Tuesday, February 28, 2006
Giant Squid Displayed at London Museum

"Need...(munch munch, chew chew)...more...(sluuuurrrrrp)....garlic butter."
Pull Our Troops Out of Iraq Immediately: What Is The "Intent"?
Let's then allow, if a majority of the Iraqi people desire it, to permit Saddam Hussein return as the ruler of Iraq. I mean, after all, the Left tells us daily that he isn't, and never was, that bad of a guy. He didn't have Weapons of Mass Destruction, even though Clintonite Secretary of State Madeline Albright, and others, told us time and time again that the world believes that he indeed had them (See Sources below: 1, 2, 3, 4).
I'm sure that once the U.S. presence in the Middle East is gone all types of terrorism will cease. We can negotiate with, and appease terrorists, can't we?
Further, if the ruler of a foreign country decides to massacre hundreds or thousands of his own people, who are we, the U.S., or any other country for that matter, to question that judgment? In retrospect, the fact that Bill Clinton did nothing while Rwandans were slaughtered, was the right (in)action to take, wasn't it?
If Iran wants to enrich uranium they should be allowed to do just that. We don't know for sure that they would use it to develop WMD's. And until Iran uses said weapons, well, we just can't interfere on the basis of intent, right?
Intent is a funny thing. We don't interfere with intent of sexual solicitation of children until the predator has actually committed and completed the sexual act with the minor, do we? There is no legal interference with the intent of a drunken driver of an automobile until the driver actually damages property or injures, maims, or kills another person, do we? Can't we all agree that drunken driving is a victimless crime until the point where person or property is actually, tangibly injured or damaged?
No free country would attempt to interfere with an airline hi-jacking, or interfere with a plan by students to kill their fellow students in a grade or high school while it is still in the plotting and planning stages; a matter of intent, rather than in process, real-time.
The law does not interfere with a planned or plotted attempt of robbery or theft until the illegal act is actually committed or completed, right? So, why should we base enforcement or reaction to any crime when it hasn't actually happened; when it is only at the "intent stage"?
The above is what the Left is saying. There's no hypocrisy in any of the above examples using the logic of the Left. It's all about intent. And if we're going to use intent as the benchmark as the basis for action, reaction, or indifference, then let's bring the troops home today. And while we're at it, we'll have to reverse previously convicted DUI'ers who never injured property or people, child molesters who were convicted only at the "intent stage", and all other people doing time in jail who were convicted on only intent, not the actual committing of a crime.
And when an ally, or any country for that matter, asks for our help, we can base our action, reaction or indifference based on intent. Because until a bomb explodes killing people, or a suicide bomber kills others, or an offender actually commits and completes a crime, or an airliner is hi-jacked in real-time, or until school children are actually dead or injured, why, it is only intent.
And we can't consider the actions of someone suspect based only on intent now, can we, because this is what the Left is telling us.
1: Norman Podhoretz;
2: Snopes;
3: Brainy Quote;
4: J.R. Whipple
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Linking Here:
The Right Place
Basil's Blog
Monday, February 27, 2006
When Dogs Dream?

No copyright infringement intended Mr. Hickerson...I've been reading "The Quigmans" since my college days, and you've never run out of ideas or found the need to take a hiatus like many of your peers. You ARE the Best!
MrsSatan: In Dire Need of A Tin Foil Hat
"Karl Rove is a brilliant strategist. So, if I were thinking about this," she told WROW-AM radio in Albany, "I'd say, why are they spending so much time talking about me?"
MrsSatan: "[Republicans] say to me, I've had enough [of Bush]."
According to the Sentinel: "Clinton attributed increased support for the Democratic Party to GOP ethics scandals, as well as national spending and military death tallies."
MrsSatan: She's Strong and Tough on Port Security, damnit!
Clinton said critical infrastructures like seaports must be operated by the United States, not foreign-owned companies. However, Hillary Clinton critics have pointed out that during her husband Bill Clinton's administration, several ports -- including a US naval base -- were turned over to companies based in communist China, as well as other nations.
According to columnist Charles Krauthammer, in spite of objections voiced by the intelligence community, Clinton pushed for deals with communist China after he allegedly received campaign contributions from Chinese lobbyist Johnny Chung.
"While Hillary and other politicians are demagoguing the issue and calling for port management to be performed by US companies, they all know there are no companies in the US that perform such work except for perhaps Haliburton(sic).
MrsSatan Laughs off her low poll numbers. (Yeah, she Cackles just like a Wicked Witch.)
Make no mistake about the results of her poll numbers dropping two-plus years before the election. The Liberal Media is once again doing the dirty work for the Democratic Party in setting her up to be the Comeback Kiddress just as they did for her husband, Mr. Hillary Clinton.
MrsSatan needs to be custom fitted for a Tin-Foil Hat if she indeed believes the things she is currently puking out of her pie hold. I'm sure this guy has Some Extra Tin Foil Hats to spare.

"Oh I'm just wild about Hillary, but she's not wild about me...oh I'm just wild about, there's nothing mild about, my obsession with Hill-a-reeeeeey!"
Uhhh, Karl, it's official now, she prefers to be called by her real name, MrsSatan, not Hillary. Just so you know......
Dennis Weaver, Dead at 81
Best known and recognized for his roles in televisions' "Gunsmoke" and "McCloud", my two personal favorite Dennis Weaver performances (besides "McCloud") are him being chased by a menacing semi-truck in "Duel" and as a cocaine addicted salesman in "Cocaine: One Man's Seduction".
From his Bio:
Was a former Track and Field athlete from the University of Oklahoma. [He] placed 6th in the 1948 Olympic Trials in the Decathlon. Bob Mathias placed first; Weaver won the final event, the 1500 meter run.
Gave his character Chester on Gunsmoke a bad leg and a limp out of fear that he would not be noticed when playing scenes with the 6' 9" James Arness unless his character had an unusual trait that would call attention to him.

Dennis Weaver, 1924-2006
Rest In Peace
Sunday, February 26, 2006
Notable Names Congratulate My One Year Blog Anniversary!
MEGA-THANKS to those bloggers who've thought enough of what I do here to link to me, and to those who've found something noteworthy enough to mention on their blogs and drive some traffic over here. Your kindness is appreciated beyond words.
And, I'm just...humbled, shocked and surprised the below individuals would take time out of their busy schedule to mention their kind words. The folks below are truly champs! I don't know what I'd do without them:
Just click the > on the "audio bar" under each photo to listen to their congratulatory words!

Bubba Clinton:
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John McLaughlin * Pat Buchanan **Eleanor Clift **Pee Wee Herman

The McLaughlin Group:
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Al O'Franken Failure:
- - -

Pink Walter Cronkite:
All voices are impersonated. Or...are...they?
One Year And Some of Your Comments
I thought it'd be fun to run some of the comments and the link to which they commented upon for the One Year Anniversary/Birthday of this blog....or should I be saying the Twelve Month Anniversary? -- Help me out Samantha, which is correct?
So, without further ado, here we go:
Anonymous said..."Keep up the good work, Dr. Drake." -- From comments on This Post
Anonymous said..."Being anti-bong is racist." -- From comments on This Post
ThirDEE said..."Oh goodness, hilarious. I just about choked on my gum. Poor you...I thought mine was bad. But, hey, it was pretty accurate...:) Thanks for the link too by the way."
ThirDEE said..."You're hilarious. :)"
Mr. Right said..."Thanks for the link, Dave! BTW, you don't smell at all like butt from here, but there is a slight hint of stale cheese..."
-- ALL From comments on This Post
Kiki B. said, "You should write horror films, starting with this one. Although, it's so frightening, I'm not sure I could watch it." - - From Comments On This Post
rev. billy bob gisher said..." I love that...home affairs. oh i did not know until just now who mrs. satan was, i am so unhip." -- From comments on This Post
Len Kutchma said..."Although [Michael Moore] may appeal to some Canadians I think most people ignore him. I find his remarks quite amusing though for it shows how desperate the Liberal Party has become as they have now pulled out all of the stops." -- From comments on This Post
The Conservative UAW Guy said..."Tell us what you really think! ;) You have a great site!
Keep up the great work!!" -- From comments on This Post
Jonathan Leffingwell said..."That's hilarious, Dave!" -- From comments on This Post
Republican Vet said..."LOL, good thing 1/3 doesn't count for garbage in this country. Condi
will pick up 2/3's and win it all."
texasfred said..."Sounds like the lemmings that blindly support bush."
-- Both from comments on This Post. (TexasFred has yet to answer the questions I asked of him in the same post comments, BTW)
Matt Drudge, Jr. , said..."BWAAAAAAHAAHAAAAAAAAA!!!!!! GOOD ONE!!!!!!!!!" -- From comments on This Post
Phoenix said..."[Al Gore] is insane... hopefully people will notice." -- From comments on This Post
Republican Vet said..."...Thanks for the plug. Keep truckin, brother." -- From comments on This Post
WitNit said..."Okay OKAY! Geesh! I'd hate to lose my head over you!"
GroovyVic said..."That. Is Awesome!"
Biggus Dickus said..."...and the blood of MoveOn.Org supporters shall run red in the streets!"
-- All comments from This Post
Miss Wendy Eileen said..."hmmm interesting blog, got to say I am almost interested in politics now..." -- From comments on This Post
GUYK said..."...I agree-the fact that the dim-a-crits are against it means to me that it is more of a political hoop lah for them than anything else." - - From comments on This Post
Anonymous said..."I had to clean up vomit after looking at this collage. Thanks a lot." - -From comments on This Post (You ARE WELCOME, now clean up the rest of the dried vomit that you didn't get the first time!)
Kevin Geary said..."How do you know how many people [Cindy Sheehan] she speaks for? You don't." - -From comments on This Post
(I put my research resources in same said comments section. Funny, I never heard back from Mr. Geary. I wonder is he and Texasfred are one in the same?)
Modesto Gonzales said..."You have got to be kidding me! This is strike one...If I ever see another cutesy picture of a dog or cat on this blog, I'll quit reading it." - -From comments on This Post
samrocha said..."I have enjoyed reading through your archives...I would love to establish a reciprocal link with your blog..." -- From comments on This Post
Go hunting With VP Cheney! H/T: GuyK.
A look at Saying Goodbye to our pets.
"Kill Bill: Volume 3". A Quentin Tarantino production?
If it's in the News, you can find it Right Here.
Ohio Man enjoys drinking...um...Liquid that is expelled from the body.
Tossed cigarette butts Negatively impacting another species' life.
Saturday, February 25, 2006
Darren McGavin, Dead At 83
Updated February 25, 2006: It is with great sadness that we announce the death of Darren McGavin at approximately 7:10 A.M. Pacific time today, Saturday 25, 2006. Darren was just three months short of his 84th birthday. While we suspect none of us can imagine a world without the beloved, feisty little red-head, it is time to reflect, give thanks for his life and hold in reverence his memory. Darren is gone, but in many respects he will always be with us: as Carl Kolchak...
And of course, A Christmas Story.

Darren McGavin, 1922-2006
Rest In Peace
Don Knotts, Dead At 81
Best known for character Deputy Barney Fife and, of course, Ralph Furley on "Three's Company", Mr. Knotts had one hell of a Impressive Filmography in film, television, animation and, from 1953-1955 the character of Wilbur Peterson on the soap opera "Search For Tomorrow". (Note Larry Hagman also an actor in "SFT" in 1957).
And from HERE:
Don's big break before he hooked up again with Andy Griffith was a regular gig on the "Tonight Show" hosted by Steve Allen, starting in 1956. He became well-known for his "nervous man" shtick in the "Man-on-the-Street" segments that were a staple of Allen's show. His character in the segments was a very nervous man obviously uptight about being interviewed on camera. He developed this into the fidgety, high-strung persona that he limned successfully for the rest of his career.

Don Knotts, 1924-2006
Rest In Peace.
Drug The Children For Their Own Good
Mental health screening legislation will affect all Minnesota children in public, private, and home schools. Be informed. Learn what you can do, Thursday March 2, 2006.
- The Minnesota legislature is considering universal mental health screening for K-12, pre-school, all kids at least once by age three, and infants. Mental Health screening is subjective and inaccurate in children. Diagnoses very often reflect simple behavioral issues or politically incorrect attitudes and values. Powerful medications with serious side effects are almost always used as the treatment.
Backers and promoters of the Mental Health Screening includes MN State Senator Mindy Greiling, MN State Senator Steve Kelley - yes, yes, he is the same Steve Kelley that allows a War Protest Placard in his Duluth, Minnesota campaign office, and MN State Senator David Tomassoni whose Site is not functioning as I write this.
Now, take a guess...go ahead, take a WILD GUESS to which political party these three Stooges belong. Yep, you guessed right, the CommieCrat Party, known in MN as DFL'ers. Democrat-Farm-Labor. What a laugh, their party is none of those things.
Note from This page that:
Over 60% of foster children in Texas, nearly two-thirds in Massachusetts, and 55% of foster children in Florida are on as many as 16 different psychiatric drugs, starting as young as age 3.
From Edwatch:
This program is called the State Early Childhood Comprehensive System (SECCS), administered by the Maternal and Child Health Bureau (MCHB) and the Administration for Children and Families (ACF). The paper containing the graphic is all about infant mental health, as well as the integration of mental health into early childhood programs.
The New Freedom Commission on Mental Health (NFC) report was bad enough, suggesting mental health screening and intervention should begin in preschool to "ensure that children are ready for school." This UCLA document, however, demonstrates the clear presumption of government to interfere in the mental and emotional lives of citizens from birth on.
From the same link:
Although parental consent for any kind of screening and stopping coerced medication are vital, the even more immediate issue is to fight back against the presumption that any government local, state, or federal -- has the right to screen, treat, or intervene in the emotional life of any citizen, much less an innocent and vulnerable infant. Here and now, EdWatch is sounding the alarm. Will you join with us to protect the lives and minds of your babies?
Only you can stop this madness.
Pink Walter Cronkite: Another Story of Undeniable Truth
I hear AA run Walter Cronkite, delivering his version of a Paul Harvey-like "Rest of The Story", several times throughout the day. So of course, this deserves ridicule.
Below is yet another entry of what I call "Pink Walter's Undeniable Truth"!
Press the > to hear the audio clip:
Hey There Georgie (Soros) Boy, how about $8 Million For Our Ploy?

All voices impersonated. Or...are...they?
Westboro Baptist Cult: Low Life Thugs Surface Again
While the family, friends and acquaintances of this fine young man mourned his death, outside the church stood the most vile, disgusting, depraved subhuman individuals ever to grace God's earth; those being members of Westboro Baptist Cult. They pulled out their usual antics of grotesquely twisted and sickly false logic that God is killing American soldiers because they fight for a country that tolerates homosexually.
I had planned to run this story yesterday, but I had to spend time re-editing it to remove my more virulent rants and accusations toward the Westboro Baptist Cult. And it is a cult. Don't call yourself a Church when you are as removed, disconnected and insensitive to the pain and suffering of others, as you are.
One cult member, Steve Drain, shouted that because God hates gays that God "therefore hates the U.S. military." Which book of the Bible states that, Mr. Drain? Please let me know. I am certainly no expert on the Bible, so please advise which book, chapter and verse it is that quantifies your sickly retarded (retarded as in its most scientific and medical sense) and demented statement?
Corporal Kemple's mother, Deidre Ostlund, told members of the cult that she thinks they are truly hateful people. Oh, Mrs. Ostlund, my heart goes out to you and your family. You are being most kind, compassionate and restrained in your what you told them. The Minneapolis Star Tribune reported that the cult members shouted at Mrs. Ostlund that "...you sent your own child to hell. If [she] does not heed this warning, [she] will look up from hell with him."
How dare you...how dare you profess to know the outcome of where any soul goes in the afterlife. Your rantings couldn't be more un-Christian if you tried. Your rantings are as satanic as satanic can be.
God Bless the Patriot Guard for their presence not only at the Kemple funeral, but in countering the demented protestations of the Westboro cult across the country.
I have to believe that there is a very special place in Hell reserved for, and only for, those members of the Westboro cult who continue to practice their form of vicious hatred. Why can't the Westboro cult be prosecuted under Hate Crime laws, as there is no doubt that their message is hatred in its purest unadulterated form? Any lawyers that can answer this for me?
State laws are being passed with ease to prevent the Westboro Baptist Cult from their freak show sideshows at funerals. Good! At least 13 states are considering such laws.
The Wisconsin law bans protests within 500 feet of a funeral before, during and after the service.
Corporal Andrew Kemple joined the Army in 2003. The local news said he was motivated to join the Army because of the aftermath of the September 11, 2001 attacks. Surely, in my mind - without a doubt, Corporal Kemple is seated at the right hand of God.
The Right Hand of God: A place the members of the Westboro cult will never see, be at, or have the opportunity to witness, for there is no place for their hate in Heaven or in God's eyes.
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Item: Fred Phelps, Westboro Baptist cult leader, hung up on a caller who eluded to incest within Phelps' family. It was on Madison, WI radio 1670 and you can download and listen to the call at the above link. Tell us Fred...tell us...tell us about the incest in the Phelps family. Is Phelps a closeted, self-hating homosexual? Google it yourself and research it.
Labels: Westboro Cult
Friday, February 24, 2006
Heist Suspect...?
A little make-up, some eyeliner...and I dunno....
It's just a thought...

One Hit News

"I don't know what you're trying to imply, David Drake, by running my picture with that population story. I was nowhere near those women!"
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A Real Crisis and a Phony Crisis. (H/T: JMW - Thanks!)
...politicians and much of the media are shocked, shocked, to discover that the government has been listening in on calls involving international terrorist networks. Congressional leaders of both parties have in fact known this for years without saying a word.
Hundreds of raw FBI files on Republicans were sent to the Clinton White House, in violation of laws and for no higher purpose than having enough dirt on enough people to intimidate political opponents. But domestic spying against Republicans did not shock nearly as many people as intercepting phone calls from terrorists.
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Life in prison for man who killed son:
Paul O'Neil, 33, held his three-month-old son's face against a gas fire because he was jealous of the attention the boy's mother gave the baby.
Then four days later - on February 10 last year - the fatal final injury was inflicted by O'Neil as he shook and then fractured Aaron's skull from a blow to the head.
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Paul McCartney's brother cleared in case of Groping a Teenager.
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London Mayor Ken Livingstone suspended for comparing a reporter to a Nazi.
Can you imagine how full our prisons would be if we put a law into effect like that here? Why, every AirHead on AirHead America would be doing time.
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Crocodiles..."Here....in Ireland?"
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Click on THIS LINK, read the story Headline, and make your own joke people. I'm practicing copious amounts of self-restraint on this one.
A New Jihad?

Thursday, February 23, 2006
O'FrankenFailure Catches Rush Limbaugh Lying!

Al O'FrankenFailure
Hear the lies that Rush was caught telling!
Just press the > to listen to the audio clip.
All voices are impersonated. Or...are...they?
Pulling A Kerry on The United Arab Emirates Port Issue
When I first heard of this story, I also had the kneejerk reaction that the Left is having. And, considering Jim-mah Kahter is for this, I then thought 'why, I have to be against it because how could I possibly on the same side as the Worst President Ever?'
But Curt seems to have analyzed the pros and cons. And there does not really seem to be any real reason to not move forward with the UAE deal.
But suddenly the Left is Literally Looney over this port changeover as a...get this...security risk. Gee, I didn't think the Left considered any security risks existed from foreign countries. But suddenly the Left is concerned about the national security? THIS, from the political party who thinks we should do away with our military and instead subjugate our security to the United Nations?
Suddenly the Left is concerned about U.S. national security and safety when they sat silent, permitting and condoning Bubba Clinton allowing his major political Sugar Daddy Bernie Schwartz, CEO of Loral, to sell missile technology to China? Or, as the Left pronounces it, Chi-NER.
Suddenly the Left is concerned about U.S. national security when, during the last election their presidential candidate, John Kerry, said we will negotiate with terrorists and that he, Kerry, would pursue terrorists through every available means of the courts?
I guess I've done a Kerry, and flip-flopped on this issue. I was against the UAE port authority before I was for it. Certainly a statement like that is understood and approved by the Libs, yes?
Would the Left react the same if port authority was being turned over to any other U.S. ally such as Japan, Germany, or Israel, as it has been for Great Britain these last so many years?
To my independent and libertarian friends and bloggers, I say this: Please consider, that if the Left is howling about something being wrong, then doing the opposite of what they howl about has to be the right thing do to.
Dubai is an ally. We have no reason to suspect that their intention is anything beyond business or their actions anything but legitimate.
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See who gets the bulk of Bernie Schwartz-Loral political donations right H E R E.
MrsSatan Disses Gays; Raises Big $ in South Beach
"Supporting an LGBT fundraiser for Hillary Clinton will actually hurt our community. It will send a message to other elected officials that you can be working against us during this critical time and not suffer a negative pushback from the gay community."
[Hillary] Clinton opposes gay marriage.
Why, gay marriage was/is opposed by the uber-Liberals favorite "black" president Bubba Clinton as well! (Same link as the above Wellstone item). But the Left just let this slide, they never held it against the first "black" president, did they?
Why, Bill Clinton promised (he promised, people...he promised!) to end the Military policy of discrimination against gays and lesbians.
...Clinton, once elected, would do for gays what Harry Truman did for blacks in 1948 - - eliminate the military's discriminatory policies by executive order...
And tonight MrsSatan holds a fundraising event in the very blue collar, average, every day working community of South Beach . She's just a regular regular, ain't she?
It almost seems like MrsSatan has a brand new plantation to manage; that of the Gay & Lesbian community. But they're not buying it, they're not falling for her phoniness and her rhetoric. And good for them!

MrsSatan: "I am a model of virtue and compassion."
Wednesday, February 22, 2006
The Al Gore Movie: That's Entertainment!
Mel Ting Glaciers
Di Lating Ozone
Tox Ic Air
Phil Thee Water
Con Tammy Nated Soil
Pol Lu Tants
Chloro Fluorocarbon
Gas Eous Emissions
A Politically Convenient and Motivated Unproven Truth

"I want some cheese AND a Florida recount!"

Recipe For A Crime Drama
Include several Flashbacks to the original crime in black and white or sepia tone.
Periodically insert cool rock tunes from mid-1970's or golden oldie from the 1940's.
If old, unsolved case can involve crime(s) against children, so much the better.
Have flashbacks to the abused life of child in old, unsolved crime.
Camera operator should suffer from severe delirium tremors to provide the passe, shaky, "NYPD Blue" style of camera work shots.
Insert aging mystery character who knew all along who the real guilty party was in the unsolved crime, but was unable to prove it.
Detectives or investigators uncover brand new, overlooked, or hidden evidence.
Make sure modern day scientific technology and forensics re-examine evidence bringing forth new results because said technology did not exist at time of original crime.
Insert mystery character of crooked cop or crooked detective who intentionally buried the real evidence in favor of a payoff from crooked politician or evil industrialist.
Continue series of flashbacks in black and white or sepia tone.
Insert sudden memory recollection of character who then brings this information to the investigators or detectives.
Insert chase scene where guilty party almost escapes from authorities.
Insert flashback to original crime showing real guilty party committing the crime.
If original crime involved child, show child as present day adult.
Insert flashback of child morphing into adult witnessing/remembering/recalling the original crime.
Insert flashback of guilty party acknowledging the presence of then child in scenario of original crime.
Close program with real guilty party grimacing into camera as they are being led away by police.
For ending sequence, insert cool rock tune from mid-1970's or a 1940-1950 era golden oldie remixed with techno or trance overlays.
Fade To Black With 70's rock tune or 40-50's golden oldie remixed with techno or trance music plays under fade.
(The above Recipe Does Not Apply to the original "CSI" or "CSI: NY" with Gary Sinise)
One Hit News
I guess every now and then everyone needs:
A little bit of Monica in my life
A little bit of Erica by my side
A little bit of Rita is all I need
A little bit of Tina is what I see
A little bit of Sandra in the sun
A little bit of Mary all night long
A little bit of Jessica here I am
- - -
Florida Teens Plead NOT GUILTY in homeless man killing and beatings.
Brian Hooks and William Ammons, both 18, and 17-year-old Thomas Daugherty were indicted earlier this month on murder charges in the killing of 45-year-old Norris Gaynor and attempted murder in the beatings of Raymond Perez and Jacques Pierre.
[The] teens' attorneys described each youth as contrite and upset about what had happened.
"He's got the weight of the world on his shoulders," said Daugherty's attorney, Michael Gottlieb. "He definitely feels bad."
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U.K. "Happy Slapping" Attacks captured on Cell phone video.
A mobile phone seized by detectives investigating the killing of a teenager contained graphic footage of 14 violent assaults, the police have revealed.
They were discovered when officers examined a group of mobiles removed from teenagers after a fatal attack on 18-year-old Triston Christmas - which itself was captured on a phone video.
The images were described by senior officers as "incredibly violent" and the alleged offences are being classed as serious assaults.
The footage includes clips of a woman being deliberately knocked off her bicycle and into a road by two youths, and a man being punched in the face.
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Swearing now a Fine-able offense.
Kurt Walker, a friend of the group, approached and was asked by his mates what he was up to - he replied, with a swear word, that he was not doing anything.
But a female officer overheard the 18-year-old student's reply and gave him a fixed penalty notice.
Kurt, from Deal, who had been on his way to a youth centre where he volunteers, said: "She just slapped on the fine and then left. I walked off up the street furious. It's my right to swear in a private conversation.
- - -
One: I believe the Holocaust happened. Two: I believe not only those of Jewish faith, but a whole bunch of people of many faiths and ethnicities died and suffered at the hands of Nazis. Three: I think it insane and ludicrous To Jail Someone For Talking out of Their Ass. Doing so, in a perverse way, gives what David Irving says inauthentic credibility.
Tuesday, February 21, 2006
BLOB Eats L.A!! Full Details and Photo
A mysterious black blob attacked downtown Los Angeles on Monday with a tar-like goo that oozed from manholes, buckled a street and unmoored a Raymond Chandler-era brick building, firefighters said.

Full Size Click HERE
E-mail Opinions on The Coretta Scott King Funeral
With his permission, I'm publishing his e-mail (two, actually), below because I think it's damn fine writing:
Greetings from [the East Coast]. I found a coffee house in Maryland with plush leather couches, reggae, Cuban and French cuisine, an actual alcohol bar in the corner (shhhh) and smoking out back! This is a hard place to leave. (My note: I am so totally jealous and envious of your coffee/alcohol/smoking house find!)
I hope you are doing well and I miss our discussions.
I really appreciated your pieces on the temperance movement and Osama. I still don't understand why we as a nation have taken our eyes off him. Maybe we are too busy musing over non-events like Cheney's hunting accident.
I also agreed with your assessment that too much politicking happened at Corretta Scott King's funeral. I thought I might throw my own two cents in about a few details.
My former boss's wife worked for Lyndon Baines Johnson and some of the things that trickled to me from him were that he cursed like a sailor but more importantly that he never forgave Martin Luther King for turning on him in terms of the war. LBJ gave MLK most of what he campaigned for regarding civil rights and took it personally when a year or so later (when) MLK was a voice of anti-war protest. Who knows if this is the reason he didn't attend the services but it seems likely.
I agreed with much of what you stated, the Left wrongfully claims in that piece. I thought I would try to distinguish between Left, Right, Democrat and Republican. It is strange to me that people don't really consider the prance around the Maypole these four take, releasing each other and grabbing a new partner. Without a doubt Democrats were the feet-draggers with civil rights. However, the party ranged from left to right at the time. The "Dixiecrats" fought for segregation while Hubert Humphrey type northern Liberal Democrats did the opposite. I am not very up on that period's Republican response to civil rights but I wouldn't be surprised if they same diversity of opinion existed.
In a somewhat related topic I had to brush up on some Slave narratives collected in the 1920's of very elderly x-slaves. In the opposite manner of today, almost without an exception, they stated they would never vote Democrat. But then again if there was a Fremont (Civil War ERA Radical Republican) today he would likely be in neither party but in correspondence with Howling Howard Dean.
Dave, this is just some food for thought. America breaking down into two major pockets of group thinking is a terrible thing. I pray someday soon rural/suburban and urban America realize we are all American and our destiny and well-being is intertwined.
Keep Us Free,
- Dave,
Back to the Coretta Scott King thing for a second. One small current of thought bouncing around [my] Black (oooops African-American [I prefer American first and then descent following, myself an American of African and Swedish descent, e.g.]) mind is a disgruntledness revolving around Betty Shabazz not getting the same treatment as Coretta Scott King and this having to do with Euro-American discomfort with the spouse Malcolm X. What a bunch of BS. Betty faded into obscurity as a community college professor and cashed in [on] the speaking tour. She was nice but hardly profound or even relevant after awhile. Coretta worked to continue MLK's vision. Don't get me wrong there are some issues AA's should focus on but the disgruntled over nothing schtick is getting old and that's why I prefer someone like Barack Obama as liberal as he is to a [Al] Sharpton or grumbling entitlement minded speaker. Things will never be perfect, they aren't for anyone, so focus on opportunity unless something is absolutely necessary to address. Okay off my soapbox but that was a kind of sub-community non-issue in-group undercurrent to the Coretta funeral that pissed me off. Ok, off the soap box for me.
Stay warm and free,
Top 10 Reasons to Hate Spike Lee Films by JMW
by JMW (responding to This Post.)
1. He is a waste of Denzel. (Other then X which he ruined himself, see #8)
2. He will always have better NBA seats then me.
3. I can't confirm this but I am 90% sure he has never looked anyone in the eye.
4. He cast his sister in a nude scene.
5. He cast Monica Bellucci in his next movie, she is so hot I am doomed to watch at least part of that drivel now.
6. He keeps casting the same baker's dozen or so of supporting actors in all his movies.
7. He has distilled the already unstomachable New York City ethnocentrism into an ungodly focused Black-Brooklyn-centrism.
8. Even "Malcolm X" could find his way to racial understanding by the end of his life but Spike couldn't even Bare to show that phase of his life.
9. "Jungle Fever": It should have been called "Clashes of Stereotypes" and even Samuel L Jackson's complete with shakes and sweats depiction of a junkie couldn't save it. What a waste of Ossie Davis.
10. "School Daze": From those of us who actually got our butts kicked for months pledging a black fraternity this cartoonish sacrilege warrants a collective bitch slap!
11. Because I can't stop. I once got stuck waiting on the john in a Princeton men's room with his cousin and I didn't like him either!
You can find out a little about who JMW is in This Post.
Monday, February 20, 2006
2008 Democratic Nominee Revealed
"I am proud to introduce the democratic candidate for 2008," said McJim. The candidate is a composite that is designed to appeal to all those on the left side of the political spectrum.
"We used the body of Ted Kennedy for one reason, and one reason only," said McJim. "Myself, along with other surgeons and doctors concluded, after having conducted many tests, that the Kennedy body, after years of abuse of alcohol, partying, and what-have-you, was the finest and healthiest and most durable that we could find. Our testing shows that his body has the biological ability to survive for many more decades. His physiological make-up is, much like that of a cockroach, suitable to survive almost any natural or man-made disaster."
"And, using similar medical science as in the movie "The Thing With Two Heads", we attached the heads of Albert Gore and John Kerry to his shoulders, connected their heads and synchronizing all three of their brains.
"Finally, we inserted the head and brain of Mrs. Clinton into the body cavity of Mr. Kennedy as the central command unit. From her, all propaganda, thought, and ideas will flow."
Democratic National committee Chairman Howard Dean attended the press conference to explain the political impact of the new candidate, dubbed "Six Six Six."
"The body of Kennedy was both large and healthy enough to be the anchor, no pun intended. We have the head of Gore who will appeal to the environmentalists and the global warming crowd," stated Dean. "There was debate on who we would use for the second shoulder head. Many were considered, but we decided on using John Kerry in the event that sometime, in the future, he may actually have an idea. The central processing unit that we dubbed Total Command Central, is of course, Mrs. Clinton. Her head was installed in the chest and abdomen of the Kennedy body and her brain is hard-wired and can usurp any decisions made by the other three heads," said Dean.
"The hardest part of the operation," said McJim, "was in fitting the Gore and Kerry heads onto the Kennedy shoulders. Kennedy, as you may know, for anyone who has met him, has the largest, most gigantic head of any person on the planet so transplant and usable attachment space was at a premium. We tried to find a body host with a smaller head, such as Chuck Schumer, but Schumer refused to agree to non-Kosher head attachments," added McJim.
Professor Leather Hockleer, of the Interplanetary Transplant Consortium commented that "this is no faked Korean stem cell story. I've seen and verified that '666' is indeed, a living, breathing entity. I don't necessarily know that this will be the candidate for the democrats that will usher them into the White House, but time will tell."

Dubbed "666", The Democratic 2008 Presidential Candidate
Labels: Ted Kennedy

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