Sunday, November 29, 2009
White House Party Crashers Creates Competency Quagmire for Obama
The Secret Service has formally apologized for allowing two party crashers into the White House state dinner on Tuesday night. The Secret Service continues to investigate how the husband and wife — who are looking for a role in a reality TV show — got past security and actually met the president. Melissa Blocks talks with Roxanne Roberts of The Washington Post.
The Secret Service issued an apology today for allowing two uninvited guests to crash the state dinner at the White House on Tuesday. Director Mark Sullivan said the Secret Service is deeply concerned and embarrassed and that established protocols were not followed at an initial checkpoint. That failing, he said, is ours.

I don't understand all the feigned outrage from The Insane Liberal Clown Posse (ILCP) and the Pbama Cultists over this. It was, after all, Michelle Pickles The Dangerous Washerwoman Obama who said - and deemed - the White House as belonging to America and belonging to the American people.
So...a couple of Americans decide to take up Barry and Pickles on their offer and stop by for a state dinner. What's the big deal?
Oh - oh - oh...the big deal is the egg on the face of the whole Pbama Administration. The inexperience, the hubris, the narcissism, the deer-in-the-headlights management style and the lack of qualifications of The Kenyan. He's a fraudulent impostor who is in so far deep over his head he doesn't know what end is up.
Don Long at The Shaved Ape says the party crashing is yet another example of The Community Organizer In Chief's incompetence and inexperience. I fully agree.
I guess since The Pbamas are members of the uber-Liberal Elite they don't so much connect to the Great Unwashed. Not that they ever did.
The White House belongs to all Americans. It belongs to the people. Sure, Pickles, sure. Tell us more lies.
Labels: Blame Pbama, Classless Pbama, Cultists, ILCP, Imposter Obama, Pbama Must Fail, Pickles Pbama, White House Crashers
Bank Failures Skyrocket Under The Failed Obama Administration; FDIC Broke
We're up to 124 bank failures in the ten short months The Kenyan has been in office. Zacks:
U.S. regulators on Friday [November 20] closed down Commerce Bank of Southwest Florida. Though there are some early signs of economic recovery, bank failures go on growing with rising loan defaults. This takes the total number of bank failures to 124, compared to 25 in 2008 and 3 in 2007.
Yep...the bank failures under W. Bush, well...the numbers were negligible. But under Pbama the bank closure numbers are skyrocketing. But you won't hear a peep out of his Cultists because they are too busy eating their Obama Shit Sandwiches saying, "yum yum, give us more Prednint Obama, give us more! We love your shit sandwiches. These are the most tasty sandwich evah !"

And the FDIC is broke. NY Slimes:
The government-administered insurance fund that protects depositors fell into the red for the first time since the fallout from the savings-and-loan crisis of the early 1990s as the pace of bank failures accelerated.
The fund had a negative balance of $8.2 billion at the end of the third quarter, federal regulators said Tuesday.
So far, the F.D.I.C. has seized and sold 124 banks in 2009, and analysts expect hundreds more to collapse in the months ahead.
In eleven short months under the Pbama Regime, there are 7.5 million jobs lost or aborted under Pbama. This is exactly what Pbama wants. He is doing the will of his puppet master(s), most likely - in my opinion -
Oh those Kool-Aid-injecting Pbama Cultists must be proud of their election-stealing Kenyan. He is doing a Heckuva Job. Just a Heckuva job!
Labels: Bank Failures, Blame Pbama, Cultists, George Soros György Schwartz, It's The Economy Stupid, MaCultists, Obama Shit Sandwich, Pbama Must Fail, PbamaNomics, The Market
Pro-Baby Killer Holds Knife To Throat of Pro-Lifer
A Superior, Wis., woman was arraigned in St. Louis County District Court on Wednesday after being accused of holding a knife to an anti-abortion demonstrator’s neck outside of Duluth’s Building for Women on Tuesday morning.
Mechelle Tallulah Hall, 25, is charged with second-degree assault.
Hall’s alleged motivation is unclear. According to the criminal complaint, at one point, she held the knife in a threatening manner and said "The reason I’m doing this is because I am certified crazy." She’s accused of holding the knife to the throat of a 21-year-old woman who was handing out pamphlets outside the Building for Women.
Labels: Abortion, Dems Are Haters, Dems Kill, Liberal Culture of Death, Liberals Are Fucking Stupid, Liberals Suck
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Happy Thanksgiving
Please refer to my 2008 Thanksgiving post and the link contained therein and DO SOMETHING for our Troops.
God Bless our Men and Women - and their families - who have served, and who currently serve, in the Military. And the Men and Women - and their families - of our Allies across the world who, along with us, defend the oppressed, promote freedom for all people and who are willing to put their lives on the line so that others may live free.
Obama Spends Two Whole Hours
on The Afghanistan War!
You really have to hand it to Dear Leader His Excellency Barack Hussein Obama, Junior. He spent two whole hours being briefed on the Afghanistan war! NY Slimes:
President Obama said Tuesday that he was determined to “finish the job” in Afghanistan, and his aides signaled to allies that he would send as many as 25,000 to 30,000 additional American troops there even as they cautioned that the final number remained in flux.
Mr. Obama went around the table in the White House Situation Room asking his senior advisers for summations of their individual assessments and to voice any concerns they still had, said an administration official who was briefed on the two-hour meeting.

Of course, now we can all officially agree that he is a Warmonger, since his Afghanistan plan portends increasing the Troop levels by some 30,000.
Afghanistan was going rather well under the Bush Admin, but along comes The Kenyan and poof, it goes straight to hell.
Afghanistan, under Obama, the MOST DEADLIEST YEAR EVER and only 35 percent approval rating of his handling of the war. AFP:
With 2009 by far the deadliest year for foreign troops in Afghanistan, critics of reinforcing the 68,000-strong US contingent portray the mission as unnecessary and unwinnable, warning it has begun to resemble Vietnam.
A USA TODAY/Gallup poll released Wednesday showed rising pessimism among the US public, with only 35 percent approving of Obama's handling of the conflict, down from 56 percent four months ago.
America was divided on the president's expected decision to dispatch some 34,000 more US troops. Half of those surveyed backed the plans, while 39 percent said it was time to begin withdrawing forces.
Where is the "War is Always Wrong, Always," crowd? They are unamazingly silient, aren't they?
Oh those Kool-Aid Injecting Pbama Cultists...never underestimate their deepest depths of hypocrisy and denial. Never.
This is as good as time as any to remind everyone that Obama HAS NO MILITARY EXPERIENCE AT ALL! NONE! ZERO! ZIP! And either does Herr Biden who received FIVE DEFERMENTS FOR his alleged ASTHMA.
Obama-Biden: They are doing a Heckuva job, aren't they?
Labels: Afghanistan Surge, Cultists, Dems Enable Terrorism, Dems Kill, Herr Biden, Liberal Culture of Death, Liberals Hate The Military, Osama Bin Laden, Pbama LPOS, Pbama Warmonger
Monday, November 23, 2009
Geithner Under Fire and Underwater;
WaPo Busy Fellating Obama Admin
[White House senior advisers] said Friday they were not alarmed by Geithner's rough treatment at the hands of Republican lawmakers on the Joint Economic Committee, which even included a call for him to resign.'s the WaPoo! Did I say neutral and objective? I must have one-too-may hits of The Chronic.
Awwwww. Po' Widdle Timmy Tim Tim The Tax Cheater. He was asked some tough questions, gosh darn it, about the Obama Admin and the Treasury Department's profligate spending of billions and trillions of taxpayer money! How dare anyone hold responsible, let alone accountable, the likes of Timmy Tim Tim The Tax Cheater and his boss Dear Leader His Excellency Barack Hussein Obama, Junior.
There were plenty of Democrats who grilled Timmy Tim Tim The Tax Cheater just as harshly and roughly as did the Republican lawmakers. Anyone who followed Geithner's Grilling knows many Dem lawmakers were not impressed by Geither's performance and showed nothing but incredulity and "even" rough treatment towards Geithner's ignorance, arrogance and inexperience. He's in way over his head. If he were a human, physical representation of a mortgage, he'd be underwater.
Brwady Dennith didn't mention this in his story because - well, my guess is - the WaPoo is far too busy fellating Hussein Obama, Junior and his Crooked Communist Cronies.

Eleven paragraphs into the story, Brwady finally gets around to noting that Geithner used taxpayer bailout money to pay AIG's creditors at full face value! Had this happened under any Republican Admin, this fact would have been placed near the beginning of the story and would have likely been the screaming headline, something like: "Bush Treas Sec Bails Out Wall Street Cronies at Full Value!"
And it isn't until the twelfth paragraph that Brwady mentions that one House Democrat said "no" when asked during a television interview whether Geithner should keep his job.
Geither is a Wall Street Good Old Boy. He'd be vilified, demonized and forced to resign if he were a part of any Republican Administration. But he has the approval of The Kenyan behind him along with the Liberal press, including the WaPoo, which is far too busy fellating the Pbama Admin and swallowing like the good little guzzlers that they are.
I wonder if the WaPoo keeps a stomach pump on its premises for their reporters, just in case they swallow too much...well, you know.
Labels: Geithner, It's The Economy Stupid, Marxism, Pbama And His Fascist Pigs, Pbama Must Fail, The Market
Druggy Patrick Kennedy Barred From Communion

Awwwwww. Druggy Patrick Kennedy is barred from receiving Communion. Providence Journal:
Providence Bishop Thomas J. Tobin has forbidden Rep. Patrick J. Kennedy to receive the Roman Catholic sacrament of Holy Communion because of his advocacy of abortion rights, the Rhode Island Democrat said Friday.
“The bishop instructed me not to take Communion and said that he has instructed the diocesan priests not to give me Communion,” Kennedy said in a telephone interview.
Kennedy said the bishop had explained the penalty by telling him “that I am not a good practicing Catholic because of the positions that I’ve taken as a public official,” particularly on abortion. He declined to say when or how Bishop Tobin told him not to take the sacrament. And he declined to say whether he has obeyed the bishop’s injunction.
Isn't it time Druggy Patrick Kennedy check into rehab again? He's only made two or three or four trips - that we know about - to try and kick the booze, the pills and who knows what other substances this pig abuses. Yes, that's right, I called him a pig. All Kennedy males are pigs. Fcuking pigs. They're a bunch of substance abusing, raging alcoholic, serial philandering, rapist, misogynistic pigs.

Speaking of the Kennedy family, Druggy Pat's dad Fat Ted Tumor Head Kennedy is still dead and permanently residing in Hell. And this is a wonderful, glorious thing that I have not yet fully finished rejoicing or celebrating. It's a tragedy Fat Ted lived as long as he did, considering his heinous career crime.
Labels: Any Kennedy Male, Druggy Patrick Kennedy, Ted Kennedy
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Obama Economic Policies Hinder Recovery

Pbamanomics - the economic policies of Dear Leader His Excellency Barack Hussein Pbama Junior - Marxists policies created and intended to purposefully ruin the U.S. Economy - are preventing the rebound of the U.S. Economy. al-Reuters:
...with banks reluctant to lend and consumers afraid of borrowing, chances of a strong and quick economic recovery are slim, bankers and investors said at the Reuters Global Finance Summit this week.
"It will take at least a couple of years to come out of this recession," said Denis Salamone, chief operating officer of Hudson City Bancorp (HCBK.O), the biggest U.S. thrift.
The U.S. economy grew at an annual rate of 3.5 percent in the third quarter, its first growth in more than a year. But the main impetus was government subsidies on cars and housing.
"We have to be cautious here because unemployment is still a big uncertainty, is forecast to continue to rise, and so we have to take a cautious outlook, even though things are notably better than they were a year ago," American Express Co (AXP.N) Chief Financial Officer Dan Henry said.
Unemployment rose to a 26-year high of 10.2 percent in October and is expected to be a drag on the economy for some time.
"Companies are not yet confident that we will be out of this. And some are concerned about a second dip coming out of this recession and, therefore, they are not hiring," Salamone said.
"People's consumption attitude is going to be different over a period of time, and I think that will lead them to not be the whole engine of the world economy," said Takeo Sumino, chief operating officer of Nomura Holding America, a unit of Japanese brokerage Nomura Holdings
Mortgage delinquency rates and the percentage of loans in foreclosure jumped to record highs in the third quarter, according to the Mortgage Bankers Association. It forecast the trend will continue into 2010.
Credit card losses are seen peaking next year, and commercial real estate losses will likely become a big headache for more lenders.
"If you think chargeoffs are bad now, wait until this unemployment rate sticks at 10 percent for over a 12-month time period," he said. "Everybody tries to live their lifestyle, and people only begin to change their lifestyle when they lose their job. Then reality sets in."
Labels: Bank Failures, Barry In Charge, Blame Pbama, It's The Economy Stupid, Job Losses, Leave It To Barry, Marxism, Pbama Must Fail, PbamaNomics
Obama Calls Great Wall, "Magical."
President Barack Obama absorbed history's expanse Wednesday from atop the Great Wall of China, a manmade wonder of such enormity that Mr. Obama found himself putting daily life in perspective.
"It's magical," Mr. Obama said, walking down a ramp alone, his hands in his pockets. "It reminds you of the sweep of history and our time here on earth is not that long. We better make the best of it."
Labels: Barry In Charge, China, Imposter Obama, Marxism, Obama Is A Pussy, Pbama Must Fail
Al Gore Claims Interior of Earth's Temperature, "Several million degrees."
Al Gore was on The Tonight Show with Conan O'Brien recently and was attempting to explain the utility of geothermal energy, which taps the Earth's heat to generate energy. In so doing, former Vice President Gore proved to be an ignoramus.
People think about geothermal energy — when they think about it at all — in terms of the hot water bubbling up in some places, but two kilometers or so down in most places 'cause the interior of the earth is extremely hot, several million degrees aces there are these incredibly hot rocks, , and the crust of the earth is hot ..."
The problem is that Al Gore got the temperature of the interior of the Earth wrong by several orders of magnitude. The actual temperature of the Earth's interior is upwards to six thousand degrees Celsius. "Several million degrees" would describe the temperature of the interior of the Sun.
In other words, if Al Gore were right, the Earth would not be a planet but a star.

This is a man who, in a specific area of science, has no formal training and education in the area of which he speaks, yet millions of Kool-Aid injecting EnviroTards and Cultists bow to him like the Global Warming Guru that he poses and postures as.
Gore doesn't know Michael Jordan from Michael Jackson. And he's asking us to believe him on so-called Global Warming? I have ocean front property for sale for all you Gore Global Warming believers. Send me your money. I will reserve, for you in your name, 150 yards of prime, sandy, beach front property on Pluto. Plenty of land to build waterfront property. Low down payments and affordable monthly payment. Yeah...send me your money. You're gullible. Beyond gullible.

This must be true because Al Gore, Junior said so.
Labels: Al Gore, Albert Gore, Cultists, EnviroTards, Gore earth fever, Liberal Hysteria, Liberals Are Fucking Stupid
Mary Landrieu Is For Sale
Chubby LiberNazi U.S. Marxist Senator Mary Landrieu of Louisiana is for sale. Her price for voting to support the Rationed and Socialized healthcare program known as ObamaCare is one-million dollars...and then some. APee:
Section 2006 takes up only a few dozen lines in a sweeping health care bill that runs to 2,074 pages and mentions neither Sen. Mary Landrieu nor her state of Louisiana. But the section's purpose is indisputable: to deliver $100 million or more in federal funds to the state. And in the process clear the way for one of three moderate Democratic fence-sitters — Ben Nelson of Nebraska and Blanche Lincoln of Arkansas are the others — to help propel the legislation past its initial hurdle in a crucial Saturday vote.
"You're being mean, David."
"Naaaah. I'm just havin' a bit o' fun."
Labels: Death Panels, Dems Kill, Liberal Culture of Death, Mary Landrieu, PbamaNomics, Rationed Health Care, Tax and Spend
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Fake President, Fake Jobs, Real Costs
The Obama administration, under fire for inflating job growth from the $787 billion stimulus plan, slashed over 60,000 jobs from its most recent report on the program because the reporting outlets had submitted "unrealistic data," according to a document obtained by ABC News.
...the omitted data from the 12 outlets reflected 60,803 jobs saved or created from over $20 million in stimulus funds. If the administration had included the data in its report last month, the total job growth from the stimulus would have exceeded 700,000, rather than the 640,000 ultimately reported.
"The more we learn about the administration's 'jobs created or saved' methodology, the more questions we have regarding its accuracy and validity," Rep. Darrell Issa told ABC News Sunday night. "Now we learn that OMB is playing an active role in trying to filter information. Given this hands-on role that the administration is playing, it would be appropriate to have OMB represented at Thursday's hearing."
Since the latest stimulus report, there have been numerous media reports that the jobs numbers were inflated.
The Associated Press said the report "significantly overstates the number of jobs spared with money from programs serving families and children, mostly the Head Start preschool program."
The Denver Post also cited overstated federal figures with the Colorado Head Start program, noting that the government reported 269 jobs saved or created by the program, but only three were actually saved or created.
The Chicago Tribune noted that the administration said $4.7 million in stimulus money for schools in north Chicago had saved the jobs of 473 teachers, but the school district only employed 290 teachers. The statistics – claiming that stimulus money had helped save or create 14,330 school jobs in Illinois – were "riddled with anomalies that raise questions about their validity."
The Boston Globe also reported that Massachusetts recipients of stimulus funds claimed that 12,000 jobs had been saved or created, "that number has been inflated by miscounts, erroneous figures, or claiming jobs for work not yet started."

Lies. Nothing but Lies every time The Kenyan and his Admin speaks or releases information. Lies. All lies.
Where is the outrage from the Pbama Cultists who claimed they would hold their Messyiah responsible, unlike - they alleged - those of us who, at times, supported George W. Bush? Why so silent, Cultists? Why so deathly afraid to hold your failure of a Messyiah responsible and accountable for his actions and his policies? Why so afraid to speak up? Too busy intravenously injecting that Kool-Aid?
Just how deep is the Cultists' level of denial? How high is up?
Labels: Blame Pbama, Cultists, Imposter Obama, It's The Economy Stupid, Job Losses, Marxism, Pbama Stimupork, PbamaNomics
Joe Biden+Cars=Accidents and Deaths
Biden escort involved in auto wreck. ABQ News:
A Bernalillo County Sheriff's deputy escorting Vice President Joe Biden's motorcade was hit this afternoon at Gibson and Carlisle.
Police say a woman drove around two police units blocking the intersection and hit a car driven by a sergeant with BCSO.
No injuries or arrests have been reported, but the sergeant has been taken to Presbyterian Hospital for evaluation.
A sheriff's spokeswoman would not say whether the vice president had already gone through the area at the time of the accident.
Two armored U.S. Secret Service vehicles, including a limousine sometimes used by Vice President Biden, struck and killed a man hours before dawn Wednesday as he was crossing rain-slicked Suitland Parkway near the District-Maryland border, authorities said.
The pedestrian, whose name was withheld by police pending notification of his next of kin, was struck by the limousine and a Chevrolet Suburban at 2:27 a.m. at Naylor Road, just over the District line in Prince George's County, according to the Secret Service and U.S. Park Police.
Biden had used the limousine Tuesday during a visit to Fort Lewis, Wash., and the Suburban had also been part of the vice president's motorcade during the trip, Wiley said.
Authorities said that a tractor-trailer hits the BMW driven by Jill Biden, wife of U.S. senator Joe Biden, on southbound I-95 south of Delaware 141 at around 9:45 a.m. when the tractor-trailer changed lanes and injured her.
According to Delaware State Police Corporal Jeff Whitmarsh, the Maryland tractor-trailer driver, Duane Vanderbosh, of Perryville, was driving a 1988 International tractor-trailer south in the left center lane of the highway next to the BMW being driven by Jill Biden, of Greenville. As the rig changed lanes to the left, it hit Mrs. Biden's car.
Jill Biden was injured to some extent and taken to Christiana Hospital, where she was treated for minor injuries and released.

Watch out! Get out of the way! Joe's driving or here comes his motorcade!
Biden lied, people died.
What is it with Herr Biden and auto-related deaths? I thought we put auto-related deaths to rest after Fat Ted Tumor Head Kennedy got a first-class ticket to Hell?
Is Herr Biden taking up the Fat Dead Ted Tumor Head Kennedy Legacy of killing people with automobiles? It certainly looks that way.
Bidencide? Or maybe Herr Biden is having these people killed, only he's making it look like a car accident? I mean, if Bush and Cheney can mastermind September 11, who knows if Biden is killing people under the guise of it being an "auto accident?"
Labels: Any Kennedy Male, Biden, Biden Charity, Cokehead Ashley Biden, Dems Kill, Herr Biden, Liberal Culture of Death, Ted Kennedy
Edward Woodward Dies
Actor Edward Woodward has died a the age of 79. BBC:
Veteran actor Edward Woodward has died aged 79, his agent has confirmed.
The Croydon-born star had been suffering from various illnesses, including pneumonia, and died in hospital, said Janet Glass.
Woodward is most famous for his roles in the cult 1973 horror film The Wicker Man, alongside Sir Christopher Lee, and TV series The Equalizer and Callan.
Sir Christopher described Woodward as "a very good friend and a splendid actor".
Ms Glass said he had been ill for several months and passed away surrounded by members of his family.
The actor, who lived in Hawker's Cove near Padstow, died at the Royal Cornwall Hospital in Truro.
"I knew him a very long time and he was a superb human being," she said.
"That integrity shone through in the roles he played. I can't ever remember, in all the productions he undertook, anyone having a bad word to say about him and he never had anything bad to say about anyone else either."

And from another BBC obituary story of Mr. Woodward:
The success of Callan earned him an award for TV Actor of the Year and led to Woodward starring in a long-running American television series, The Equaliser.
His five years in New York made him wealthy, but Woodward regretted making the series, which took a heavy toll on his health.
Working 20 hours at a time, he coped by smoking 100 cigarettes a day - and had a major heart attack.
But the role did win him a coveted Golden Globe for best actor in 1987.
"The Equalizer" was an awesome show. It's first season received so many complaints and public criticism about the level of violence and gunfire in the episodes that subsequent seasons were somewhat moderated - to a point - to the detriment of the content of the program and the issues it dealt with.
I don't think it was because the program and its creators deliberately intended to up the ante regarding the violent content; it was more that "The Equalizer" reflected real world violence and it did so without flinching. It was genuine, it was real, it was gritty and Woodward was suited-to-a-T for playing the character role of ex-spy/agent Robert McCall.
Full filmography here.
Two, of many, of Woodward's performances that are worth repeated viewings are the critically acclaimed film "Breaker Morant" (fantastic) and the cult classic "The Wicker Man."
Edward Woodward...a Class Act. May he rest in peace.
Labels: Celebrity Deaths, Edward Woodward, The Equalizer
Monday, November 16, 2009
Obama Seeks Delay in Fort Hood Probe
Usually, it is impossible to keep The Libs and Progs from fast-tracking and rushing into an investigation. Any investigation.
But the Muslim-Terrorist-In-Chief, Dear Leader His Excellency Barack Saddam Hussein Obama, Junior wants to delay an investigation into the Fort Hood terrorist acts of Nidal Malik Hasan. APee:
Obama turned his attention home and pleaded for lawmakers to "resist the temptation to turn this tragic event into the political theater." He said those who died on the nation's largest Army post deserve justice, not political stagecraft.
Obama said he was not opposed to hearings — eventually. But he strongly pressed lawmakers to hold off until the probes now under way are completed.
"There is an ongoing investigation into this terrible tragedy," Obama said. "That investigation will look at the motives of the alleged gunman, including his views and contacts."
Notice he called what happened at Fort Hood a, "terrible tragedy," and not what it really is: Radical Islamic Terrorism.
We know the motives of Hasan. They can be summed up by Hasan himself when he uttered, 'Allahu Akbar'.
What is it Obama is trying to cover-up? Is he connected to Hasan in some way?
Obama is afraid to upset the delicate Radical Muslim world. The Religion of Peace. Yeah...I remember the peaceful protests over the Danish cartoons. Theo Van Gogh...he too was a victim of The Religion of Peace.

Thank Obama for showing the world Cowardice with a capital "C." When the U.S. experiences another terrorist attack - and it will, and it will happen while Obama is in office - be sure to thank Obama. He will have permitted and allowed it to happen. His weakness, his cowardice, his appeasement and his pacification will have invited another terrorist attack.
If Obama fought against terrorism and terrorists as hard as he fights FOX News, we could all sleep safely at night. But he won't do this. That's because he's a Muslim.
Labels: Blame Pbama, Dems Enable Terrorism, ILCP, Imposter Obama, Obama Is A Pussy, Obama's Muslim Faith, Pbama Must Fail, Terrorism
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Bowing Obama or, How Barry Learned to Stop Wincing and Take it Up The Ass

Dear Leader His Excellency The Affirmative Action Prednint Barack Hussein Obama, Junior bowed to the Japanese Emperor. LA Times:
How low will he go? Obama gives Japan's Emperor Akihito a wow bow (Updated with video, pic).
(UPDATES: 12:22 p.m. A brief news video has been added below, showing the greeting in this photograph. Contrary to some claims, the video shows no reciprocal bow by the emperor, who traditionally bows to no one. And we've added a file photo from 2007 of Vice President Dick Cheney greeting the Japanese Emperor in the same door way in a different fashion.)
Here's how Former Vice President Dick Cheney greeted the Japanese Emperor:

America bows to no one, except when we have a Cowardly, Marxist, Pacifying, Appeasing Cokcsucker in the White House.
We all remember Pbama's submissive bow to the Saudi King:

Gay Barry. Flaming Barry. Barry likes having his butt up in the air waiting for penetrating incoming projectiles. Come out of the closet, Barry. There is no shame in your being gay. A sham, yes, a sham of everything you claim to be but aren't. Sham yes; shame no.
Labels: Barney Frank, Cowardly Liberals, Dick Cheney, Flaming Barry, Flaming Obama, FraudBama, Michael Signator, Obama Bows, Obama Is GAY, Pbama Must Fail
U.S. Army Suicide Rates on Track For Record High On Obama's Watch
The number of suicides among active- duty U.S. Army troops this year reached 133 in October, 18 more than in the same period last year and putting the service within reach of a new annual high.
The 133 reported suicides, including the National Guard and Reserves, between January and October compared with 115 during the same period in 2008 when the service recorded 140 by year’s end, an annual record, the Army said in a statement.

Increased suicides in the U.S. Military sent the Insane Liberal Clown Posse (ILCP) into fits of seething rage and venom-spitting hyperbole towards W. Bush when he was the president. Wanna bet the ILCP and the Pbama Cultists are being the dutiful, obedient, steeped-in-denial little Pillow-Biting goose-stepping Little Eichmanns that we all know they are?
Labels: Blame Pbama, Cultists, Dems Are Haters, Dems Kill, ILCP, Liberals Hate America, Liberals Hate The Military, Liberals Suck
Nearly 4,000 Dead in U.S. from H1N1...Blame Obama, it's His Katrina

Whew! 4,000 dead U.S. Soldiers were a big political deal for The Liberals, a political tool they used in denigrating and vilifying then-President George W. Bush.
We now have nearly 4,000 deaths in the United States from the H1N1 virus and the same LiberNazis who vilified Bush are saying...nothing about 4,000 of their fellow Americans dying from a lack of H1N1 immunizations due to a vaccine shortage.
Guess who is responsible for the vaccine shortage? That's right. It's The Affirmative Action Kenyan Prednint Dear Leader His Excellency Barack Hussein Obama, Junior. His Center for Disease Control has failed. His lack of preparedness at the federal level killed these 4,000 Americans.
Hell, even the World Socialist Web Site recognizes this:
A new estimate by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) places the US death toll from the swine flu, or H1N1 virus, much higher than had been previously reported. The death rate among the young and healthy is also far greater than both recent CDC estimates and that of normal flu strains.
Nearly 4,000 American have died as a result of the swine flu, out of an estimated 22 million who have been infected with the virus, according to the new CDC calculations, which are extrapolations based on data gathered in ten states.
Approximately three quarters of all deaths have been among those aged 18 to 64. About 540 teenagers, children and babies have died as a result of the swine flu—a figure four times higher than that reported last week by the CDC, and seven times the death total for a typical flu strain—with the heart of flu season, December through May, still to come.
There have been a total of 98,000 H1N1-related hospitalizations, with more than a third of these, 36,000, among those age 17 and under.
The Obama administration ordered approximately 250 million doses of the vaccine, and confidently predicted that 120 million of those would be available to the public by this point. Instead, the federal government has received only 42 million doses as of Thursday, and not all of these have been distributed.
The White House cannot claim that its response to H1N1 came for lack of time to prepare, with epidemiologists concluding last spring that the virus would produce a full-scale pandemic that could claim many lives.
Such has been the administration’s incompetence and indifference to the pandemic that commentators have suggested the swine flu may well become “Obama’s Katrina,” a reference to the callous and blundering response of the Bush administration to the hurricane that laid waste to the US Gulf Coast and its principal city, New Orleans, in 2005.
As was the case with Hurricane Katrina, the swine flu epidemic has revealed the decrepit state of infrastructure in the US and the indifference of a government whose overriding concerns are the profit margins of Wall Street banks and the imperialist wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Delivery and disbursal of the vaccine in the US has been compromised by the decimation of public health care over the past several decades through budget cutbacks and layoffs. This has only been accelerated by the economic crisis, with doctors, nurses and administrators being laid off from vital public health jobs even as they are most needed.

Way to go, Barry. You are doing a Heckuva' Job, darn it, just a Heckuva' Job.
This is all in The Kenyan's Master kill as many Americans as possible.
Labels: Blame Pbama, Flu, Imposter Obama, Liberal Culture of Death, Pbama Is Hated, Pbama Must Fail
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Troop Morale Down in Obama's Continued Illegal Occupation of Afghanistan
Morale has fallen among soldiers in Afghanistan, where troops are seeing record violence in the 8-year-old war, while those in Iraq show much improved mental health amid much lower violence, the Army said Friday. It was the first time since 2004 that soldier suicides in Iraq did not increase. Self-inflicted deaths in Afghanistan were on track to go up this year.

I thought The ILCP said that since W. Bush failed to capture Osama Bin Laden in Afghanistan, that it was a failed war effort and that we should redeploy our Soldiers and bring them home. Well, Obama hasn't captured Bin Laden, so...why are we still in Afghanistan? What are the benchmarks? What is the point? Why are we there? Obama receives a Free Pass in not having to answer these same questions that were asked of W. Bush on a minute-by-minute basis by the ILCP during his Admin.
The Afghan report also found a shortage of mental health workers to help soldiers who needed it, partly because of the buildup Obama started this year with the dispatch of more than 20,000 extra troops.
Other findings of the Afghanistan survey included:
* Exposure to combat, long recognized as a strong factor in mental health problems, was significantly higher this year than rates in 2005 and similar to rates in 2007 for the combat units.
* Combat units reported significantly lower unit morale in the last six months of their tours of duty, more evidence of the wearing affect of long deployments.
But the bi-racial Kenyan-born piece of shit receives the Coveted Free Pass from all the good little goose-stepping Marxist, America-hating, knuckle-dragging drooling LiberNazis. This is no surprise to the rest of us. We know they hate America and they hate - absolutely hate - the U.S. Military.
All the bloodshed, all the torture, all the carnage, the decreased morale, the increase in suicides, the billions of dollar spent on Obama's Illegal Occupation of Afghanistan and Iraq. It's all his fault. He owns it now, fully and wholly. And so do his Cultists who, for almost eight years, did nothing but denigrate the U.S. Soldiers in Afghanistan.
Labels: Afghanistan Surge, Cultists, ILCP, Liberal Culture of Death, Liberals Hate America, Liberals Hate The Military, Pbama Is Hated, Pbama Must Fail, Pbama Warmonger
The Skanky Miller Show: Nidal Malik Hasan's Murderous Rampage Not Terrorism

For instance, he said that Hasan's murderous rampage cannot really be classified as terrorism because "only 13 people died."
He said that Hasan's acts don't fall under the definition of terrorism because civilians were not targeted, only Military personnel.

He said that it is disrespectful to portray images of Barack Hussein Pbama, Junior with a Hitler-esque mustache. Awww. "Dat's. So. Sad." Especially considering how The Left never uses the politics of personal attack against their political opponents.
He said that Hasan's actions aren't terrorism because Hasan was "teased."
Awwwwww - poor diaper head was teased. Isn't that terrible? He must be the only one in the entire fucking world - let alone the Military - who has been teased. So of course, his actions are justified by Liberals. And using this justification, anyone teased by Liberals receives a "Get out of Jail Free" card. Huh, this has me thinking the rest of us can shoot and murder Liberals and Progressives with complete immunity considering how they tease anyone who doesn't believe what they believe.
The fact that Hasan targeted Military personnel should mean the crime is more heinous than if he had targeted civilians. After all, Hasan took an oath to protect his fellow Soldiers, an oath that is supposed to supersede one's religious beliefs, cultural background, race, ethnicity and skin color. But Hasan didn't honor his oath, did he.
And we now know that 13 is at least one of the magic numbers that is low enough to not qualify as being a "terrorist act." I'm not sure what the precise number of dead is supposed to be, or is supposed to reach, before it is declared terrorism, but we know that 13 dead...well, it's just not enough to be considered terrorism.

Then Fathead Jowly Jim Ward chimed in wondering how could one person, Hasan, kill so many people. Ward is proffering some sort of conspiracy theory. Yeah, uh-huh, he's probably right. Hasan had an accomplice. Probably situated on the Grassy Knoll.
It's okay to kill and murder Liberals, everyone. Get to it. We have complete and total immunity because we've been "teased" by Liberals.
HooRay! It's open season on killing Liberals! Hot Damn, this is going to be fun! I've been teased and ridiculed by Liberals. Guess that gives me complete immunity from going on a terroristic rampage of killing Liberals and Progressives. Now...what caliber should I choose? Any suggestions?
Labels: Blame America, Dems Enable Terrorism, Ft. Hood, Islamic Terrorism, Jowly Jim Ward, Liberals Are Fucking Stupid, Liberals Hate America, Liberals Hate The Military, Skanky Miller
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Michelle Pickles Obama The Dangerous Washerwoman appears to have done away with the uppity J. Crew sweater look and instead has moved to the fashion area of garage and yard sale K-Mart clothing. She's so classy. Brought to you by WizBang!
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Don Long at The Shaved Ape dons the HazMat suit once again for some dirty, filthy, virus and bacteria laden research. He's ventured into the sewer of the Liberal Blogosphere and reports on the absurd things he found there. Note to Don: Don't forget to burn the HazMat suit.
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David Codrea at The War on Guns finds that air fresheners in cars can be a "windshield obstruction." And there's even a car air freshener that smells like bacon. BACON! Mmmmmmmm....Bacon!
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The White Man's "I Have a Dream Speech," brought to you by The Mad Jewess.
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Tym Machine brings us up-to-date on Canadian politics. Translation HERE.
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Guy K at Charming, Just Charming refers to Nidal Malik Hasan as "A Soldier of Allah." And a terrorist. Right on both counts, Guy.
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Oprah "I'm Fat Again" Winfrey wonders if Sarah Palin would invite Levi Johnston to dinner. House of Eratosthenes.
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Gribbit's post title says it all: Hasan's Murderous Rampage and his PTSD BS.
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The lesson to be learned is this: Instruct your children to NEVER EVER EVER answer questions being asked by school authorities. Say NOTHING! Good advice from Ogre.
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Velvet Hammer examines Obama's unintended humor when he spoke of fiscal responsibility. Obama...Fiscal Responsibility! Bwa ha ha. Isn't this like having spBarney spFrank lecture someone on how to pleasure women in bed?
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Lettuce Trim is examined at Big Dick's Place. Any you'll never think of lettuce the same again. Or slices of pizza dripping with extra cheese, for that matter. Trust me. Just trust me.
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NY-23’s Dede Scozzafava a "victim of a dysfunctional GOP purge"? That's what Nuke says about the WaPo piece shedding crocodile tears for Ms. ScuzzyFuzza.
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Clint Heine on the Ivory Tower Hypocrisy on a Millionaire Carbon Guzzling Pop Star. Pop stars need to be carbon guzzlers...they are far more important than the rest of us.
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Bloggin' Outloud lobbies to keep the "F" word vulgar and not overused to the point of banality. I'll do my part: "Fuck the fucking fucktard fuckhead FuckLiberals and Fucking Pbama Cultists with fucking shit for fucking brains." Vulgarity. I like it. The "F" word has its rightful place in our lexicon. It needs to be used fucking judiciously, fucking damn it, otherwise it just fucking becomes overused to the point of fucking fuck-worthless losing all fucking meaning. And we fucking can't have that! Fuck!
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Cal Tech Gal has a fix for you if your Itunes 9 is acting up.
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Retro: The Nose on Your Face with Military Gay Recruitment Posters.
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Shining City brings us a fantastic look at Dog's welcoming home and being reunited with Soldiers via Mental Floss. It's a fantastic collection, not to be missed.
Labels: Blogworthy
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Obama Pretends He Cares About Veterans;
Ready to Increase Troops in Afghanistan
President Barack Obama paid fond tribute Wednesday to the determination of the U.S. military, from those who served generations ago to today's troops fighting in Afghanistan, Iraq and missions around the world.

So Pbama dragged himself off the basketball court or postponed his golf game while he feigned concern for the plight of the American Solider. It had to just kill this Fascist Impostor who is illegally occupying the White House. He must have choked on his words of supporting the United States Military.
In related news, Americans are against sending more troops to Afghanistan and disapprove of the job Obama is doing. APee:
45 percent of people now disapprove of Obama's handling of Iraq, up from 37 percent; while 48 percent now disapprove of his handling of Afghanistan, up from 41 percent. A majority of Americans oppose both wars. And more than half — 54 percent — now oppose sending more troops to Afghanistan, an increase from 50 percent last month.
...after months of conferences with top advisors, President Obama has settled on a new strategy for Afghanistan. CBS News correspondent David Martin reports that the president will send a lot more troops and plans to keep a large force there, long term.
The president still has more meetings scheduled on Afghanistan, but informed sources tell CBS News he intends to give Gen. Stanley McChrystal most, if not all, the additional troops he is asking for.

So...Barry is ready to send more Troops to Afghanistan and his plans are to keep a large force there, long term. Huh...when W. Bush reached decisions like these, he was called a Warmonger who is advancing American wonder the world hates us. I guess the same must hold true for Obama: he is a Warmonger who is advancing American Imperialism. No wonder the world hates us.
I'll ask the most redundant question I've ever asked on this blog: Hey...all you "War is Always Wrong. Always," crowd...just where the hell are you? Why so dutifully and obediently silent? What's it like being a steeped-in-denial Pbama Cultist? Where is your outrage? Where is your chant of, "Bring the Troops home Now!" Where is your mantra of, "No More Illegal Occupation of Afghanistan." Why so quiet, Cultists?
Labels: Afghanistan Surge, Blame Pbama, Cultists, Flaming Obama, Liberal Culture of Death, Liberals Hate America, Liberals Hate The Military, Pbama Warmonger, The World Still Hates Us
Flaming Obama: Burning Man Obama

An artist has created Flaming Barry. Flaming Barack Hussein Obama, Junior.
No, it's not a limp-wristed, lisping, bi-racial, gym-rat representation of the prednint dropping the soap in the showers who always has time for his fitness routine but little time for the real problems facing America and even less time for U.S. Soldiers fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan. It could have been. It could have. But it's not.

Flaming Barry was created by Chinese artist Liu Bolin. al-Reuters:
A sculpture by Chinese artist Liu Bolin titled "Burning Man Obama" is tested at a workshop in Beijing November 11, 2009. The sculpture represents U.S. President Barack Obama's impact on the world.
Flaming Barry. Of course, that's the name Mike Signator has called him for years.
Labels: Does Obama Have AIDS, Flaming Barry, Flaming Obama, Michael Signator, Obama Is GAY

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