Wednesday, January 31, 2007
ACLU And Westboro Baptist Cult=0;
(Washington, DC) - Judicial Watch, the public interest group promotes transparency, accountability and integrity in government, politics and the law, announced today that a U.S. District Court in Missouri denied a request by the American Civil Liberties Union lawyers made on behalf of a member of the Westboro Baptist Church to prevent the state from enforcing its statute limiting protests “in or about” the location of funeral services (Shirley L. Phelps-Roper v. Jeremiah W. Nixon, et al., No. 06-cv-4156-FJG). The ACLU filed a lawsuit challenging the constitutionality of the law on behalf of protesters who disrupted military funerals by picketing and conducting other protest activities.
The court order, issued by federal Judge Fernando J. Gaitan, Jr., essentially adopts Judicial Watch’s argument that Missouri’s “funeral protection law” is well-grounded in Eighth Circuit judicial precedent and is consistent with the U.S. Constitution. Moreover, Judge Gaitan specifically cites Judicial Watch’s amicus brief concerning the right of family members and friends of those killed in battle to mourn their loss. The judge writes: “…amicus Judicial Watch notes that Missouri also has an interest in protecting funeral attendees’ First Amendment rights to free exercise of religion.” Judge Gaitan ruled that the ACLU’s client failed to demonstrate a “likelihood of success on the merits” of her arguments. Her request for a preliminary injunction was, therefore, denied.
“We’re pleased the court seems to recognize the right of funeral attendees to mourn those who died defending our country without being disrupted by protesters,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. “Unlike the ACLU, most Americans believe that mourners should be able to engage in quiet and reflective prayer at funerals. As the court noted, ‘…picketing soldiers’ funerals and belittling the sacrifices made by soldiers are intolerable actions’”
H/T: Chester Street
Labels: Westboro Cult
Joe Biden Opens Mouth, Inserts Ass (Again)
Do you suppose he wrote that himself or did he perhaps plagiarize it from somewhere else?
"[In Delaware] You cannot go to a 7-11 or a Dunkin Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent."
Source: Biden on video.
Whew, good think Joe Ch-Ch-Ch-Chiden didn't call Obama "Macaca"!
KERRY: The Sitcom!
Fare Thee Well, O'FrankenFailure!
Comedian and potential Minnesota Senate candidate Al Franken will leave liberal talk radio station Air America in two weeks, he announced [Monday] on his show.
The announcement paves the way for Franken to explore a possible Democratic challenge to freshman Sen. Norm Coleman (R-Minn.) in 2008.
Air America also announced yesterday that the station is on the block. Franken said he wanted to stick around through the transition and his last show will be Feb. 14. He said if he makes his decision by then, he will announce his intentions on his show.
Click on the
The All-Time King of Liars!
Voice is impersonated.
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
Osama Hussein Obama Brand Cigarettes
Surgeon General Warning: Osama Hussein Obama Cigarettes May Cause Uncontrollable Ear Growth!
Labels: Obama Smoker, Osama Obama
Hillary Clinton MrsSatan's Past Of Evil Men!
She then smiled, raised her eyebrows and nodded knowingly at the questioner.
Her nod and the ensuing eruption of laughter had rally-goers convinced she was talking about her husband, whose Oval Office affair with intern Monica Lewinsky exploded into the Sexgate scandal and led to impeachment proceedings.
"She was talking about Bill being a bad man. There was no doubt whatsoever," said Tyrone Williams, 55, an engineer from nearby Bettendorf, Iowa.
She's Standing By Her Man, just like the Tammy Wynette Song!
Even the HuffPuffPoo knows what MrsSatan "is talkin' about":
Here's what happened:
A man in the crowd asked Clinton what she had in her background that would make her a good commander-in-chief, given that the world has "evil" leaders and a lot of them "happen to be men."
Clinton rephrased the question for the audience because most did not hear what the man said. "The question really is," she said, "we face a lot of dangers in the world, and in the gentleman's words, we face a lot of 'evil men.'
"People like Osama bin Laden comes to mind."
She paused.
"And what in my background equips me to deal" --Clinton waited a beat and got a gleam in her eyes -- "with evil and bad men?"
It took about 30 seconds for the crowd to stop guffawing.
As I read the quotes I just typed, I'm not moved to laugh. (It was one of those you-had-to-be-there moments.)
As was Dustin Burnaugh, 21, a Davenport resident who said he thought she was referring to "the whole Clinton scandal.
"Everyone was thinking it, and she didn't want to say it. That's what everyone was thinking."
Harry Reid Realty, The Saga Continues
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid purchased 60 acres of land in northern Arizona from a pension fund at a price experts say constituted an extremely good deal.
The land was sold to Reid, D-Nev., for $10,000 in 2002 by Las Vegas lubricants distributor Clair Haycock, a friend who controlled the employee pension fund that owed it, The Los Angeles Times reported.
The purchase put Reid in full control of a 160-acre parcel in Bullhead City, Ariz.
Six months after the deal closed, Reid introduced legislation to address the plight of lubricants dealers who had their supplies disrupted by the decisions of big oil companies, the Times said.
Records and interviews show that beginning in the mid-1990s, Reid tried several times to push legislation that would have protected lubricants distributors from abrupt cancellations by their suppliers. Though unsuccessful, the legislation sent a clear message to the oil firms that there was congressional interest in the matter, according to Sarah Dodge, then-legislative director for an industry group that worked on the bill.
Because an employee pension fund had owned the land Reid purchased, labor law experts contacted by The Times said, a below-market sale would raise additional questions. Pension fund trustees like Clair Haycock have a duty in most cases to sell assets for their market value, the experts said.
"I think this would have been considered a potentially serious issue" at the time, said Ian D. Lanoff, who led the Labor Department's pension division during the Carter administration and was provided basic details of the case - though not the identity of the lawmaker - by The Times.
"Theoretically it's a serious issue for the trustee who sold the property, though practically it may not be" because the pension plan is now closed and its obligations were met, Lanoff said.
Reid's interest in the barren parcel dates back to the period of 1979 through 1982, when he and Clair Haycock bought the 160 acres. Haycock bought a three-eighths interest, equivalent to 60 acres, for $90,000 - $1,500 an acre. Reid, then a Nevada lawyer and political figure, bought the other five-eighths, the equivalent of 100 acres. They did not divide the parcel.
The property has sweeping mountain and mesa views and now abuts a housing development, which could make it attractive to developers. But there are some limitations. The land has a steep wash, or desert streambed, and the adjacent land has a gravel pit.
In the early 1990s, California investors bought the entire 160 acres from Reid and Haycock for a little over $1.34 million - Â around $8,400 an acre. The new owners obtained approval to develop a mobile home and recreational vehicle park. But a few years later they defaulted, and Reid and the pension fund were once again the land's joint owners.
How good a deal did Reid get? Paying $166 an acre for Mohave County land is "a super deal," said the county assessor, Ron Nicholson. But the precise answer in this case, Nicholson said, is complicated by the fact that only a minority portion of a partnership was for sale; minority shares can be difficult to sell. Other experts who reviewed the transaction for The Times acknowledged the complexity of the deal but said the senator appeared to have acquired valuable property for a fraction of its value.
At least twice, Reid appealed to the Mohave County assessor to lower the land valuation and decrease his taxes, in 2002 presenting a 2001 appraisal that valued the land at $1,000 an acre. The assessor's office made a downward adjustment for 2003 but still places the value at about $1,748 an acre.
Reid has long been known as a champion of Nevada interests, particularly gambling and mining. But he seemed an unlikely choice to advocate for the beleaguered lubricants industry when he took up the issue in 1994. He did not sit on the Energy Committee.
At that time, the Haycocks went to Reid for help, according to a former employee of the lubricants industry trade group, Petroleum Marketers Assn. of America, who was involved in the events. The employee asked that his name be withheld because his current job involves congressional contacts.
The Haycocks had lost business in 1994 when Mobil Oil Co. canceled the family's distributorship, costing the firm a lucrative contract with the Las Vegas-area General Motors dealers, which had to use Mobil products.
The family was "incensed that this had happened and there was nothing they could do about it," said the former trade group employee.
Reid mentions constituent
The Haycocks - who were considered industry leaders - say they do not recall discussing the matter with Reid. But the former trade group employee said the Haycocks convinced Reid to take action.
Reid "did it because John or Clair asked him to do it," said the former employee.
With the legislative session coming to a close, Reid brought the issue to the Senate floor on Oct. 5, 1994. He described a Nevada constituent whose "franchise agreement to sell lubricating oils to car dealers in Las Vegas was arbitrarily canceled with 30 days' notice," adding: "This seems grossly unfair."
A Washington lawyer who represented the Haycocks in their dispute with Mobil recalls that dealers turned to Reid after other avenues of redress had been exhausted.
"The Haycocks provided access to Sen. Reid," said Al Alfano, the attorney, who still represents distributor interests. However, Alfano said, Reid's efforts brought no relief to the Haycocks. Although the issue remains a concern for many distributors, he said, the Haycocks lost interest after the mid-1990s.
Nonetheless, Reid cited the same constituent example almost word-for-word in 2002, soon after the land sale, and again in 2003 when he introduced legislation...
Folks, if you're looking for land in Nevada, wanting to quash any innovation or competition in the Dairy Industry or have a hankerin' to cozy up to a Lubricant Mogul, look no further than Harry Reid!
Why...legend says he even finds times to be a Senator!
Labels: Harry Reid, Milk, Real Estate, Ritz
Monday, January 29, 2007
The Left Doesn't Have A
Monopoly On Congruous Absurdity
On the day of President Ronald Reagan's death, liberal sites like DemocratUnderground were filled with comments such as "he's burning in hell", and "he's Satan's bitch", among others that - believe it or not - were even more harsh and sordid. DU is just one example of this behavior from the Left. I did not read any comments chastising the ugly and distasteful commenters.
The Westboro Baptist Church (and I use the term "church" loosely), can hardly be labeled a Conservative mouthpiece. This is the group that celebrates the deaths of our Soldiers by gathering outside funerals with signs and protestations denigrating the lives of our most Brave, Heroic and Valiant Men and Women in the Military. Not once - not once - have I heard or read anyone from the Left condemn the actions of the WBC and believe me, I've searched to find it.
Last year we saw a fictional film about the assassination of a non-fictional President - George W. Bush - with "Death of A President". Once again I heard no outcry from anyone on the Left criticizing the subject matter of this film. For no matter how much one may disagree with any president, to suggest - even in a fictional film - that a non-fictional and sitting president be assassinated is not only in bad taste, but something that should force any of us to question the mental stability of the film's author(s).
While the Left failed to register even the slightest denunciation of "Death of A President", they did manage a unified voice in attacking and manifesting outrage at the ABC-TV movie "The Path To 9-11", for no other reason than its critical look at the myriad of failures of the Clinton Administration's lack in combating terrorism.
Death by Abortion is an Altar where all Liberals worship. Oh yes, there may be a few pro-life Democrats in that tent, but they are easily the minority within their party, one whose voice is quashed by
Nor can we forget about the Terri Schiavo case, where the Left mocked any sanctity and respect for life when they sided with her ex-husband to remove all means of life support. The Left mocked Republican Bill Frist and others, as well as the special session of Congress, that addressed the issues presented by the Schiavo situation.
The death of any Conservative, or any non-Liberal for that matter, receives no respite from those on Liberal Talk Radio:
Stephanie Miller: making fun of Casper Weinberger who died one day earlier, "He's in Purgatory now...[making fun of him is fair game] because tragedy plus time [equals comedy]." The Stephanie Miller Show - March 20, 2006
Stephanie Miller and Crew with "Weekend At Tammy's", a parody of "Weekend At Bernie's" that made 'fun' of deceased country singer Tammy Wynette, with her children digging her up out of her grave to perform at concerts. The Stephanie Miller Show - January 11, 2007
Mike Malloy: "It's fun to speak ill of the dead", speaking about Enron's Ken Lay.
The Mike Malloy Show - July 5, 2006
Janeane Garofalo: "[Republicans need to have inflicted upon them] some kind of suffering to remind them that they've done something to our consciousness." The Majority Report - May 19, 2006
Al Franken: "There [Strom Thurmond] goes, back to the grave."
The Al Franken Show - November 28, 2006, 40 minutes into the second hour of his program.
Al Franken: "Tom Cruise has been dumped by Paramount. Did Tom Cruise kill JonBenet Ramsey? Because tragedy plus time equals comedy." The Al Franken Show - August 23, 2006, Opening Monologue
So it comes as no surprise to me that when I occasionally publish a post of "Every Time A Liberal Dies An Angel Gets Its Wings", the Left misguidedly feels I am being insensitive or uncaring. Nothing could be further from the truth.
When I run a "Every Time A Liberal Dies An Angel Gets Its Wings" piece, I am illustrating by absurdity the contemptible behavior that the Left displays when anyone other than "their own" dies. The majority of readers and visitors to this blog know this. They understand and grasp the idea of a Congruous Absurdity.
Perhaps you Liberals should take the time to become familiar with this type of representational manner of expression, because it's all around you in everything your own titular heads - such as Franken, Malloy, Miller, the DU Crowd, the WBC and others - have to say.
Or do you prefer not to admit and recognize that your own crowd has indeed set the standard and disposition for what you may sometimes read here, that which you claim to find so offensive when the same standard your crowd uses is applied back to you? You mean you accept it in certain instances, meaning when it's applied to Conservatives, but not when it's applied to Liberals? When you Liberals don't condemn this type of behavior when its voiced by your own members, you have no right to condemn it when it's employed by others and directed at you and your own.
Simply put, no one and no group has devalued life and made death the object of outright mockery more than has The Left. Don't pretend otherwise, for your faux-posturing will hold no weight with me and has no voice here.
Labels: Dems Are Haters, Westboro Cult
Load The Liar Cannon
With Stephanie Miller!
Any words that escape her Oreo Hole are bound to be suspect in their nature simply because of her Liberal political bent. But on many occasions she has repeated the same lie over and over again - that Connecticut Independent Joe Lieberman is "a Republican". This must be some sort of delusional thinking in her alcohol-addled brain.
A simple look at Lieberman's voting record proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that he is anything but a Republican, let alone remotely Conservative.
Here are just a few examples of Lieberman's voting record:
- Repeal the Bush restrictions on stem cell research. (Jan 2004)
- Voted NO on banning partial birth abortions except for maternal life. (Mar 2003)
- Voted NO on banning partial birth abortions. (Oct 1999)
- Rated 100% by NARAL, indicating a pro-choice voting record. (Dec 2003) [100% rating from by NARAL, the self-described "nation's leading advocate for privacy and a woman's right to choose. With more than one million members and supporters, NARAL Pro-Choice America is fighting to protect the pro-choice values of freedom and privacy."]
On Budget and Economy:
- Democrats will expand prosperity, GOP will "squander" it. (Aug 2000)
- New economy will thrive on investment and trained workers. (Aug 2000)
- Voted NO on $40B in reduced federal overall spending. (Dec 2005)
Civil Rights:
- Allow driver's license for immigrants. (Jan 2004)
- Support reparation legislations. (Jan 2004)
- Sunset the Patriot Act. (Nov 2003)
- Voted NO on constitutional ban of same-sex marriage. (Jun 2006)
- Voted YES on expanding hate crimes to include sexual orientation. (Jun 2000)
- Voted NO on ending special funding for minority & women-owned business. (Oct 1997)
- Voted NO on Amendment to prohibit flag burning. (Dec 1995)
- Increase subsidies for women-owned non-profit business. (Mar 2004)
- Invest in rehabilitation, not prisons. (Oct 2003)
- Mandatory prison for gun use; prevention for juveniles. (May 1994)
- Voted NO on repealing federal speed limits. (Jun 1995)
- Voted YES on mandatory prison terms for crimes involving firearms. (May 1994)
- More funding and stricter sentencing for hate crimes. (Apr 2001)
- Apologizes for never having smoked marijuana. (Nov 2003) (Heh, the guy does have a sense of humor, unlike 99.999999% of all other Democrats - Ed.)
- Voted against school prayer; for condom distribution. (Mar 2000)
- Voted YES on $52M for "21st century community learning centers". (Oct 2005)
- Voted YES on $5B for grants to local educational agencies. (Oct 2005)
- Voted YES on shifting $11B from corporate tax loopholes to education. (Mar 2005)
- Voted NO on $75M for abstinence education. (Jul 1996)
- Voted NO on requiring schools to allow voluntary prayer. (Jul 1994)
Energy and Oil:
- 50% Excess Profits Tax on oil companies' undeserved profit. (Oct 2006)
- Accept some American responsibility for global warming. (Nov 2003)
- Voted YES on banning drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. (Mar 2005)
- Voted NO on drilling ANWR on national security grounds. (Apr 2002)
- Voted NO on terminating CAFE standards within 15 months. (Mar 2002)
- Voted NO on preserving budget for ANWR oil drilling. (Apr 2000)
- Voted YES on ending discussion of CAFE fuel efficiency standards. (Sep 1999)
- Voted NO on defunding renewable and solar energy. (Jun 1999)
- Voted NO on approving a nuclear waste repository. (Apr 1997)
- Voted NO on do not require ethanol in gasoline. (Aug 1994)
- Voted YES on including oil & gas smokestacks in mercury regulations. (Sep 2005)
- Voted NO on confirming Gale Norton as Secretary of Interior. (Jan 2001)
- Voted YES on transportation demo projects. (Mar 1998)
- Voted YES on reducing funds for road-building in National Forests. (Sep 1997)
- Voted YES on requiring EPA risk assessments. (May 1994)
Gun Control:
- Voted NO on prohibiting lawsuits against gun manufacturers. (Jul 2005)
- Voted YES on background checks at gun shows. (May 1999)
- Voted NO on loosening license & background checks at gun shows. (May 1999)
- Voted NO on maintaining current law: guns sold without trigger locks. (Jul 1998)
And do, by all means, make note of several of the above votes during the mid-to-late 1990s. Who was in the White House during that time...a Democrat or a Republican?
So how IS Lieberman a "Republican" in the eyes of Miller? Oh, he voted for the War in Iraq and he supports the War on Terrorism.
Don't ask for whom the Liar Cannon fires, Ms. Miller. It fires you and your repeated lies.
Source for Lieberman Voting Record:
On The Issues
Sunday, January 28, 2007
Wikipedia For Idiots, Or:
Duuuuuuuuh Uhhhhh, Really?!
24: The Movie
Main article: 24: The Movie
Kiefer Sutherland has confirmed that 24: The Movie is in the pipeline, and the show's creators have already started working on the script. It should be noted that the film would be a two-hour representation of a 24-hour day, not an actual 24-hour-long film as this would be financially straining on production and impossible to show in theaters.
If you believe that a "24" theatrical film would last an actual 24 hours long, please do everyone a favor and jump in front of a speeding semi-truck. Thank you.
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Habitat For Hamas.
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Mark thinks "24" has Jumped The Shark. I dunno....I have to disagree. Don't make me go Bauer on you, Mark.
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When Exercise Videos ATTACK!
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How raising the Minimum Wage Outlaws Jobs.
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"...the problem is not that the Army can't do this job, the problem is we're trying to strike a balance between effectiveness and a minimum of collateral damage."
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When AirHead America stations die, does anyone even notice?
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Similar to the Minnesota Budget Surplus....North Carolina HAS LOTS O' MONEY TO SPEND!
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You might be a patriotic terrorist if...
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All he is saaaaaaaaaaaayin', is Give VISTA a chance?
Saturday, January 27, 2007
MrsSatan Takes A Rest
On a sad note, after MrsSatan left the premises, the folding chair committed suicide.
Friday, January 26, 2007
Cigarette Dependent Area
Of Human Brain Identified
The discovery of individuals with brain damage who give up smoking with ease could point the way to a surgical 'cure' for smoking, US scientists say.
The particular brain area damaged - called the insula - appears to be central to the urge to smoke, a team told the journal Science.
Dan Sutton: South Dakota DemocRAT
Latest To Face Molestation Charges
From ABC News:
A Statehouse scandal in which a lawmaker is accused of fondling a page has transfixed South Dakota, with many people following the case on TV and the Web as if it were a Hollywood reality show.
Sen. Dan Sutton, 36, is accused of groping the young man last year while the two shared a motel room at the start of the youth's weeklong stint in the Legislature. The young man was 18 at the time.
The boy described being sexually assaulted in the following manner:
A former legislative page has told lawmakers that a state senator from South Dakota sexually groped him last year while the two shared a motel room at the start of the young man's weeklong stint in the Legislature.
[The boy] told the committee Tuesday that he and Sutton shared a motel room for two nights last February in Fort Pierre.
On the first night, he said, he did not realize ahead of time that the room had only one king-size bed and alleged that he was awakened repeatedly by Sutton touching him on his side, back and hip.
[The boy] said he kept repositioning himself and turning over. "I was stunned and didn't know what to do," he said.
On the second night, [the boy] said Sutton touched his genitals. [He said the senator] hopped out of bed, claiming he had missed a cell phone call, and left the room. He stayed elsewhere the next night.
Sutton's lawyer, Mike Butler, said the story is complex and includes a failed business deal that involved Sutton and [the boy's] father.
"Dan Sutton faces far more here today than merely a judgment," Butler said. "He faces the loss of his good office, the loss of what is left of his reputation." (Awwwww, doesn't that just make you reach for a kleenex to dry your eyes? - Ed.)
[The boy] did not stay with Sutton again and told Senate attorney Jim McMahon he did not say anything to Sutton about what had happened.
[The boy] said Sutton never asked why [he] decided to stay elsewhere or why he had tried to avoid Sutton in the Capitol.
Well, it's likely only a matter of time until Sutton announces he's a raging alcoholic and will seek treatment for his drinking problem, right?
Sutton joins the ranks of such DemocRAT luminaries as Gerry Studds, Fred Richmond, Mel Reynolds and Gus Savage who just cannot keep their hands off young boys and girls.
How many days will it take before Sutton, or his lawyer, announce that the Groping Senator has entered into a Rehab program for some sort of chemical addiction?
You can bet the Letch on the left is a DemocRAT!
(Image Credit: "South Park", of course!)
Labels: Dan Sutton
Exhaust Fumes Are Dangerous!
I also see people both casually walking and speed-walking along the shoulders of the residential streets, many who are pushing their infant children in Baby-Jogging Strollers, exposing "THE CHILDREN" to noxious exhaust fumes.
And the kicker is that these people, especially the runners and joggers - because when you exert hard physical activity your breathing increases - are sucking in massive amounts of auto exhaust. It doesn't take a Oxford Scholar to know that exhaust fumes probably aren't something good to inhale. Then again, these joggers aren't Oxford Scholars. Recall that Hitler was a vegetarian.
And now the BBC reports that University of Southern California authors warn in The Lancet that living too close to a busy road could stunt a child's lung development, US research suggests:
Children who lived within 500 metres of a major road, such as a motorway, were shown to have lung impairment in tests.
Many children live and go to schools near to busy roads and could be at risk.
Experts already know that toxic traffic fumes can trigger lung conditions such as asthma.
The latest work suggests pollution can stop the lung from growing to its full potential - even in children who are otherwise healthy.
As background air quality did not alter the picture, children living in the countryside but close to a main road would also be at risk, the researchers add.
Children living close to big roads in cities with high levels of background air pollution were likely to be at a greater risk of lung problems however because of the double effect on their lungs, they suggest.
Again I wonder...are some of these people who jog and run along side the roads the same crowd that go spastic when someone lights up a cigarette? Possibly...but they do not hesitate to breathe in exhaust fumes. That makes sense, doesn't it?
Harry Reid + John Kerry:
A Love Story In One Act
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., gushed, "I love you John Kerry."
All voices are impersonated. Or...are...they?
Thursday, January 25, 2007
Minnesota Anti-Smoking Nazis
Sig Heil Their Agenda
A bipartisan group of Minnesota lawmakers have proposed a statewide smoking ban that would include all Minnesota workplaces, including bars and restaurants.
Two Democrats and two Republicans said they have broad public support for their "Freedom to Breathe Act," which would outlaw smoking in indoor workplaces and public transportation. They said it's an issue of workplace safety, nonsmokers' rights and public health.
Once again we have government sticking its nose into the private sector. There is nothing stopping any business from voluntarily making its premises smoke-free. Any bar or restaurant can more than cater to the non-smoking crowd, but chances are that establishment won't stay in business for too long. We all go to bars because of the healthy environment they offer, right?
Beyond the fact that we have the state intruding on the private property rights of the property owner, we have a statewide no-smoking ban usurping and intruding into the rights of local cities to choose for itself whether or not to permit or ban their own smoking or non-smoking ordinances. If a town or city wants to permit smoking in bars it no longer will be able to do so, for it would be violating the statewide smoking ban. This is just another example of a long list of the state is telling the cities that it knows what's best for them. This is not how a state should govern.
If City "A" wants to permit smoking in bars and restaurants and City "B" wants to cater to the non-smoking crowd, then this is how it is supposed to work. If the non-smoking establishments in City "B" go out of business because of a lack of patronage, then this is exactly how the system is designed to work in a free market. And this is why both Minnesota Democrats and RINOs are taking it upon themselves to "level the playing field", primarily for the whining, crying, tantrum-throwing non-smoking business owners who found themselves customer-less, because the owners voluntarily made the decision to go smoke-free while the bar in the next town permitted smoking and "stole" all the customers from City "B".
It's not enough that someone stupid enough to open a smoke-free bar across the street from a bar that allows smoking would lose 95% of their potential customers to the bar that permits smoking and, recognizing this, change their policy. No, by god "the playing field needs to be leveled".
It's okay though. Sometime soon another issue will surface that will require "leveling the playing field". Maybe the issue will be one that smacks the self-righteous No-Smoking crowd right in their collective face. And they'll be crying about how wrong it is to "level their playing field" and they'll be looking for allies to support them. Don't look to the smokers, folks, we won't be there to assist you.
Our faux Republican governor, RINO Timmy-Tim-Tim Pawlenty, has said he will sign this into law. Or our governor Democrat Mike Hatch? I can't tell the difference between them anymore.
Linking Here:
Smoke Out Gary
More Left Wing Hypocrisy
Remember how the Left endlessly ridiculed Voinovich for crying?
Well...on that same Senate floor...Senator John Kerry (D) - who served in Vietnam - CRIED like a BABY because he realized his presidential aspiration for 2008 were all but flushed down the crapper! What a woman! Get a skirt from Nanny Pelosi and wear it, John, 'ya BIG LIBERAL SISSY CRY-BABY! Bwa-HA HA HA HA!
And today we had the Lefties saying that Vice President Dick Cheney was "mean" during his interview with Wolf Blitzer. Well, Mr. Cheney didn't raise his voice, he remained calm, he didn't stick his finger in Blitzer's face (no matter how warranted it may have been). Cheney was completely non-combative and graceful during his interview. Yet...the Lefties paint him as being "fuming".
Contrast Cheney's calm and professional response to that of Bubba Clinton becoming UNHINGED during the Chris Wallace interview in September, 2006, with Bubba wagging his finger and his beady little eyes squinting at Wallace.
And we know how the Left has spent decades critical of the Right wanting to "intrude into our bedrooms and personal lives" and then...we have a California LIBERAL who want to tell that states' citizens they can't spank their children! Nothing like the Libs sticking their nose into the personal lives of parenting and child-rearing, yes?
Oh YES, just more examples in a long, never-ending list of LEFT WING HYPOCRISY!
It never ends. You Libs are such double-standard jokes.
Look Out Helen Mirren
There's A New Queen In Town!
Another In A Long Line Of Reasons
Why You Should Be Reading
"The Quigmans" On A Daily Basis
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
A Historic State Of The Union Address
While the President was talking about succeeding in Iraq and the Middle East, the Democrats sat on their hands. I didn't think it possible to express a more sour and dour facial disposition than any given random image of
Did you notice Pelosi's mouth, chewing and churning away? Were her dentures slipping or was she chewing cud? And whoa...did she look old, or what? I guess the botox injections she had after the November election - that period of time when she went into hiding - didn't last, did it?
It is so clear - so very, very clear - for nothing other than their own political gain that the Democrats want the war in Iraq and the War on Terrorism to fail.
Democrats are mired in a September 10, 2001 mentality and will never move past it. The allegation from Jim Webb's rebuttal is that the President took us into this war recklessly. Really? If that's so, wouldn't the same apply to all of the Democrats who voted FOR the War?
We do need a different direction in Iraq and we have one with an increase in the Troops. The question is, Jimbo, will you and your fellow Democrats support it and give it time to work, or will you do your best to subvert the effort?
Last night President Bush said, "You did not vote for failure." Well, the Dems don't see it that way, again based on nothing other than what is advantageous for them politically.
Not too long ago Nevada Senator Harry Reid said he was for increasing the Troop level in Iraq. Then he flip-flopped and said he is against it. Why did he flip-flop? The answer: partisan politics.
Democrats like Joe Biden and others push and advance a non-binding and symbolic resolution disapproving the plan to increase the Troop levels. Maneuvers such as this show the Dems for who they really are, a group of politicians who have no substance, no core and no essence of standards, values or sound objectives. They are a group devoid of all ideas, grasping at straws for their own political sine qua non. Desperate to never again be in the minority and to regain the White House in 2008, the Democrats will go out of their way to fulfill their political coup de grace, even if it means experiencing another domestic terrorist attack. Anything - any cost, any price - anything for them to maintain their power.
Democrats will abandon and discard anyone and any thing to advance the cause of Liberalism. They proved this true when tossing Zell Miller aside. They proved it again when they tossed Joe Lieberman overboard. They prove it every time one of their own members flip-flops on an issue such as John Kerry's "I voted for it before I voted against it."
Oh yes, the Libs can have their Zell Millers and their Joe Liebermans to throw under the bus, but the Right can't have their Chuck "Turncoat" Hagels. Heh, the hypocrisy from the Left never stops, does it?
If the Dems believe so fervently in their own words of defunding the war then they should have the guts to back it up with their actions and cut the funding rather than offering their impotent and feeble "symbolic" resolution. The Dems are no different than the Alien Reptiles in "V" whose fake facade of human skin is removed to reveal their true alien identities. This really is no surprise because the Dems are, and always have been, nothing more than an artificial and contrived political party who stand for nothing.
Jim Webb
The first thing I noticed about Jim Webb's appearance is that his legs were crossed and he was wearing black dress shoes. I guess he decided not to exploit and sensationalize wearing his son's combat boots for his SOTU rebuttal.
I did count that Webb twice mentioned "sharing [our] economy". My, how better to define Socialism! This goes hand in hand with Hillary Clinton's famous statement of "We're going to take things away from you on behalf of the common good."
Even Barbara Walters, this morning on "The View", said of Webb's rebuttal that she didn't hear from him any plan to make Iraq a successful venture.
You did notice, didn't you, that Webb said, "we want to bring [Iraq] to its proper conclusion." Not to a "victory" mind you, but to its "proper conclusion". "Proper conclusion" is the latest argot of "Cut and Run."
General Jack Keane , Retired, on ABC with Charlie Gibson last night after the SOTU Address said that the U.S. made a conscious decision to not corral the Iraq general population as part of our war strategy in 2004. Perhaps we should have back then, but one can only imagine the outcry and catcalls from the Left directed at the Right had we done so.
There is no winning anything with Democrats. The moment you do what they say you should do, they change their modus operandi and adopt the opposing conviction. Then, when you do that, they flip the argument or principle to something else. It's easy for them to do this because they have no solid core standards or values that guides them - well, other than whatever Conservatives want the Dems want the opposite.
The President's SOTU Address last night trumped any SOTU Address delivered by Bill Clinton. The fact that the Dems have not yet recovered from losing the White House in 2000 and 2004 is the feeding tube of their hatred. You'd think the Dems would be - and should be - happy that they are now the majority party, but today their bitterness is more palpable than anytime in the past.
"Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passion, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence." - John Adams, 1770.
John Kerry Will Not Run For President In 2008
A visibly emotional Mr Kerry made the announcement on the Senate floor.
He briefly choked up during his speech, which made reference to the Vietnam war, in which he served before becoming an anti-war protester.
By parsing his words...we can only imagine what he really meant by what he said.
To hear his real intentions, click on the
John Kerry: He served in Vietnam...just in case you missed him saying it above.
Voice is impersonated.
Day #78: Gas Well Under $3/Gallon
Now - mind you - I'm no mathematician, but most gas stations in the Twin Cities have a gallon of gas selling for $1.85 to $1.87. I'm pretty sure that that's less than $3.00/gallon...isn't it?
Ratty Randi Rhodes on October 30, 2006 - 12 minutes into the second hour of her program, said the following: "The day after the election, gas goes back over $3/gallon."
Care to make any other predictions, Ratty?
U.S. Retail Gasoline Prices broken down into regions, states and cities.
Labels: Ratty Rhodes
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
The DemocRAT Response To
The State Of The Union Address
Webb, you may recall, is the Winner of The 2006 LPOS Award.
Jim Webb, Proud Winner of the 2006 LPOS Award
Here is what we can expect from Webb:
"Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, (obscenities deleted), blah, blah, blah, Bush Bad, blah, blah, blah. Cut and Run, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, (obscenities deleted), Darth Cheney, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. (obscenities deleted), blah, blah, blah, The Cost of The War, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, we have no ideas other than Cut and Run, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, (obscenities deleted), blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, Cut and Run, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah."
So You're A WISEGUY, Huh?
With its guest stars of Ray Sharkey and Kevin Spacey in the roles of the first two antagonists and villains to take on the law, to Jerry Lewis in the role of a garment manufacturer, the late, great Paul Winfield, Tim Curry and Deborah Harry in a multi-episode "arc" about the music industry, WISEGUY covered the spectrum of what a great television drama is all about.
If you can find it on DVD, buy it and watch it. You won't regret it. WISEGUY was indeed the "24" of its time.
The Dream Police
Monday, January 22, 2007
MrsSatan Wants To Chat!
"...Let's talk. Let's Chat. Let's start a dialogue about your ideas and mine. With a little help from technology, I'll be holding live online video chats....", said
Hey, I have some questions I'd like you to answer!
Arkansas state trooper and Clinton bodyguard from 1986 to 1993, Larry Patterson, among others including Dick Morris and other campaign aids say you used the below deplorable ethnic and racist words:
Some of the anti-Semitic slurs with which she commonly laced her tirades against [her husband] Bill were "Jew motherfucker," "Jew Boy" and "Jew Bastard."
"If she disagreed with Bill Clinton or she disagreed with some of the Jewish community in Little Rock -- or some of the ethnic community -- she would often make these statements." "She would say ' Jew Bastard' or call her husband a 'Jew boy' or a 'motherfucking Jew'," Patterson told the WABC New York radio audience.
Patterson said he heard Hillary "utter anti-Jewish epithets between 10 and 20 times over the course of his six years at the Arkansas governor's mansion."
Patterson said Hillary was no stranger to the "N" word either. He heard her say "nigger" "probably six, eight, ten times. She would be upset with someone in the black community and she would use the 'N' word, like, you heard they've got the president's brother on tape using the 'N' word."
Paul Fray, who ran Bill Clinton's failed 1974 congressional campaign in Arkansas, told Fox News Channel, "Sure, she did," when asked if Hillary called him a "f---ing Jew bastard."
Paul's wife Mary indeed Confirms and substantiates the above.
Dick Morris, who used to be one of your and your husband's most trusted confidants confirms you used racist and ethnic slurs. Why would he say this if it were not true?
Question: Why would Paul and Mary Fray, and Dick Morris, say what they say if it weren't true and accurate?
Why hasn't anyone in the MSM ever asked her these questions?
If former Virginia Senator George Allen is held accountable for his words, why is a different standard applied to
I know you'd like to "try to visit everyone's living room," - but since you can't - maybe you can just answer the above questions about your using the above abhorrent racial and ethnic terms. Even better, if you claim you never ever said them, would you voluntarily consent to a polygraph test while you were asked "Yes" or "No" if you ever used language like the above?
Additional Reading on
Jonah Goldberg: Hillary Slur Speaks Volumes
Speak Out: The Clintons Are Foul-Mouthed Racists
The Brown And White: A Dose of DC
Hillary Project: How Nice It Must Be To Be Around Them, by Reinhold Aman
Mens News Daily: Mel-icious Intent, by Bob Parks
Linking Here:
Charming, Just Charming
Mondale The Great!
"I think Cheney has stepped way over the line. I think Cheney's been at the center of cooking up farcical estimate of nation risks, weapons of mass destruction and the 9/11 connection to Iraq."
Walter Mondale: Worst. Vice President. Ever!
Mondale recalled that when he came home to Minnesota after he and Carter lost their 1980 re-election, someone asked him "what on earth [do] you have to be proud of" after a one-term administration considered to be a failure.
"I answered, 'Well, we told the truth, we obeyed the law and we kept the peace.'" (1)
And let's not forget the most significant failure - second only to the hostage CRISIS - of the Carter-Mondale Administration, the botched rescue mission and helicopter fiasco in Tehran, Operation Eagle Claw, in 1980.
Yeah, Fritzy - you've got so very, very much of which to be proud!
The Carter-Mondale team was a laughing stock, both nationally and internationally, while they were in office. They still are. Old DemocRATS like Mondale never die. The rose-colored glasses they wear just keep turning a darker shade of pink.
1) Quote below photo from the Mondale "Cheney Steps Way Over The Line" from similar story in the Minneapolis Star Tribune, available by free subscription.
Labels: Carter, Mondale The Great
One Hit News
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"His blood was running through my fingers as I tried to get him breathing," sobbed a wife as she recalled her husband's pub death. South Africa News 24
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Laos: Hmong rebel resistance still a force to be reckoned with. World Press
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UK Conservative Leader David Cameron says he may legalise cannabis for medical use if he becomes Prime Minister. Sky News
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Sleeping man survives being bitten twice by scorpion. South Wales
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Bells and Whistles Accessorize U.S. cars including "dashboard TV screens to watch whilst you waited for a parking space." ( while waiting for a parking space will be the only time drivers watch TV). BBC News
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A men's basketball player at Illinois-Chicago claims [Assistant Coach] Lynn Mitchem sexually harassed him by putting a hand on the player's bare chest in the locker room and making sexually suggestive comments. Belleville News Democrat
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Remember the Thames River Whale that died one year ago? Its Skeleton and story is now on display with its death appearing to have been caused by dehydration. Sky News
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One of my favorite all-time actors, Peter O'Toole has a new movie out : Free Internet Press
Michael Caine was O'Toole's understudy in The Long and the Short and the Tall; considering he never went on stage, Caine later said, it was incredible he was so exhausted at the end of the run, but waiting anxiously in the wings every night as O'Toole swung in at the very last minute was enough to give any man a coronary. Once, the pair went out drinking and woke up in a strange flat. "What time is it?" Caine asked. "Never mind what time it is," said O'Toole, "What fucking day is it?" And sure enough, it was two days later, three hours before curtain up.
"I do not regret one drop," O'Toole now says of his long nights, most famously spent with Richards [sic] Harris and Burton.
The World's Oldest Blogger Ohmy News:
Maria Amelia, the lively 95-year-old Spanish grandmother who has achieved global fame as the oldest of the world's 63.2 million bloggers, has given an exclusive interview to OhmyNews International.
Alabama Internet
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