I feel that some of it can be fixed. I don't know how much," she said.

    Now she wants to warn others.

    "Don't do it," she said. "You don't know what you are getting especially if you're buying these products off the Internet."

Do no try to operate on yourselves at home, people. Just. Don't. Do. It.

I wish her the best in what she has to go through, but she brought this on herself. And now she is on a mission to warn others to not be as stupid as she was.

I wonder what kind of coverage she would have for repairative surgery under ObamaCare?

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Monday, June 29, 2009

New Sacha Baron Cohen Trailer?

Is it? Is this really the next Sacha Baron Cohen movie?

This video also playing and featured at YouTube.


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Obama Misery Index Eclipses That Of W. Bush

I was wondering what the Misery Index is for Dear Leader His Excellency Barack Hussein Obama, Junior. Well, Search and Find...Search and Find. Not to be confused with Hope and Change.

As of the end of May, 2009, The Obama Misery Index is 8.12 percent. It was 7.29 percent when George W. Bush left office in January.

BlueLori has a fine post crunching the Misery Index numbers by president.

Of course, we should not be at all surprised by Pbama's rising Misery Index. Remember, this is what he wants. His intention is to bust America. He wants Americans to suffer. He intentionally is gutting the economy. He wants massive numbers of Americans being unemployed. He cannot usher in his Fascism and Marxism unless all but the ruling Liberal Elites are suffering, cold and hungry.

Way to go Barry! Heckuva job...Heckuva Job!


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Mark Sanford and John Ensign Qualified
To Switch Political Parties

South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford Democrat Republican and U.S. Senator from Nevada John Ensign Democrat Republican both had an extra marital affair. Why the fuss? Hell, if anything, cheating on their wives more than qualifies them to join the political party of Infidelity...also known as the Democrat Party.

Ensign had an affair during a time he was separated from his wife. So what?

Sanford, kicked out of his home by his wife, had an affair. So what?

Big Deal. It's not like they cheated on a wife who was battling terminal cancer.

Top to bottom: The Bill and Hillary Clinton,
Elizabeth and John Edwards,
Jim and Dina McGreevey.

Great examples of flawless Liberal Marriages

The Hypocritical Left is out in full force over these two men. Apparently, The Left forgets their own Bill Clinton, John Edwards and any Kennedy male - to name the Big Three - who can't keep their winky in their pants.

Oh, and let's not forget former New Jersey Democrat Governor Jim McGreevey who, while married with children, enjoyed wholesome sexual relationships with men at truck stops and gay bookstores. Ah...love, sweet, wholesome love. At truck stops. I think all happy, long-term relationships get their start at romantic locations like truck stops, don't they?

I'd be remiss in not mentioning disgraced former New York Attorney General Eliot "I love whores" Spitzer. He's putting himself on a pedestal saying, that he "is no Mark Sanford
." The NY Post:

    "I didn't fall in love with any of them," Spitzer was overheard telling LMDC executive director Avi Schick[.]

No, Eliot, you didn't fall in love with them. You only PAID FOR WHORES. You see, prostitution is only illegal when someone other than a Liberal is caught red-handed in it. Didn't Spitzer try to convince his whore to have unsafe sex? I recall he tried to talk her into sex without him having to wear a condom. This...from the "safe-sex" preaching Liberal crowd? Oh, not a big problem really. I'm sure if he had knocked up some whore he would have done what all good wife-cheating Liberal husbands do and offer to pay her abortion.
Oh, Hypocrisy, Thy Name Is Liberal!

Faithful Liberal Husbands. (L to R) Bubba, Edwards, Creepy McGreevey, Fat Ted

Hillary stood by her serial-cheating husband and continues to do so. Elizabeth Edwards is a fool to stay in her marriage. Dina McGreevey made the right choice in divorcing her truck-stop-cruising husband. Ted Kennedy, that good good Catholic boy, divorced his first wife (he drove her to alcoholism) and has caused nothing but pain and suffering to every woman he's had a personal relationship with.

If nothing else, the least that can be said about Ensign and Sanford is that they didn't leave a woman to die over what experts say was a horrifying four hour slow death. No wonder Ted's a drunk, he has to booze up to numb the pain he's caused so very many people.

Meanwhile, the U.S. and with the world still wait for the MSM to dig into the multitude of reports over Cult Leader Barack Hussein Obama, Junior's secret gay lifestyle*.

Malia or Sasha resemble their Kenyan-born dad. They both look like mom Michelle Pickles The Dangerous Washerwoman.

So one has to ask, who is the real biological father of Malia and Sasha? When will the press dig into Barry's gay secret lifestyle? Don't hold your breath, unless you've got two lung-fulls of The Chronic!

* Hat Tip: Mean Ol Meany.


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Sunday, June 28, 2009

Investigator's Suprised At Jackson's Health,
Family Seeking Second Autopsy,
Foul Play Ruled Out

Thursday's untimely death of global superstar Michael Jackson remains the focus and attention of the news. And rightly so. He was the King of Pop. I can't think of anyone except Elvis who had such global name recognition. I'm excluding The Beatles because they were a group, not a solo act.

Fox News reports that investigator's were surprised at how strong he was:

    ...investigators conducting the autopsy were also surprised at how healthy Jackson was.

    While he wasn't necessarily normal, he appeared to be stronger than they expected. Investigators were surprised to see significant scarring on his face, this being the first time they had seen Jackson without make-up.

    He had bruises on his chest consistent with someone trying to revive him, but there were no obvious signs of a heart attack, which leads investigators to believe some sort of drug or drug combination caused either the heart to stop beating or the lungs to stop breathing.
Access Hollywood reports that the Jackson family is seeking a second autopsy:

    The Jackson family wants an independent autopsy done on the body of Michael Jackson, Los Angeles County Coroner’s Investigator Brian Elias said on Saturday, according to CNS.

    The family reportedly told his office before the star’s remains were released that they wanted to have the second autopsy done, following deferred results from the first autopsy on Friday afternoon.

No indication of foul play; the Montreal Gazette:

    The search for what killed Michael Jackson began in earnest Friday, as investigators examined whether medications at the pop idol's home had played a role in his death.

    The Los Angeles County Coroner said Friday afternoon that an autopsy had been completed, but that a cause of the star's death would not be confirmed before additional tests that would take four to six weeks.

The Australian has an interesting story, that Jackson's weakness was exploited by charlatan doctors:

    MICHAEL Jackson died "because he was taking all sorts of medicines" prescribed by "charlatan" doctors who exploited his hypochondria, the pop star's friend and former producer Tarak Ben Ammar said last night.

    "It's clear that the criminals in this affair are the doctors who treated him throughout his career, who destroyed his face, who gave him medicine to ease his pain," the Tunisian producer told France's Europe 1 radio.

    "He was a hypochondriac and one never really knew if he was sick because he had become surrounded by charlatan doctors who were billing him for thousands and thousands of dollars worth of drugs, vitamins."

    He said Jackson regularly took sleeping pills, adding he had never seen him take illegal drugs. "He ate badly, he didn't have a very healthy life, he couldn't do sport," he said.

Not surprisingly,
sales of his music have increased dramatically. One independent record/CD shop in the Twin Cities sold out of their entire Jackson stock on Friday. If this is happening where you live, please leave a comment letting us know and letting us know your geographical location.

Tributes to Michael Jackson continue all over the world. He was THE POP ICON for an entire generation of people and his ability to transcend generations and age groups was phenomenal. The television coverage that I've seen of his worldwide fans includes all ages. Every color. Every ethnicity.

If you haven't seen the video of the CPDRC inmates of the Cebu Provincial Detention and Rehabilitation Center, Cebu, Philippines check it out. They really did quite a good job. The video was done well over two years ago, but after hearing of Jackson's death, the inmates staged a new tribute. The Sac Bee:

    The Filipino inmates who shot to global fame with a YouTube video of their "Thriller" dance swayed and stomped again Saturday in a behind-bars tribute to their idol, Michael Jackson.

    After being told of Jackson's death Thursday in Los Angeles, the 1,500 inmates at the Cebu Provincial Detention and Rehabilitation Center hit the exercise yard, practicing for nine hours Friday night - and into the wee hours of Saturday morning - for the show. They took breaks only to eat or when it rained[.]

A giant - a GIANT - in the music industry died; a GIANT that had millions, if not billions, of fans around the planet. I don't understand how some people can't grasp or understand this or how they are so dismissive of the coverage.


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45 Bank Failures This Year

Born in Hawaii? Bwa ha ha ha ha ha ha! Oh...that's a good one.

Heckuva Job, Barry. Heckuva Job!

Regulators shut down five banks on Friday, bringing the total number of bank failures this year to 45. APee:

    Regulators on Friday shut down five small banks, boosting to 45 the number of failures this year of federally insured banks. More are expected to succumb in the prolonged recession.


    The 45 banks closed nationwide this year compare with 25 in all of 2008 and three in 2007.

Ahhhhhh...the W. Bush years. They were the good old days, weren't they? The days before the Liberals and some POS born in Kenya, who still won't release his birth certificate and prove his citizenship status, stole an election and began ruining our country in record time.

Hey, there's still six months left to the year. Anyone want to make a prediction of how many more bank failures we see by the end of December?

Heckuva Job, Barry. Heckuva Job!

Hope and Change people...Hope and Change.


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Frank Lombard of Duke U. Caught In Sex Sting Operation

Whoa...this story is...disgusting and abhorrent are understatements.

Frank Lombard, Associate Director of Duke University's Global Health Institute

Frank Lombard, associate director at Duke U's Global Health Institute, was arrested Wednesday after offering his 5-year old adopted son for sex. ABC News:

    A Duke University official has been charged in federal court with offering his 5-year-old adopted son up for sex. Frank Lombard, associate director at the university's Global Health Institute, was arrested Wednesday in Raleigh, the FBI said.


    [An] informant told investigators he had met Lombard on the Internet four years ago. The informant described in graphic detail how he allegedly observed Lombard molesting an African-American child on four occasions over an Internet video chat service called ICUii.

    The informant said, according to court papers, that Lombard, who is white, said that he lived in the Raleigh-Durham area of North Carolina and that the child was one of two adopted African-Americans in his custody.

    Lombard has been charged with attempting to induce someone to cross state lines to engage in sex with a child, punishable by a maximum sentence of 20 years in prison.

    Lombard allegedly used the adult Internet service to conduct his video chats. According to an affidavit in support of the arrest warrant, the Internet service indicated that Lombard's profile "stated he was interested in "perv fam fun," a reference to "incestuous child molestation." The service also told investigators that a customer service complaint had been sent to the company in January 2007. A customer who had chatted with Lombard complained to the company that Lombard said he was "into incest" and had adopted two African-American children, court records said. [Any Progressive want to make a case for gay adoption? - Drake]

    A Washington, D.C., police detective who was investigating the case set up undercover chats with someone matching Lombard's description during which the detective says he was invited to fly to Raleigh to have sex with the person's 5- year-old adopted child. In his affidavit, Det. Timothy Palchak wrote that he engaged in a chat with someone using the screen name "FL" who provided nude pictures of himself. The pictures matched Lombard's North Carolina driver's license photo, according to the affidavit.

    During the chats, according to the affidavit, whom he adopted as an infant, and that he had allowed others to molest his child. "FL" told undercover investigators that he had himself molested his child,"FL" stated that "the abuse of the child was easier when the child was too young to talk or know what was happening, but that he had drugged the child with Benadryl during the molestation," Palchak wrote in his affidavit.

I'm really tired of pedophiles using the excuse, "I was molested as a child," in attempts to explain, rationalize or garner sympathy for their demented and disgusting behavior.

I'm going to make a sweeping generalization: Most people employed in the educational system are Liberals. A steak dinner wager says this guy is a raging, psychopathic Liberal.

Lombard's Facebook page.

From Right Pundits: "The search warrant produced five computers, a sex toy, two webcams and numerous other items."

The warrant (pdf) states Lombard lives in Durham with his gay partner.

ABC Local WTVD News reports the following:

    [Lombard] told the investigator "he could not molest the adopted 5-year-old child when his partner was around, however the partner was leaving for a four-day business trip the next day, which would allow him the ability to molest the child just as he did the last time his partner had left town."

I'll ask this question again: any Progressive out there want to make the case for gay adoption? Huh? If so, maybe you should leave your child/children in the care of Frank Lombard.


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Saturday, June 27, 2009

Michael Jackson, KING of Pop, Dies

Michael Jackson, the King of Pop, died on Thursday afternoon at age 50, apparently from some type of heart failure.

From The Brisbane Times:

    Michael Jackson was a child prodigy, a musical genius and remains an idolised artist despite a troubled life in later years.

    Los Angeles County Coroner's office spokesman confirmed the pop star's death on Thursday.

    Lieutenant Fred Corral told CNN that Jackson, 50, was pronounced dead at 2:26pm local time, (0726 AEST) after reportedly suffering a cardiac arrest.

    Earlier, it was reported he was hospitalised on Thursday after suffering a cardiac arrest.

    The Los Angeles Times and entertainment website TMZ.com said the pop icon had died after paramedics could not revive him.

His life was not without controversy. Many vilified him, yet a jury found him not-guilty of the charges of an inappropriate relationship with an underage boy. The other allegations against him...well, they are based on rumors and speculation.

One cannot deny his genius and influence in music.

While much of his music isn't included in the music that I listen to, some of it is. His "Thriller" album is a fantastic non-stop hit after hit.

I like the single "Don't Stop Til You Get Enough." That's what's playing in the background, if you have your PC speakers on. Listen to all the various elements going on in the song. It's fantastic.

"I Want To Rock With You" is another fine example that melded old-school blues with pop and a driving, thumping bass line.

He opened his Neverland home and his amusement park up to thousands of underprivileged and terminally ill children.

Part of me feels sorry for him. Another part of me asks why he didn't learn his lesson after the first allegation of an inappropriate relationship with a young boy, a case that was settled out of court. Gee, you don't suppose that maybe, just maybe, the parents of the boy thought they could shake Jackson down for several million dollars, do you?

Martin Bashir, on Thursday night's "Nightline", speaking about Jackson and his fraternizing with children, said, "While it seemed unorthodox, it didn't seem criminal."

He was cute little kid, look at the top two images. And as an adult, he was a good-looking guy, witness the lower two images of him.
Sadly, he went overboard on the plastic surgery.

The "Thriller" video is one of the finest music videos ever made. The editing, the choreography, the lighting, the costumes, the dancing, the humor, the special effects, the make-up and...of course...the voice over by the late Vincent Price. It's perfect.
The video was directed by John Landis, who really never paid a price for being the person responsible for actor Vic Morrow's death.

Jackson was a genius. Thirteen Grammy Awards, fourteen number one singles. He had a great voice. He knew music, he could write lyrics, he reinvented dancing.

"Thriller"...the best selling album of all time. Not to be confused with the largest selling "live" album, a title still held by the awesome Peter Frampton for "Frampton Comes Alive."

He brought happiness to a lot of people, fan across the world in shock and saddened by his death.

Whatever you may think of him, you cannot deny his influence in music and pop culture. Any you have to remember that it is unfair to judge people based on speculation and rumor. Just because you "believe" the worst about someone does not mean you are factually correct. I'm not making excuses for him or for some of his behavior. The only people who really, truly know what happened are those who are involved as first-person parties. One of those people is no longer alive.

He will be missed. His musical genius likely to never be replicated.

Rest in peace, King of Pop.


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Farrah Fawcett Dies, Age 62

Farrah Fawcett died on Thursday at the age of 62.

From USA MacPaper:

    Farrah Fawcett, who epitomized the all-American ideal of beauty, has died after a three-year battle with cancer. She was 62. Her spokesman, Paul Bloch, says Fawcett died Thursday morning in a Santa Monica hospital.

    In September 2006, Fawcett learned she had anal cancer. The devastating news led to a reconciliation with her on-and-off boyfriend, Ryan O'Neal, 68, the father of their troubled son, Redmond, 24. O'Neal was by her side as Fawcett went through chemotherapy and radiation treatments, and the actress was declared cancer-free in February 2007. But later that spring, she learned the cancer had returned. After growing weary of ineffective treatments in the USA, Fawcett traveled to Germany in September 2007 for alternative cancer therapies.

One of "Charlie's Angels," if only for one season before she left the show. She returned to the program for some guest appearances.

Anyone under the mistaken impression that she was a lightweight actor was proven wrong. She displayed her versatility and acting chops in her performances in "The Burning Bed" and "Extremities."

She went public with her battle with cancer. In order to remember what her doctors told her during her treatment, she began recording the doctor visits and appointments on video. The footage was eventually assembled and aired as "Farah's Story," documenting what she went through with cancer. She could have had the less flattering aspects edited out from it - her hair loss, her vomiting, images of her looking rough, very rough - but she didn't.

Paul LeMat, her co-star in "The Burning Bed", made note of her smile saying that when he saw it, "the sun was shining."

I think that's a nice way to remember her. She personified the sun shining.

Rest in peace, Farrah.


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Barbara Walters,
Larry King,
Diane Sawyer,
...All Three Vultures

Blood-Sucking Leech Vultures...this is what Barbara Walters, Larry King and Diane Sawyer are. Blood-Sucking Leech Vultures. If not for celebrities, none of these three people would have a career.

I was switching television channels Thursday evening during the coverage of the deaths of Farrah Fawcett and Michael Jackson. I never witnessed such blood-thirst, especially from Walters. King just salivates over the death of a celebrity. He is the Mister Macabre of television. Sawyer ranks third. Hell, six or so weeks ago King, on his program, was drooling at the thought of predicting when Fawcett would die.

These three people disgust me.

ABC ran footage of a interview Walters had done with Jackson several years ago. "Do you consider yourself eccentric," she asked him.

Define eccentric, Barbara. Because many would consider you not only eccentric but bizarre and strange, especially with your crass fascination over the details of the death of a celebrity.

Walters asked (I can't remember if it was Ryan O'Neal or Fawcett's doctor): "What was it like for Farrah to lose her hair?"

A beautiful woman loses her signature hair because of chemotherapy. Well, WTF do you think it was like, Barbara? Take a guess, Barbara - a wild guess.

Other questions Walters asked of Fawcett's doctor included:

    "Did she die peacefully?"

    "Was she conscious enough to talk to people to hear what they had to say? Was she THAT conscious?"

    "Who was at her bedside when she died?"

    "When Ryan was talking to Farrah, what was he saying?"

    "Redmond (son of Ryan and Fawcett) is in jail. Did he get to talk with her before she died?"

Rest assured, if there is blood in the water or decaying flesh, Walters is there to pick at the carcass.

Sawyer does her best to feign sympathy and concern, putting her hand on her chin, tilting her head down, working up her best efforts to emulate her Vulture Idol Walters. Diane needs to work on her ability to be morose if she wants to be more like Walters.

Conservative Radio Talker Hugh Hewitt, normally a pinnacle of good taste and reserve said, during his Thursday night program, that there was really no reason to mourn the death of Michael Jackson. He said, and I paraphrase, that if you wanted to mourn or do something, contribute to a charity that feeds starving children. While contributing to a charity that helps feed starving children is a fine humanitarian effort, why he had to link it to Michael Jackson is beyond me.

On his Friday program, Conservative Talker Glenn Beck took a "call" from Michael Jackson "phoning in" from the afterlife. Funny Glenn; hilarious. Quite the knee-slapper there. Then, in typical Beck fashion, he called Jackson a "freak."

Friday morning on his show, Conservative Talker Mike Gallagher, basically said mourning the death of Jackson was a waste of time.

The prime reason for these three Conservative Talkers saying what they said was the allegations, rumors and speculation of Jackson's inappropriate behavior with underage boys.

I like dealing in facts. I used to think Hewitt, Beck and Gallagher liked dealing in facts. But with Jackson, they leapt into the vat of judgment based on speculation, rumors and allegations.

We are a nation based on law, not speculation and rumor. I used to think this is something supported by Hewitt, Beck and Gallagher.

Here are the facts, whether or not these three Conservative Talkers (and others) like it or not: Michael Jackson was found not-guilty by a jury of his peers in a court of law on ALL 14 COUNTS of an inappropriate relationship with an underage boy.

If Hewitt, Beck or Gallagher have evidence proving otherwise, they should have brought said evidence to the attention of the court. Since they did not, I can only presume all three are talking out of their butt.

I'll say it again: Jackson was found not-guilty on ALL 14 COUNTS by a JURY of his peers. Why the above mentioned Conservative Talkers prefer to act like Liberals on this issue, using speculation and rumor as the foundation of their opinion, instead of the law and facts, surprises the hell out of me.

Martin Bashir, on Thursday night's "Nightline", speaking about Jackson and his fraternizing with children, said, "While it seemed unorthodox, it didn't seem criminal." We don't prosecute people in the U.S. for unorthodox behavior.

Now we have Hewitt, Beck and Gallagher deciding they will use speculation and rumor as their basis for their opinions. Maybe they should move their radio programs over to Air America, or whatever it's called nowadays, because that's how that network operates.

I expect Walters, King and Sawyer to be blood-drinking, carcass-eating Vultures. It's all they have to live for, it is their sole reason to exist. They feed off the success of others. If it were not for celebrities, these three people would have to get real jobs.


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Rielle Hunter Baby Looks NOTHING
Like John Edwards...Not At All

The baby of Rielle Hunter - (aka Lisa Jo Druck, Lisa Hunter, Lisa Jo Hunter, Rielle Jaya James Druck), the mistress of former DEMOCRAT Senator and former DEMOCRAT VP and presidential Candidate John Edwards - looks nothing like him, does she?

Not one bit. There is no resemblance at all. Not even close. Not even any slight similarities.

We know John Edwards was telling the truth when he denied being the father. The child obviously was not not not not not fathered by him.

I wonder how many millions it is costing Edwards to not be the father ?

Now Edwards can return to taking care of his cancer-battling wife, on whom he cheated, but did NOT father an illegitimate child.

Oh, Those Good Olde Fashioned Democrat Family Values!

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Friday, June 26, 2009

A Comment On Recent Comments

I published a bunch of comments but, due to time constraints, will not get to replying to them. At least not over the next few days. Sorry about that. You know I always do my best to respond to each and every commenter. I pride myself on this. I value your comments and appreciate everyone who takes the time to visit this blog and who takes the time to comment.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Coward Obama Pretends He's Tough On Iran

Barack Hussein Obama, Junior held a press conference on Tuesday, pretending to toughen his talk and feigning a tough stance on Iran. Too little. Too late.

He finally acknowledged the oppression of the Iranian people by their government. Too little. Too late.

Major Garrett asked Dear Leader His Excellency, "What took you so long," to speak out against the Iranian regime's treatment of its citizens. Obama gave a BS answer, a lie, saying he's been consistent in his criticism of the Iranian election and how the Iranian regime is treated its citizens. What a crock. It took him a week before he mentioned anything critical about the the ghastly, inhumane and violent manner with how Iran is dealing with protesters.

He voted "present" on how Iran is treating protesters.

Why hasn't Pbama flown over to Iran to "talk with and negotiate" with Mahmoud Ahmadinejad? Candidate Pbama told us he's the great negotiator. Come on, Crack Head, step up to the plate. Show the world that you are the Peacemaker you claimed you are. Where is his diplomacy? Oh, Obama is too busy playing golf while those with guts are shot dead in the street in Iran.

Pbama mentioned The International Community condemns the action taken by the Iraq government. It's about time Pbama caught up to what the International Community is doing. Too little. Too late.

Obama is weak. Always has been. Iran knows this. So does Afghanistan. So does North Korea's Kimmy Jong Il. So does al-Qaida, the Taliban, Hamas and Hezbollah. Rumor has it they all refer to him as Jimmy Carter, Junior.


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ObamaCare Should Wither On The Vine

Above: Obama Cultists; his voting base.
From The Guardian:

    What just happened to American healthcare reform?

    The political prospects for major U.S. healthcare reform have taken a decided turn for the worse in recent days (at least from the point of view of many Democrats). And you don't need to be some totally plugged-in Washington insider to understand that.

    Just take a look-see at the stock market performance of industry players such as Aetna Inc , Cigna , UnitedHealth Group, and WellPoint . Shares have been trending higher of late. What's been slowly dawning on Wall Street is that the legislative process in Washington is unlikely to produce a national public health insurance option that could eventually squeeze out the private sector.

    Fact is, the prospects for any sort of bill that would produce major changes are in as much doubt as at any time since President Obama took office. Worried that the plan was growing too expensive, the critical Senate Finance Committee appears to have jettisoned any idea of a public plan option and is also cutting back on subsidies to help fully insure the nearly 50 million Americans who don't have health insurance for one reason or another.

Well, you have to remember...while a large portion of Democrat politicians may have voted for Obama in the presidential election, many of them are angry with The Kenyan for not spreading his wealth around. He did very, very little to help elect or re-elect Democrats running for lower offices.

From FOX News: Health Care Will End Obama's Honeymoon:

    In the last two weeks we've seen President Obama endure treatment that he isn't exactly accustomed to: harsh criticism from his own party, a significant slip in the polls, and unfavorable headlines instead of glowing, inflated puff pieces. It seems that biting off more than he can chew when it comes to health care, government intervention into the private sector, and ballooning deficits have left him choking in what might be the first major sea change as his policy positions have started to eclipse his personal popularity.


    The Obama administration has yet to tell us why the government can successfully run universal health care when we can't even run the socialized health programs we already have in place: Medicare (which is hemorrhaging money) and Medicaid (which is putting many states in the red). As new reports surface that Obama lacks the support in Congress to pass this behemoth bill, expect it -- and his popularity numbers -- to fall apart, and fast. Look for a White House that will begin to scale back expectations. Still, the lack of details and support will likely quickly trigger a collapse in confidence.

The Dems in the U.S. House and Senate know ObamaCare will bankrupt an already bankrupt nation.

I love it when Democrats cannibalize their own. It's the second best sport (next to the NHL) evah !

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Obama Is 95 Percent Smoke-Free

Smoking is AOK now, with The Left because their Cult Leader is a smoker.

During his Tuesday Whine-A-Thon Press Conference Barack Hussein Pbama, Junior claimed he is "95 percent cured" of cigarette smoking. APee:

    "Am I a daily smoker, a constant smoker? No. I don't do it in front of my family. And, you know, I would say that I am 95 percent cured."

    THE FACTS: It's hard to say how "cured" someone is when they're still trying to kick the habit. Obama promised to quit his one-time five-smoke-a-day average during the campaign, at the urging of his wife. [Another "promise"...another LIE from The Kenyan. - Drake]

Well, 95 percent won't cut it with the No-Smoking Nazis. They didn't settle for 95 percent smoke-free areas in bars, clubs or restaurants. Nope. It has to 100 percent smoke free for the No-Smoking Nazis.

And is anyone else as amused as I am at The Kenyan's syntax? He's getting Rumsfeldian, posing questions to himself and then answering them. "Am I a daily smoker, a constant smoker? No." Remember when The LefTards ridiculed Donald Rumsfeld for posing a question to himself and then answering it? Now The Kenyan is doing the same! Bwa ha ha ha ha!

Click here for full sized image of the above (and then click on the image once there).

I have an idea of HOW THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT CAN GET MORE MONEY, and this is a great idea because I know how the Liberals looooooooooooove confiscating money:

The government should retroactively seek monetary compensation from all the doctors who once endorsed cigarette smoking. If the doctors are deceased, perhaps the government can go after their practice which may still be operating. If the practice has been dissolved, perhaps the government can go after the assets held by the doctor's family.

I have to presume there is a paper trail that will trace back to all the doctors and those in the medical community who endorsed cigarettes as posing no harm. Let's shake them down for money. Why not? Every other business entity tangentially related to tobacco has been sued, penalized or had fines levied against it. Why not the doctors who once promoted smoking?

The footnote by the asterisk of the above Lucky Strike ad reads: "The figures quoted have been checked and certified to by LYBRAND, ROSS BROS AND MONTGOMERY. Accountants and Auditors." That's a good place to start the paper trail, huh?

I'll wager there is a nice chunk of money out there in the form of cash and assets from all the doctors who supported cigarette smoking. That money should be confiscated and redistributed. Hell, this idea is so great Barry should hire me to think of more ways to screw over anyone who ever promoted cigarette smoking!

Come on Barry, go after all the money and assets from the doctors who were obviously in the pockets of Big Tobacco who, in the past, promoted cigarettes as healthy and posing no risk.


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Has Obama Ended The Ban On
Gays Serving Openly In The Military?

How's that PROMISE from Barack Hussein Obama, Junior that he made to end the policy banning gays serving in the U.S. Military? Has he ended the ban? No, you say? Huh, how about that.

It was the same
PROMISE Bill Clinton made as a presidential candidate. Did Bubba end the policy banning gays serving in the U.S. Military? No, you say? Huh, how about that.

Will The Left ever stop believing the Promises Lies told to them by Liberal candidates? I guess not, since The Left falls for these promises again and again. Liberals and Progressives are stupid, they'll believe anything told to them by a Liberal/Progressive candidate.

U.S. House Dems urge Obama to halt Military discharges of gays. Boston.com:

    ...77 Democratic lawmakers today urged President Obama to use his executive powers to order a halt to military discharges under the controversial "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" law and work aggressively with Congress to pass new legislation to overturn what they describe as a discriminatory policy that harms national security.

    "We urge you to exercise the maximum discretion legally possible in administering Don�t Ask, Don�t Tell until Congress repeals the law," states the letter, organized by Rep. Alcee Hastings, a Democrat of Florida.


    Secretary of Defense Robert M. Gates, asked about the policy last week, made it clear that he believes it is ultimately up to the Congress to reverse it and that the administration has few options unless it repeals the law.

    "Until the law is changed, our ability to change the policy is extremely limited, if not nonexistent," Gates said.

Alcee Hastings...huh...he must have completed
all his work preparing U.S. Concentration Camps that will detain, confine gas-to-death all Americans who are not a Pillow-Biting Pbama Cultist.


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Ed McMahon Dead At 86

The chemistry between Ed McMahon and Johnny Carson is something that comes along once in a lifetime; something that is genuine and cannot be manufactured.

You couldn't ask for, or create (if you could) a better sidekick than Ed.

There will never be another Ed McMahon just as there will never be another Johnny Carson.


Ed McMahon's obituary at the New York Daily News:

    ...he made "Hi-Yo!" and "Heeeeere's Johnnnny" parts of the American lexicon.

    McMahon was the straight man for Carson's famed Carnac the Magnificent skits, during which Carson would guess an answer before McMahon even read the question.

    "We didn't rehearse," McMahon told Larry King in a 2005 interview after Carson died. "You know, we never - I never saw it 'til, you know, I only - I'd see on the rundown, "Carnac," that's all I would see."

He served in both World War II and the Korean War as a Marine.

The BBC remembers Ed in a photo montage.

He was "TV's Everyman", NY Daily News:

    Ed McMahon was an old-school salesman. He never denied it, never apologized for it and never had a reason to.

    He put himself through school, he always said, by pitching vegetable slicers. Seventy years later he was hawking "cash4gold" and FreeCreditReport.com.

    No Rolex watches here. Ed McMahon's people were ordinary folks.

Don Rickles, Dick Clark and Joan Rivers give tribute to Ed. National Post.

Rest In Peace.



Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Neda Murdered While Obama Golfs

Neda - middle image above - was one of the protesters in Iran. She was brutally killed - shot by a sniper - while Barack Hussein Obama, Junior was golfing.

From The BBC:

    Amateur video apparently showing a young Iranian woman dying in Tehran after she was allegedly shot by pro-government militia on Saturday has caused outrage in Iran and abroad.

    The woman, Neda Agha-Soltan, was buried on Sunday.


    Eyewitnesses and video footage of the shooting clearly show that probably Basij paramilitaries in civilian clothing deliberately targeted her. Eyewitnesses said they clearly targeted her and she was shot in the chest.

    She passed away within a few minutes. People tried to take her to the nearest hospital, the Shariati hospital. But it was too late.

Neda Soltani, a 16-year-old philosophy student, has become the symbol of rebellion. The NY Daily News:

    Her name is Neda, which means "voice" in Farsi, and her death has become the central rallying cry of the Iranian rebellion.

    The fresh-faced teenage girl killed by what appears to be a single sniper shot on the streets of Tehran Saturday is now a potent symbol for Iran's pro-democracy protesters.

    Her shocking and quick death in the arms of her howling father was captured on closeup video, posted to Facebook and came to life on computer screens across the globe.

Meanwhile, Obama continues his "say nothing/don't upset Iran" foreign policy regarding the human rights' abuses.

Neda Soltani is braver than Obama can ever hope to be. Obama will remain, as he always has been and forever will be, a Coward.

The White House announced that Obama's Wednesday weekly party night will continue as usual and will not be adversely affected by Neda's death and what is going on in Iran.

The death of Neda. Warning: Graphic.

Chalk up another death that is fully and wholly owned by Obama. Her blood is on his hands.

Rest in peace Neda.

UPDATE: The above link to NY Daily News story listed Neda's age as 16-years old, which is why I noted her age as such. Other reports state she was 26. I wanted to make note of this.


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