Friday, July 25, 2008
Obama And Soros Together Again
György is proud of his little puppet. And they had the recent conversation below:

Soros: You made me very proud Barack, in how you handled yourzelf in Iraq, Afghanistan and Germany.
Barack: What about Israel, Uncle György, did I do okay there? Do you approve?
Soros: Yes Barack, you convinced ze Jews zhat as president you vill support them and be their ally instead of what I have planned, which is supporting the Palestinian and Hezbollah terrorists and they fell for it. Good boy (patronizingly patting Barack on the head).
Barack: Your approval means so much to me. Am I the president now, Uncle György?
Soros: Not quite yet, Barack, but soon. Very soon.
Barack: Will I be the president of the world, Uncle György?
Soros: Yes Barack, you vill be ze president of the vorld.
Barack: Uncle György, may have I permission to ask you a question?
Soros: Certainly Barack, go ahead.
Barack: Where and from whom is all my campaign donations coming from?
Soros: Zat is not yours to vorry or concern yourzelf about, Barack. Just listen to me and do as I say and everyzing vill vork out as I have planned.
Barack: Okay, Uncle György, but afterwards what favors will I owe you in return?
Soros: So many quvestions from such an inquisitive little mind. You leave all zat to me Barack. Stay on script, keep acting and pretending zat you are ze Messiah and do vhat I tell you and all vill be fine. Trust me, Barack, trust me.
Barack: Okay, Uncle György. (Pause). Ummmm, am I the president now?
Soros: Soon Barack, zoon. Heh, heh, heh. Zhat's vhat I like about you Barack. So eager to do my bidding. You're villing to do anyzing for me.
Barack: Anything for you, Uncle György.
Labels: Soros and Obama
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