Tuesday, March 14, 2006
MrsSatan: The Anointed One
And my response to them is: Why? Please explain. On what, other than pure partisan politics, do you base your statement?
And of course, their reasoning for wanting to see her in the White House is based only on political tit-for-tat. Any democrat, as long as it's a democrat, is what it comes down to. The Left would prefer to have the most unqualified, corrupt, immoral and sneaky individual in the White House as long as its a democrat, instead of a candidate who is competent and experienced for the job. And maybe I'm really stretching, for there is no one in the democratic party who is eligible or qualified for the White House.
So we can safely assume that the democratic candidate for president in 2008 will be, without a doubt, MrsSatan, for she is "entitled" to it.
The biggest and best setback that could be delivered to her is for New York to not re-elect her as their senator. C'mon NY'ers, I know you're smarter and more sophisticated than to fall for her subterfuge again. It's time to turn up the heat - right now - and deny her her second term. She lied to you over and over and over again.
In Part One of a Seven Part Series detailing the corruptness of MrsSatan, Joan Swirsky writes:
Her senatorial campaign involved spinning the yarn that she was a long-time NY Yankees fan, assuring upstate conservative voters that she "cared" about their jobs, informing the large liberal base of NY City Jewish voters that she was part Jewish (endearing coming from the wife of the first black president), and convincing the Chasidic New Square community in Rockland County (that had formerly voted overwhelmingly for arch-conservative Sen. Alfonse D'Amato) to vote 99 to 1 for her.
Never mind that two months after her election she pardoned four residents of New Square who had been convicted of defrauding the federal government, an act not quite as egregious as her husband's attempt to win her New York's Hispanic vote by pardoning 16 members of the FALN terrorist group who had planted over 130 bombs in the U.S., killed six people and injured 70.
[Hillary] was the first First Lady to come under criminal investigation.
Megalomania: Hillary refused to acknowledge - publicly or in print - the woman who in essence wrote her 1996 book, "It Takes a Village."
Lying: Hillary gave false testimony about her co-defendant Ira Magaziner, who helped her conduct secret meetings about her failed plan to socialize U.S. medicine.
Obstruction of Justice: the "smartest woman in the world" couldn't remember where she placed the Rose law firm billing records that were subpoenaed in 1994, until they magically reappeared two years later in the White House library.
Tastelessness: In 1999, after the wife of terrorist Yasir Arafat told the co-president that Israel was deliberately poisoning Palestinians, Hillary saw fit to embrace her. And that is not to omit what Pulitzer Prize winning journalist Michael Goodwin called her "rancid race baiting" remarks at a recent Martin Luther King Jr. celebration about Republicans running "the House" like a "plantation."
Selective Amnesia: In her 2004 book, "Living History," Hillary strangely omitted mention of her own and her husband's key associates, men with whom she took numerous photographs and who donated millions of dollars to her husband's campaigns, going back to their Arkansas days. These include - among dozens of other shady characters and outright criminals - Moctar Riady, the Indonesian billionaire owner of the Lippo banking company (the partner of which is the Chinese communist government and reputedly a front for Chinese espionage), and his son James, who eventually pleaded guilty to campaign violations.
Contempt for Women: The world got its first glimpse of Hillary's shabby character when she was co-running for the co-presidency in 1992 and - with what turned out to be supreme irony - told Steve Kroft on "60 Minutes" that she "wouldn't be some 'stand by your man' woman like [country-music icon] Tammy Wynette."
Her low regard for women continued through the 1990s as the White House went after many but certainly not all of the president's women - Gennifer Flowers, Paula Jones, Juanita Broaddrick, Kathleen Willey, and Elizabeth Ward Gracen - by auditing their tax returns, and, in 1997, leaking Paula Jones' confidential tax returns to the press.
Another example of her counterfeit hawkishness was demonstrated when she denounced the recent election of the terrorist group Hamas in Palestinian parliamentary elections, which led terrorism expert Steven Emerson to remind the public that, while co-president, Hillary met repeatedly with "groups that had openly supported Hamas, Hezbollah and other foreign terrorist organizations, - including, among many others, the militant Islamic Relief Association and The American Muslim Council, whose followers carried out the 1993 World Trade Center bombings.
No matter where you look, Hillary's name is associated with scandal. For one thing, she has acknowledged accepting contributions from the influence peddling, recently indicted, uber-lobbyist Jack Abramoff.
There is also, according to Carl Limbacher at NewsMax.com, the Clinton campaign-finance scandal of the late 1990s, where millions of dollars of illegal Chinese campaign cash found its way into Democratic Party and Clinton legal defense fund coffers. Worse, American missile- guidance technology was given to Beijing.
Hillary's current nemesis, Peter Paul - the largest single campaign contributor to her 2000 Senatorial campaign - has filed a suit against her and President Clinton - among many others.
According to Mr. Paul, the suit is "for committing a series of business frauds against me that involved me spending more than $1.2 million for Hillary's Senate campaign; having a Clinton front man go into business with my Japanese investor partner, causing the collapse of my public company; and filing fraudulent reports to the Federal Election Commission (FEC) in the amount of nearly three-quarters-of-a-million dollars."
Can you, in your wildest imagination, picture any conservative politician accused of only ten percent of what MrsSatan is either accused of or has actually committed, being re-elected to their congressional seat? Why, just ask Trent Lott, Bob Livingston or Bob Packwood.
Ladies, how do you feel about electing a woman to the White House, or re-electing a woman to the Senate, who is the definition of misogynist?
Ladies, how do you feel about electing a woman who stood by her man as her husband cheated on her time after time after time, and then lied about it?
The Lefty's justify the lies by saying "he [Bill Clinton] only lied about sex." This is far from the actual truth. He did lie about sex, but he lied about it in order to deny a woman, Paula Jones, her rightful day in court!
How much more abuse of women, abuse of law, and abuse of power by the Clintons will the American public allow?
Lower the Limbo Pole, Ladies and Gentlemen, there's a new tactic in town. It's called "Propping Up MrsSatan For 2008 No Matter How Unqualified She Is."

MrsSatan: She "Feels Your Pain." She should, because she's inflicting it.
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