Monday, September 15, 2008
Obama Cultists Lying About Track Palin Military Service And Vandalism
I suppose I'd be smearing and hate-merchanting too, if I were as threatened by a successful, experienced, knowledgeable and easy-on-the-eyes candidate of a Sarah Palin if she were a Democrat. The problem is, there are no good-looking or attractive Democrat women. Really, there's not. All the Dem women look like the stool sample you leave at the doctor's office. Don't bum on me for writing this, we all know it's true. The last hottie the Dems had was Jacqueline Kennedy. After her, all Dem women - especially the Progressive and Liberal bunch - saw their evolution backtrack to the days of troglodytes.
Anyway, because the Obama Cultists can't debate issues or tell us why anyone should support and vote for the Pied Piper From Illinois, they can only carry on with personal attacks against the Palin Family.
This time the Cultists are spreading a lie that Track Palin, son of Sarah and Todd, joined the Military in order to get out - as a substitute - of serving jail time for vandalism.
It is simply not true. FOX News:
An Alaska radio station [Something tells me they are an AirHead America or Liberal Talk Radio affiliate. - Drake] reported that he was offered the option of military service in place of jail for allegedly being involved in vandalism of dozens of school buses in his hometown of Wasilla in 2005.
However, the New York Daily News interviewed some of the youths involved in the incident, who denied Track Palin was a part of the action.
Despite snowballing reports and rumors, Sarah Palin's eldest son, Track, was not part of the gang of four teenagers who criminally vandalized 44 Alaska school buses in 2005, a key culprit told The News.
"Track wasn't with me. Track had nothing to do with it," participant Deryck Harris, 20, said Wednesday in an exclusive interview.
"I was friends with him. We hung out. But he wasn't there," Harris said, describing the incident as a senior prank gone awry. "It was my high school mistake. It was a really bad choice. I've paid my restitution."
... rumors quickly swirled Track was forced to join up as penance for the alleged vandalism.
"I talked to him before he joined, and he was trying to decide between the Marines and the Army. It was totally his decision," Harris, who now lives in Anchorage, said.
"Track Palin was not involved [with the vandalism]," confirmed Capi Coon, the mother of another Wasilla teen arrested for the destructive spree.
Labels: Dems Are Haters, Election 2008, Osama Obama, Sarah Palin
I have nothing to attack Sarah Palin on. Aside from not having the same political beliefs, I think she's a lovely woman. In the beginning I was actually very angry at McCain for choosing Palin. Not just because it was an obvious ploy to pander to female voters. No, I was also afraid his pulling Palin out of a pond and throwing her into a sea of sharks would be detrimental to her career. She's young and I think she's got a lot of things to look forward too. After the VP debate, I worried about her no more.
She's a little ditsy, yes, but smart. Her folksy language while I find it comical can also be seen as endearing. I think she's a great Mom and (Polar Bears aside) she has done A LOT for Alaska. That's why I think she should go back and continue to do good for her state.
Plus, who wants to leave a home you can see Russia from? ;)
Amazing, another hypertext name that leads to a "Blogger Profile not available" page. You're one of those brave Obama Cultists, aren't you?
It's this hysterical, angry rhetoric that shows how terrified that your republicans are even losing support in the "red states". All you guys have left are smears.
Maybe if (when?) you sober up you can add another comment explaining what you mean by those sentences.
Are you that douche bag from Maine adding comments using an alias?
You must be one of those women who are jealous of Sarah Palin because she defines everything the Left has said women can and should be: a career, a family life, a mother, successful. The only reason you dislike her is because she's not a Democrat.
I'm not sure what "Blogger Profile not available" means. I myself have never blogged. Actually yours is the first blog I have ever responded to. I was playing around with Google and tripped upon your page. I was actually trying to give Sarah some credit but your anger has blinded you.
I am not douche bag and am I not from Maine... not last time I checked anyway. Nor am I jealous of Sarah Palin. For many reasons I do not have time to list all of them but I will give you a tiny handful.
1. Her husband has the personality of a tree stump (before you argue this point you can explain to me why I see countless interviews of Cindy McCain, Michelle Obama and Jill Biden but not one peep from the husband)
2. She's has to stand behind McCain while he spews a nonsensical diatribe
3. She lives in Alaska.. (this of course is said in jest)
No, I don't envy her nor do I hate her. Every thing you mentioned about why I'm envious of her are all the reasons I like her. I don't just think Democrats want women to be able to "have it all"... at least I hope not.
Not to get too far off track but to be "jealous" of Sarah Palin there would be a threat that she was trying to take something I felt I had claim over (a job, a husband, etc.). To be "envious", which what I believe you meant, is when I wish to covet what she has. I digress.
Like referring to Obama supporters as Obama-cultists. Do I agree with a lot of Obama's policies and will I vote for him? Yes. However, there are even things Obama and I don't see eye to eye on. (Just one off the top of my head being that I support gay marriage and complete equal rights for the GLBTQ community) I do not however feel an obsessive, faddish, devotion or veneration for Obama. We are all flawed. Politicians some of the most. I try to sift through the bull-shit and find the truth. I try to find the promise from the pandering and the actuality from the ass kissing. That's all.
As far as your other accusation... one of many I regretfully read... I was sober when I posted my comment yesterday morning. Rereading it I realize the sentences were unclear. I didn't proofread my post, my bad
"It's this hysterical, angry rhetoric that shows how terrified that your republicans are even losing support in the "red states". All you guys have left are smears."
My point was and frankly is even more so after your offensive response. I think the anger that is fueling some of Republican party now is based in fear and desperation of losing this election. McCain is even losing the faithful "red states" that he not only had a toehold in but nearly was guaranteed they would be delivered come November.
It's not just McCain. I watched a McCain rally on the news Friday night. These rallies have begun to have a mob mentality. Not just one rally but many, in different states! At a Palin rally the crowd can be heard yelling "Treason" and "Kill Him". In New Mexico, a man screamed Terrorist at a McCain rally. In Philadelphia a member of the crowd called out "Get him! He's bad for our country!" and a racial epithet was used toward an African American news cameraman and Democrats are the "Haters"??
Now to be fair,can McCain and Palin be held completely responsible for what someone yells out? No, but they aren't completely innocent either. They incite this mentality by running a campaign full of smears, attacks, accusations, and innuendo. McCain isn't putting "County First" he's putting himself first. He claims to be bi-partisan and have the ability to reach across the aisle but if this campaign gets much nastier how will he even be able to look Obama, his family and his supporters in the eyes. This could lead to violence. Fueled by fear and propelled by anger people will do crazy things. If, god forbid something happened McCain will have blood on his hands. He needs to stand up and explicitly explain that this type of behavior will not be tolerated and people that scream out such visceral vulgarities will be removed from the rally. Republican or Democrat, Black or White we are all people. We all want what's best for our country even if we don't agree one another's ideas on what's best for our country. I'm more proud to be an American than I ever have been and I didn't know that was possible. However, when I hear the hatred spewed from these radicals I lose a little faith in humanity.
(a.k.a. A non douche bag, envy free, who have never been to Maine.)
Click on your blue hypertext name and see where it takes you. You have to be a registered with blogger for that, don't you?
Glad you are not the douche bag from Maine, tho you write and sound a lot like the loud, fact-less, hyperbolic douche bag blogger from that state.
1) The topic of my post is the smears from the Democrats about Track Palin was involved in vandalsim when he was not. Not once, no where in either of your comments, do you condemn the Democrats for this type of smear.
2) You presume from your first comment that I'm a Republican. You're wrong, I'm an Independent Conservative - small "L" Libertarian.
3) In your first comment you say the post is hysterical, angry rhetoric that shows how terrified I supposedly am in losing "red state" support. Again, you intentionally miss the point of the post: the Dems smearing and mud-slinging Track Palin when they have no evidence.
4) In your first comment you wrote you are: "also afraid [McCain] pulling Palin out of a pond and throwing her into a sea of sharks would be detrimental to her career." Well, what do you care if you disagree with her political beliefs?
In your second comment you go on the attack of Todd Palin?!??
You write: I don't just think Democrats want women to be able to "have it all"... at least I hope not. -- isn't it the Democrats who've been telling women for decades to have successful careers and a home life? Does not Sarah Palin define this? Of course she does, the only hitch is that she's not a Flaming Liberal. She's a Republican.
"Jealous"/"Envious"....Douche Bag From Maine/Not --- ppfffffft.
Oh, I refer to Obama supporters as Obama Cultists. I do this because this is what they are, and I guess you are too.
At a Palin rally the crowd can be heard yelling "Treason" and "Kill Him". In New Mexico, a man screamed Terrorist at a McCain rally. In Philadelphia a member of the crowd called out "Get him! He's bad for our country!" and a racial epithet was used toward an African American news cameraman and Democrats are the "Haters"??
Yeah, the Dems are the Haters. And they're the real racists, too. Go to the top of this blog page, see the search box on the Top Left. Type in the "n-word" -- the full spelling of the word -- and hit the search button and you will find all the stories in my blog archives where Democrats have used that word and never been held accountable on it. From Hillary Clinton, to Robert Byrd and other Dems, it is the Dems who are solid racists.
We all want what's best for our country even if we don't agree one another's ideas on what's best for our country. I'm more proud to be an American than I ever have been and I didn't know that was possible. - - Oh, your second comment is so full of tolerance and understanding towards someone (me) who doesn't share your views. You're a hypocrite.
Back to the topic of the post, an easy "yes" or "no" question for you: do you condemn the mudslinging and slandering by the Dems of Track Palin's name to connect him to vandalism when he had no part of it?
If McCain gets elected, has a stroke, and dies, do you think Palin will do a better job in office because she's hot? Why do women need to be "easy on the eyes" to run for office? Shouldn't it have more to do with intelligence?
Let us value Palin for the qualities that actually matter: her foreign policy experience (her state neighbors Russia after all), her family values (amending expense reports in order to justify stealing $21,000 from Alaska to drag her daughters around with her to meetings they weren't invited to), her concern for violence against women (I'm sure making them have to pay for their rape kits is somehow for their own good- teach them a lesson for wearing short skirts, right? Oh no wait, this is 2008...), her intelligence (..."General McClellan"?!?), and her honesty (firing Mary Ellen Emmons and Police Chief Irl Stambaugh probably had more to do with their performance than the fact that they voted for the "other guy", Oh no, wait, she straight out said it was because she felt they did not "fully support her efforts to govern the city").
David Drake, try to get over Miss Congenialities pageant winning legs long enough to process her lack of ability to run a country. Having a crush on somebody doesn’t always mean you should vote them into office.
If McCain is elected and at some point unable to perform his duties as president I am fully confident in Palin to become POTUS, not because she's hot - I never said that. You must have missed the many posts I've written on her hailing her executive experience (she's the only one who has it between Obama, Biden and McCain) and her accomplishments.
Your second paragraph is loaded with the most simplistic Democrat Talking Points. Did you cut and paste them directly from Politburo Central?
Palin being reimbursed for her expenses in Alaska for travel, and the travel of her children, is all above-board and permitted by law.
See my post....
and what the Washinton Post
...have to say about it.
You, Elsie, seem to be the one with a crush on America-hating Obammy and his anti-American wife and friends.
You're comment is too lengthy and won't publish. Can you edit it down some?
I wasn't aware that Blogger comments must have a "word limit" until today when I ran into the same thing in my replying to someone on another post. I couldn't publish my own comment because it must have exceeded a word limit.
(You can't be the Jay that I know - are you - because the Jay that I know is able to civilly agree to disagree.)
Why would I civilly disagree when you do not consider that path with anyone else? That is just an unfair request, Mr. Drake.
And unfortunately, I cannot and will not repost my comment. As long as you read it, that is alright with me.
So you only agree to civilly disagree with people that you know? Well, that certainly is small and ignorant of you.
I really didn't read much of your original comment. I skimmed it, realized you suffered from some sort of major retardation, and then it wouldn't "publish".
I'm pleased when what I write angers people like you. It gives validation to what I already know: that folks like you are small and narrow-minded who are intolerant of any opinions that don't conform to what you beleive. And somehow your attitude is supposed to "heal" the country?
I knew you couldn't be the Jay that I know. Like I said, he and I are able to agree to disagee without it getting ugly. And you reflect and harbor the ugliness that has so infected our political discourse - mostly from The Rabid Left.
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