Monday, September 29, 2008
Tired Of Your Kids?
Abandon Them In Nebraska!
From EfluxMedia:
Since July, when Nebraska lawmakers passed a unique “safe-haven” law allowing parents to abandon children as old as 18, at least 16 children, some of them teenagers have been abandoned, making officials to consider revising the law.
“If we see another family being left off, then we’re going to have to do something immediately,” state Sen. Arnie Stuthman, who introduced legislation that was the basis for the law, said.
For now the “safe-haven” law permits parents to hand over their children to state-certified medical centers. Even though it aimed at protecting infants, the legal measure’s language was amended to contain the word “child,” which was left undefined. Therefore, many interpreted the law as referring to all minors, thus including all children under the age of 19.
The most troubling case of parental abandonment so far occurred Wednesday when Gary Staton left five boys and four girls aged 1 to 17 at Creighton University Medical Center’s emergency room. He has a 10th child as well, a daughter who is 18. According to his sayings, his wife died early last year after delivering their youngest child and he could not handle bringing his children up by himself.
Before Wednesday's drop-off, at least four children between the ages of 11 and 15 had been abandoned by parents since the law took effect.
In these conditions, Sen. Stuthman said lawmakers need to make clear the maximum age for children who can be handled over the state before January. However, it’s not clear whether Gov. Dave Heineman will call a special session to modify the law although he has said it should be changed.

Arnie Stuthman, an alleged "Non Partisan" who votes like a Liberal
So, Arnie introduces the legislation to abandon children and the bill passes. Then it comes back to haunt him and what is his reaction? "We have to do something immediately." Absolutely no foresight on his part at all when he introduced the legislation.
I know what you're thinking because I was thinking the same thing. Arnie MUST BE A DEMOCRAT. Well, his actual party affiliation is "Non-Partisan." I think that's a nice way to vote like a Liberal but claim that you're not.
Arnie sure votes like a Liberal. Let's examine some of his record.
In 2006, based on lifetime voting records on gun issues and the results of a questionnaire sent to all state legislative candidates, the National Rifle Association Political Victory Fund assigned Senator Stuthman a grade of D. Sounds pretty Liberal to me.
Arnie also voted to override a veto of increasing the Nebraska state tax on gasoline. The override was successful, thus increasing the tax on gasoline. Sounds pretty Liberal to me.
Arnie also voted YES for Nebraska's statewide ban on cigarette smoking. Sounds pretty Liberal to me.
Arnie voted YES to eliminate the opt-out provision of the statewide smoking ban. Sounds pretty Liberal to me.
Regarding Nebraska's handgun Conceal/Carry bill, Arnie...guess what...decided not to vote on the issue. Awwwwwwww, Arnie was afraid that if he voted to approve conceal/carry it might anger his Liberal base. He also knew that if he voted against it, it might anger the many hunters, sportsmen/women and Second Amendment supporters in Nebraska. So he did the safe thing and abstained. Sounds pretty Liberal to me.
Arnie voted YES to pass a bill that allows children of
I could list more examples of Arnie voting in a most Liberal fashion, but you can hit the links above and find out as much, or more than I did.
By the way, if your children are grating on you, just abandon them in Nebraska. You have Arnie to thank for that.
Oh, Those Good, Olde Fashioned

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