Wednesday, August 31, 2005
Hugo Chavez and Jesse Jackson: Birds of a Feather
"Chavez also said Venezuela would "exercise its rights'' under the law in response to Robertson's remarks calling for his assassination. He has said his government could ask the United States to extradite Robertson."
I'm sure Il Duce's complaint about Pat Robertson will go real, real far at the U.N. I mean, I think that's why John Bolton got the job, right? So he can tell dictators like Il Duce Chavez to 'F*ck Off.'
Note the Taipei Times photo, with Il Duce pointing his pointer finger, in what appears to be, Jackson's lapel. Yeah, there's no better way to convey diplomacy than sticking your index finger into someone. When someone does that to me, it usually results in me telling them 'Stick or point that index finger at me one more time and you'll be chewing the rest of your meals through a straw.'
Better yet, let Vice President Cheney handle Chavez in Mr. Cheney's subtle, suave, tactful and admirable style. Go Dick, Go! 'Sick' Cheney after this two-bit dictator.
I guess when you're a two-bit dictator, the Liberals are your oyster, and the Lib's are happy to be just that.
Louis Jourdain: Co-conspirator or "naive"?
The elder Jourdain has proclaimed his son's innocence, saying that he was naive and "green."
[Louis] Jourdain was arrested a week after the shootings. Federal authorities said hundreds of e-mails and instant messages between Jourdain and Weise allegedly show they conspired in a plot to attack the high school and other locations on the Red Lake reservation in northern Minnesota.
Tuesday, August 30, 2005
The Amazing Secret of Bees
"Honeybees create a substance that kills HIV in lab tests. So what's killing the honeybees."
The Bushy Bushy Bushy Bush
Hat Tip to Monkeys In My Pants.
Mucho Pubic Hair is the RAGE in South Korea for women.
Transplanted pubic hair is the latest trend in South Korea, where it is regarded as a sign of fertility.
Surgeon Afschin Fatemi, from Unna in Germany, said: "In the West, women try to reduce their genital hair as much as possible, but in Korea the trend is for forestation."
It's just the opposite for This Guy. I think he has pubes transplanted to his head for that Clairol Look! The question is, does the senator use shampoo on his head, or douche?
Please Stop Toasting Your Doggy!
Don't believe me? Then don't wear your little jogging shorts and mini-T's and instead, put on a nice, thick, heavy jacket and two pairs of jogging pants. See how long it takes for you to have your tongue hanging out of your mouth like The Fat Bastard eyeing a pie.
Leave the dog at home with the AC on, and a nice, chilled gimlet. Okay, booze is not good for dogs, the gimlet is a joke.
But don't take your dog jogging with you. It's inhumane. They will thank you for it.
Monday, August 29, 2005
Two Funny Quickies
2) Prof. Hawking on Hurricane Katrina.
If you are not visiting the above two blogs on a regular basis, you are missing out on some of the funniest stuff on blogs...well, next to MY BLOG that is...(AHEM......); just kidding guys.
Sunday, August 28, 2005
Elections, Hugo Chavez, and Stupid, Stupid Liberals
They got to discussing the Hugo Chavez elections, and both noted how Chavez had won more elections than "W", and that Chavez's elections were more "legitimate". Again, the not-too-terribly-intelligent Castrati Boi was talking (as usual) out of his butt.
Had Chavez been a Republican candidate running in the United States, surely (Shirley for the Old Coot) the likes of Castrati Boi and his Leftist Ilk Crime Family would have done what the Left did in 2000 in Florida and 2004 in Ohio; they would have challenged the election results. But no, the Lefty's love a Dictator.
Let's take a look at the Chavez elections:
According to BBC News:
"Officials from the National Electoral Council said that, with 94% of ballots counted, Mr Chavez had 58% of the vote.
Opponents rejected the outcome as a fraud, insisting they had won.
But former US President Jimmy Carter endorsed the results, saying they tallied with the findings of his referendum monitoring team."
"A spokesman for the Democratic Co-ordinator opposition coalition, Henry Ramos Allup, said fraud and "gross manipulation" had taken place.
"We categorically reject the results," he said."
According to Front Page Magazine Jim-mah gives credibility to electing dictators, supporting them and not questioning those elections:
"...his expertise comes from giving credibility to terrorists and tyrants, like Yasser Arafat and Hugo Chavez."
Now, let us not forget Chavez and his attempted Coup in 1992:
"The presidential election victory in Venezuela of Hugo Chavez, a former Lieutenant Colonel who led an abortive coup nearly seven years ago, has provoked relatively little consternation from foreign multinationals and the country's ruling class.
Chavez, who campaigned as the champion of the poor and the scourge of the "oligarchy," settled in rapidly to the role of a responsible statesman, determined to uphold the integrity of Venezuela's constitutional order and the soundness of capitalist investment."
"Washington also congratulated Chavez on his "impressive electoral victory." Having denied him a visa only a few years ago because of his role in the 1992 coup attempt, a White House spokesman expressed confidence in his dedication to the Venezuelan constitution and free market policies, and sent Chavez assurances that a visa would now be granted."
The final paragraph in the WSW article notes:
"The collapse of Venezuela's two-party system and the coming to power of Chavez, like the crisis sweeping Chile with the detention in London of ex-dictator Augusto Pinochet, are indications of a profound revolutionary crisis that is taking shape once again on the Latin American continent."
The Chavez Government continues to repress the opposition. I guess repression is a Left Fringe Crime Family Value.
Further, according to the VCRISIS (Venezuelan News and Analysis):
2004 September 07 - Two Venezuelan academics claim to have found statistical evidence of fraud in last month's referendum on President Hugo Chavez, fueling the opposition's claims of a rigged vote and raising the possibility that despite Mr. Chavez's victory, the country's tense standoff will continue.
The claims were made Sunday by Ricardo Hausmann, a professor at Harvard University's John F. Kennedy School of Government and former chief economist at the Inter-American Development Bank, and Roberto Rigobon, a professor of applied economics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology's Sloan School of Management. [Surely the Left can't say that the Harvard U JFK School of Government is an arm of the Conservative School of Thought, can they? -DD]
The pair issued a report that tried to measure the possibility that the vote was clean using two separate analyses of the official results. In both cases, they said, the chances of a clean vote were less than one in 100.
Members of a civic group called Sumate that organized the referendum, which Mr. Chavez won by a 59% to 41% margin, seized on the study to suggest Mr. Chavez had won by tampering with the electronic-voting machines used in the contest. "We don't think the truth about the referendum has been revealed yet," Alejandro Plaz, a spokesman for Sumate, told reporters in presenting Mr. Hausmann's study Sunday. Sumate requested help from the academics in analyzing the referendum data but didn't pay for the study.
Mr. Chavez's government reacted with disbelief to the claims, saying the opposition's previous claims of fraud had so far proved incorrect. Vice President Jose Vicente Rangel said members of the Atlanta-based Carter Center and the Organization of American States had already validated the result. "No one believes in their theories anymore because three weeks have gone by and they haven't been able to prove anything," Mr. Rangel said.
Members of the Carter Center and the OAS were unreachable for comment yesterday.Mort Zuckerman, a ... Democrat (!!!) also writes of his concern over the Chavez election as well as the ERRORS in Jim-mah Kah-ter's ACCOUNTABILITY of the election:
According to Zuckerman:
* Carter's people counted votes at fewer than 1 percent of the polling stations, which, instead of being selected at random, as originally anticipated, were selected by Venezuelan officials.
Even then, only 76 of the previously agreed 192 ballot boxes were counted, with either opposition witnesses or international observers present at only 26 out of the 76 boxes reviewed.
* The Chavez-controlled National Electoral Council (CNE) forbade access to the tallying centers, not only to Carter's people but also to representatives of the opposition, and even to the two members of the CNE who opposed Chavez.
* Two professors from Harvard and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology issued a report concluding that there was at least a 99 percent chance the election was a fraud. The audited sample (Carter's) was simply not a random sample, the professors concluded.
Various independent exit polls showed that Chavez had lost the vote by 59 percent to 41 percent, instead of Chavez's contention that he had won by that margin.
"Jimmy Carter, in effect, provided a seal of approval for a left-wing demagogue intent on destroying democracy in Venezuela even as he seeks to extend his ideology to other parts of Latin America," Zuckerman charged. "Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice was correct when she pointed out that Chavez is a danger not just to Venezuela but to much of Latin America. Very soon, we must translate those wise words into an effective policy."
Kathy (Mrs. Castrati), I feel sorry for you. Life must suck being married to a deranged, anti-Semitic, Dumb Ass who never gets his facts correct. Wait, I take that back; he could get his facts right, but that would subvert his Liberal Agenda, wouldn't it? Truth Seeker he is not.
Labels: Malloy The Rotting Corpse
Saturday, August 27, 2005
Memo To President Bush
The Fat Bastard: "The Fat Man" (Song)

The Fat Man
Sung to the Tune of "Taxman"
(With apologies to the late genius George Harrison, "Taxman", and The Beatles)
"Give me your food, I'm so hun-gar-reee!
It's Bush and Cheney's fault for my Obesity;
Cause I'm The Fat Man, Yeah I'm The Fat Man.
I'm very rich so it's Fat Farm Rehab,
So I can shed tons of Excess Flab;
Cause I'm The Fat Man, Yeah I'm The Fat Man.
My docu's don't even approach the Truth,
Help me squeeze into this diner booth,
Slide me in by greasing my hips -
Keep the food coming or you'll get no tips.
Fat Man! Cause I'm The Fat Man, Yeah I'm The Fat Man.
I'll try to get thin however I can,
(Fat Man - won't eat celery)
Perhaps Liposuction just like Roseanne,
(Fat Man - I'm for Hillary)
Cause I'm the Fat Man, Yeah I'm the Fat Man.
I Waddle like two tons of Sh*t
Lack of calories means I have a Hissy Fit
Cause I'm the Fat Man, Yeah I'm The Fat Man.
I'm famished still, I want another meal,
The calories I'll pretend aren't real;
Cause I'm The Fat Man, Yeah I'm The Fat Man.
And I'll never die due to complications from
Bulimia or Anorexia...."
Brock Peters, RIP
Best known and most recognized, perhaps, as the character Tom Robinson in "To Kill A Mockingbird" (1962), he brought a presence and aura to each role that escaped other actors.
He will also be fondly remembered by Star Trek fans for his performances in "Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home", "Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered County", and many episodes of "Star Trek: Deep Space Nine".
He married in 1961, and his marriage lasted until the death of his wife in 1989. And that's something that is very rare in Hollywood.

Brock Peters
Friday, August 26, 2005
Cindy Sheehan: Shill For The Left
Actually, Ms. Sheehan is a whore for the Left.
Who are her pimps? There are many.
Michele Mulkey of Fenton Communications, Ben Cohen of Ben & Jerry's, Moveon.Org, and Code Pink are but a few.
Karen Meredith, Gold Star mother: "Sometimes things don't feel quite right to me. They don't feel wrong, but maybe that's how they do it in the marketing business."
ABC7's Mark Matthews: "You feel you're part of a marketing business?"
Karen Meredith: "Possibly. Yeah I think so."
Even Super-uber, ultra-Liberal Susan Estrich knows an Anti-Semite when she hears one. I will give Ms. Estrich credit for that.
Of course, The Fat Bastard, if he were not paying the outrageous sum of $3,800 per week to learn to 'Eat Less, Exercise More', would be at her side. (More on The Fat Bastard below).
The Castrati Boi is a staunch Sheehan supporter. That shouldn't be a surprise to anyone since he gravitates directly to Anti-Semitism.
Here's information you won't hear from the MSM and their one-sided, pro-Sheehan reporting. Read the comments, not the top story.
So the Left will use Ms. Sheehan to further their anti-Bush and anti-Republican cause(s), and in two or three or five years, people will say "Cindy Who", just as they say today "Lila Who?". Yes, Fat Bastard, when was the last time you interacted with Ms. Lipscomb, other than when you used her as a shill -- when you pimped her out for your own fictitious political agenda.
Shills, Whores, and Pimps. This, my friends, is the Liberal Party.
Labels: Malloy The Rotting Corpse, Sheehan
The Fat Bastard Pays for Common Sense
I guess when you bilk the public out of their hard earned cash for as many years as The Fat Bastard has done, with his skewed, filtered, and fictional "documentaries", you can pay people to help you do what most people simply know.
Moore joins fat farm in Florida
Fahrenheit 9/11 creator Michael Moore is seeking to trim the fat, reports The New York Post.
The portly propagandist is doing a stint at the Pritikin Longevity Center & Spa in Aventura, also known as the ``fat farm for the rich.''
Moore is learning how to cook healthy meals and exercise and attending classes on "life re-education.'' [AKA, WHAT MOST OF US LEARNED IN HIGH SCHOOL HEALTH CLASS: DIET AND EXERCISE TO US "UNWASHED". - DD]
The program starts at $3,800 a week and promises enrolees they'll ''learn a new approach to eating,'' ''never have to diet again'' and can lose up to 12 pounds in the first three weeks.
The facility also has "cosmetic/medical treatments, such as intense pulsed light, Botox injections and Restylane."
The minimum wage is $5.15 per hour. That's $206 per week, based upon a 40-hour work week. That's $824 per month (or for four weeks).
Now really, who but the Fat Bastard can afford to spend that kind of dough? And he's doing it with the money the public paid for the price of movie tickets are paying for the Fat Bastard to stay ever-so comfortable at a FAT FARM! How much more pathetic can a person get.
Hey, Fat Bastard, if you really are a "champion" of the little guy, as you pretend, will you be donating the same amount you're spending at the FAT FARM to a non-political charity?
Labor Day is coming up. The MDA Telethon will be asking for our donations to research and, one day, hopefully cure MDA.
HEY FAT BASTARD will you put your money where your FOOD USED TO GO and donate the equivalent to MDA as you're shelling out at the FAT FAT, FAT BASTARD?
Since I'm in-shape, trim, and in good health, I thought I'd make you salivate:
Prime Rib...Mmmmmm, delicious! I had a couple slices of seven layer chocolate cheesecake the other day...Drool.......Yum! And Godiva Chocolates....Wonderful. Foie you miss it, don't you, FAT BASTARD. Surf n turf...the food at Cannes...the food in L.A., the fine eateries in Manhattan. Chicago Pizza! luscious, so Yummy, SO NO LONGER ON 'WHAT THE FAT BASTARD CAN EAT' PAGE!
Just think - ALL YOUR FAVORITE FOODS, YOU WON'T BE ABLE TO EAT THEM AGAIN! Yeah, the FAT CAMP may teach you that you can eat SMALLER PORTIONS of your favorite foods, but we all know you won't be able to do that. You'll lack the WILLPOWER to only have one portion. You'll want to STUFF THAT FAT BASTARD FACE OF YOURS - right?
Moore Watch is HERE folks. I'm not the only one who loathes the FAT BASTARD!
Thanks to MooreWatch is the LINK TO THE PRITIKIN SITE.
The FAT BASTARD could've gone double occupancy for $2,900 per Week, but no -- but no -- the FAT BASTARD went for single occupancy for the $3,800 per Week. And after all, why should anyone have to suffer with the FAT BASTARD as their roomie?
Anyone on the "inside" of Pritikin Fat Farm want to dish me the info on the FAT BASTARD? I GUARANTEE TOTAL AND COMPLETE ANONYMITY.
Mmmmmm, chocolate layer cake! Truffles! Ice cream! What's your sweet tooth FAT BASTARD - huh? Mmmmmm - guess what, you won't be able to eat it ANY MORE! EVER!
Thursday, August 25, 2005
Pat Robertson: A "So What" Moment
Well, they did hear those terms, they just never bothered to rant about it because they would be criticizing their own. Fat Eddy, apparently suffering the effects of what sounded to me like a hangover, sputtered out, among gasps, his incredulity over the Robertson remark. Fat Eddy went on to say how we should pacify Venezuela for their...for their...OIL! For their OIL! Excuse me, but I thought the Left was against Big know - Bush, Cheney, Halliburton. Once again the pot calls the kettle black.
A Tale of Two Talk Show Hosts: Quite interesting on two very different programs yesterday. Michael Savage asked the question on his show, "was there more blood shed because we (the U.S.) entered into a war too early or too late." Any reasonable person knows the answer is "too late". Castrati Boy, as usual, condemned Pat Robertson to hell, called "Christianity a gutter religion", and basically compared Chavez to a benevolent dictator. Well, what do you expect from someone who rants anti-Semitic rhetoric ("Kathy, what night last week did we have 'The Jew' on [the program]."), and champions the Palestinian cause over and above the plight of the Jews in Gaza? Why hasn't the ADL gone after this gutless bastard?
Another great "eat their own momemt" from the Castrati Boy is how fast the Left cannibalizes their own. For instance, his rant on Joe Andrew, former DNC Chairman and his new job with Diebold. Castrati Boy, I believe, called Andrew a traitor and a "pig", of course, everyone is a "pig" to the Castrati Boy. He's likely called his wife and children a "pig" when they didn't goose-step along side with him. And here's a kicker, the dumbass Castrati didn't even know who Andrew was until a listener sent him an e-mail! Not the sharpest knife in the drawer, this Castrati Boy.
Also, per the Widdle Castrati Girl, Fox News is "all whores" - even his Liberal buddy Alan Combs. Well Castrati Girl, it would take one to know one, as well as project your own whore-ism onto others. No, no, no - it's everyone at Air(head) America that are whores. Tell us, Castrati Girl, were you not on the board of directors for Air(head) America or its parent company? WHAT DID YOU KNOW AND WHEN DID YOU KNOW IT regarding the embezzlement of money from the Gloria Wise Foundation? What did you know and when did you know it with regard to all the other Bad Debt incurred by AA or its parent company? Why hasn't this money, to date, been paid back? Aha - the DEADBEAT CHANNEL, Air(head) America. Yeah, the DEADBEAT CHANNEL: Run by DEADBEATS, FOR DEADBEATS, WITH DEADBEATS FOR ON-AIR PERSONALITIES.
So if I understand the rationale of the Left correctly, is goes something like this: Hitler bad, Augusto Pinochet bad, Pope Benedict bad and a Nazi, Bush bad. Castro good, Saddam Hussein good, Chavez good. Liberal Party Members good; bad should they defect. Lies under Bush, bad; lies under Clinton, irrelevant. All people who disagree with the Left, bad and "pigs". Hmmm, sounds like the old Politburo Mentality. What good company for them.
Mr. Robertson, you have nothing for which to apologize. If what you said was said by someone on the Left, and said it about one of their targets, that person would be getting praise and kudos for having the "guts to speak their mind" or "not being afraid to say what everyone else is thinking."
The anti-Christ Left is fit to be tied, and it's humorous listening to them. And it shows - oh Lordy how it shows. And "Hell waits for Mikey Mawwoy...oh how it waits for him."
Wednesday, August 24, 2005
Chubbsy Wubbsy - Lose Weight? Yeah. And the Earth is Flat and the Pope is Jewish!
Even if he does get Thinner, I'll do what he does with his "documentaries", and simply avoid the facts.
Hat Tip to Subterranean Conduits.
Born To Play a Zombie!
Maybe some costume maker will come up with the Tom Lantos mask in time for Halloween this year. Tell me that face wouldn't scare the crap out of you?
I will give Mr. Lantos credit for recognizing the corruption within the U.N.
Asked about US policy on allowing new permanent members into the UN Security Council, he said that he expected India and Japan to become members, "once the UN has cleaned up its act with regard to corruption."
Tuesday, August 23, 2005
Marketing Genius: Dolce & Gabbana
Same for D&G - if no one paid attention, the pants wouldn't be newsworthy or provocative.
I gotta give a nod to D&G, they know what they're doing in their marketing department.
If they really wanted to make their 'pubic pants' even more notorious, they'd have used This Guy as their pubic baring, bloated model. Of course, Two Dogs would banish me from his site, and I don't want that. So I won't Photo Shop the Fat Man wearing pubic pants. I'll leave it to your imagination. (Yuck! My eyes! They burn! They burn!)
For those of you (guys) who want to trim down under, Alice has the answer.
And it appears some guys are shaving down there in the strangest locales.
So, rest well, all ye pube shavers and fallen pubes. Wear your pube pants proudly.
One Medium Ice Cream Cone...
Yeah, be thankful our vehicles don't run on Dairy Queen cones.
Monday, August 22, 2005
And Somehow R-E-S-P-E-C-T is Spelled B-I-L-L C-L-I-N-T-O-N?
You mean, he doesn't respect women, say - oh, I don't know - the way Bill Clinton respects women? Is this the type of respect you speak about? The Left was noticeably absent for eight years while Bubba completely and deliberately disrespected women. And not only for the Clinton Crime Family two terms. We all have heard of how Bubba treated women, not only as president, but also as both Attorney General, and later, Governor of Arkansas. Paula Jones, Gennifer Flowers, Juanita Broderick, Monica Lewinsky - to name a few. Let alone, the disrespect Bill Clinton has of women with regard to how he treated his own wife.
Or is This the type of respect you mean?
Or perhaps the LibbyToons are referring to the respect that Those good Catholic Boys, The Kennedy's, JFK and RFK, had for Marilyn Monroe. Is this the type of respect you despise? Please define for me Libs, which type of disrespect IS IT that you are accusing President Bush of having towards women? Or are you going to continue hitting your one-note anthem-Cindy Sheehan?
And no, I can't omit their Woman Respecting Brother, Fat Teddy, and his respect for Mary Jo Kopechne.
"On August 13, based on a tip from a telephone company employee, The Manchester Union Leader reported that Senator Kennedy had charged 17 long distance telephone calls to his credit card during the hours he claimed to be "in shock" after the accident.
- One of the calls Kennedy made from the ferryhouse was to Mary Jo Kopechne's parents. The Senator, however, neglected to mention that he was the driver of the accident car when he called to report their daughter's death. Instead, they learned that information later from a wire service story.
- The Kopechnes found Kennedy's evasiveness and lack of candor baffling. "We didn't even know she was with Kennedy - that kind of upset us," Joe Kopechne said. "There we were, the last to know."
Now certainly there are those on the Right who've had their extramarital affairs, divorced and remarried, etc, etc. But nothing compared to the blatant disrespect that the Left has towards women.
Again, we see the Left PROJECTING their own failures and inadequacies onto others, with regard to disrespecting women. Disrespecting them directly as I've noted above. And indirectly, as Madeline Albright, Janet Reno and others, all who willingly carried his mantra of "I did not have extramarital sexual relations." Clinton lied to Albright, Reno and the others. They believed him, or pretended they did. Then they did their best to act surprised when the truth came out.
The silence from the National Organization of Women from 1992 to 2000 was eardrum crushingly loud. Maybe its a trade-off? Maybe NOW and similar organizations give their silent complicity in order to keep Abortion At All Costs? Or National Health Care?
As usual the Left can and does remain deafeningly silent when their own party members violate the rights of others. Only when they think it can be used against their political opposition do they vocalize their projection.
No surprise here by me or anyone else attune to how the Left operates. Just another issue they themselves are guilty of, and are either willingly silent when it comes to criticizing their own, or a willing partner of their own conspiracy.
So help me out here, Lunatic Left Crime Families. Please DEFINE and EXPLAIN which respect is it that you claim Bush doesn't have for women? Just because he won't meet with "Saint Sheehan"...FOR A SECOND TIME?
And This Site, too. "Navigating the sewers of the blogosphere" ... what a great line.
And Virginia Plates Honor a South Park character.
Sunday, August 21, 2005
Putin: I'm Your Ice Cream Man...
Putin participates in military exercises, flies bomber, tips heavily for ice cream.
The president tried to pay for the ice cream with a thousand-ruble note (which is a note of the largest value in Russia, it equals about $40), but the salesgirl said that she did not have so much change. "Will this do?" - the president asked and reached out a 500-ruble note. Putin did not wait for the answer, took the ice cream and returned in the car. "He did not even take the change," the salesgirl said.
Helios Crash Update
The German pilot, who called in a technical problem at 14,000 feet, appeared to be another mystery added to the mix. Described as a loner with few friends and a host of personal problems, his body appears to be still missing.
The mystery deepened when the plane entered the Athens Flight Information Region (FIR). Under the watchful eye of two Greek F16s, somehow the Helios plane moved out of autopilot where it had been circling over Athens airport for at least two or three rounds and headed off slightly to the north west before reportedly running out of fuel and crashing into a mountain.
If there was someone in the cockpit trying to veer the plane away from Athens, why didn't they use the radio to try and make contact?
Timeline box:
As released by the Greek government.
9am (0600 GMT) Helios Airlines Flight ZU522, a Boeing 737, with 115 passengers and six crew members on board takes off from Larnaca International Airport in Cyprus, heading for Athens, Greece, and then Prague, Czech Republic.
9.37am (0637 GMT) The plane enters Greek airspace and is identified by Greece's Civil Aviation Authority.
10.07am (0707 GMT) Control tower at Athens International Airport is unable to establish communication with the plane.
10.20am (0720 GMT) Air traffic controllers notify their counterparts at Larnaca who say the plane reported a problem with its air conditioning system before entering Greek airspace.
10.25am (0725 GMT) Greece's Civil Aviation Authority notifies Defence Ministry's national search and rescue centre.
10.30am (0730 GMT) The Greek Defence Ministry issues a Renegade alert, a standard aviation procedure when a plane fails to respond to the control tower.
10.55am (0755 GMT) Two F-16 fighter jets scramble to locate airliner.
11.20am (0820 GMT) Fighter jets make visual contact with the Cypriot jet over Aegean island of Kea, but are unable to communicate with pilots.
11.25am (0825 GMT) Fighter jets approach the plane and report that the co-pilot of the Cypriot plane appears unconscious in the cockpit, while the other pilot was absent. Oxygen masks also seem to have been activated in the plane.
12.05pm (0905 GMT) Airliner crashes near coastal town of Grammatiko, about 40 kilometres north of Athens.
Saturday, August 20, 2005
Little Nicky Gone: The Ends Justify The Means, By All Accounts!
A Looney Left Wing Nut, and a Monkey's Monkey if ever there was one!
GFR (Good F*cking Riddance), Nick, GFR!
Computin' Time
"2 MB RAM with 16 MB Capacity!" More than you'll ever need. "Monitor and Mouse not included!" Ha-Rumph!
All for the low, low, spectacular price of $8,499!
"...Or you can trade it for what's behind Door Number Two."
Welcome Him Back & Congratulations
Glad you've returned, Jason.
Air(head) America Sinks Deeper Into The Red
Maybe they will adopt the ideology of John Kerry and say that "Lizz Winstead didn't work here before she worked here?"
"On May 20, 2005, comedian Lizz Winstead filed suit in New York, detailing a laundry list of allegations against Air America Radio parent Piquant LLC. Accusing the company of failing to pay wages, promotional fees, accrued holiday compensation and severance, Winstead is seeking $290,716, plus interest."
To quote Woody Allen's character in "Bananas", Fielding Mellish, this whole fiasco seems that "It's a travesty of a mockery of a sham of a mockery of a travesty of two mockeries of a sham."
Seems like good, old AA owes everybody money these days. Can a bankruptcy filing be in the works? Will this impact sales of the O'FrankenFailure's new book, due out this October? We all will be watching very closely, waiting for the implosion.

"I'm not able to, ahhhhhhh, com-com-com-com-comment on this....ahhhhhh, urrrrrrr, ahhhh, at this-at this-at this-ahhhhh, ti-ti-ti-ti-ti-time........."
Oy! Oy! Oy!
Friday, August 19, 2005
Air(head) America Gets Investor!
Bond Car Most Memorable Car in Films
Dukes of Hazzard 'General Lee' omitted, says he now suffering from "Car envy."
Keeping Osama Comfortable
Of course, the MSM is too busy covering Cindy Sheehan and Company, to spend much time on this story. We all know, Bubba & Company simply could do no wrong.
"We had to build an ergonomically designed chair to put him in, [for] special comfort in terms of how he was shackled into the chair," Scheuer explained. "They even worried about what kind of tape to gag him with so it wouldn't irritate his beard."
New O'FrankenFailure Station Promo
All celebrity voices are impersonated...or are they?
Thursday, August 18, 2005
The Twitchy and Blinky Show

"They Twitch and Blink, and Twitch and Blink and Twitch.
Twitch, Twitch, Twitch-
Blink, Blink, Blink-
It's The Twitchy and Blinky Show!"
Twitchy: Hi Blinky.
Blinky: Hi Twitchy.
Twitchy: What are you doing today?
Blinky: I'm blinking repeatedly in rapid succession and bringing documents to President Carter.
Twitchy: Blinky, Jimmy Carter isn't the president anymore.
Blinky: He's not, Twitchy?
Twitchy: No.
Blinky: I guess I mean President Clinton, then.
Twitchy: But he's not the president anymore either!
Blinky: He's not?
Twitchy: No. The President now is George W. Bush.
Blinky: Well should I bring these documents to him?
Twitchy: No. You should bring them to Sandy Burglar.
Blinky: Oh. Okay. What are you doing today Twitchy?
Twitchy: I'm twitching and avoiding the press.
Blinky: Why are you avoiding the press, Twitchy?
Twitchy: I don't want to have to answer as to why I helped put up communication firewalls between intelligence agencies.
Blinky: Oh. That sounds serious.
Twitchy: It is serious Blinky. It could all come back to haunt me.
Blinky: Haunt you? That sounds scary!
Twitchy: Not as scary as being held accountable! You're lucky you left after Clinton's first term.
Blinky: You think so, Twitchy?
Twitchy: Yes Blinky. Can you keep a secret?
Blinky: I think so, Twitchy.
Twitchy: We had information during Clinton's second term that Osama Bin Laden was planning some sort of attack on the United States, but we didn't do anything about it.
Blinky: Couldn't you get in trouble for that, Twitchy?
Twitchy: I (twitches violently) think so. That's why I'm hiding out in leather lesbian bars in Florida.
Blinky: I wish I could hide out in leather lesbian bars in Florida, Twitchy.
Twitchy: It's not as glamorous as it sounds, Blinky.
Blinky: Well could I at least drive around in a little red pick up truck like you do, Twitchy?
Twitchy: I don't know, Blinky, driving tanks around Waco and over innocent, small children is more fun!
Blinky: Can we grab some little Cuban kids that come to America seeking political asylum and return them back to Castro, Twitchy?
Twitchy: Sure! I cornered the market on that!
Blinky and Twitchy: Heh heh heh heh heh!
Twitchy: That'll grab a lot of media attention away from the fallout from the 9/11 commission that is making us look bad!
Blinky and Twitchy: Heh heh heh heh heh!
Twitchy: Because we all know I can't comment on an ongoing investigation.
Blinky: And as long as its ongoing forever, you never have to comment on it!
Twitchy: That's right, Blinky! Heh, heh, heh, heh, heh!
Blinky: Twitchy, you're starting to twitch very violently again.
Twitchy: I'm practicing, it's all just an act for sympathy, Blinky.
Blinky: Oh, that's very clever of you, Twitchy!
Twitchy: We're into the second Bush term and we're still covering up for the Clinton Crime Family, Blinky.
Blinky: The legacy continues, Twitchy!
Twitchy and Blinky: Heh, heh, heh, heh, heh!
The End?
Concept by, and dialogue co-written with, S.T Miller
Tuesday, August 16, 2005
I'm Just Asking (me); Regarding Pat Summerall
According to this site well-connected people don't get transplants any faster than 'the rest of us'. Larry Hagman is another well known name that received a liver transplant as well.
I'm a cigarette smoker. I wonder if a cigarette smoker would be eligible for a lung transplant, or be placed ahead someone in need of one who was a non-smoker. Like I said, I'm just asking.
Two Fine Movie Picks
"The Andromeda Strain" runs at 4:30PM CDT today on the Sundance Channel. One of the finest films ever made, as well as one of the finest by director Robert Wise. A group of scientists investigate an alien virus. Non-stop, edge of the seat, thriller!
"Planes, Trains, and Automobiles", the consummate John Hughes film, starring the late John Candy and a fine performance by Steve Martin. On Women's Entertainment Channel, 7PMCDT.
Another Site Out of Touch with Reality
I guess they didn't read about the 19 U.S. soldiers killed and 73 wounded along with other non-U.S. deaths.
I guess they didn't read about the civilians killed in Kosovo by Clinton.
I guess they didn't read about the thousands dead from infected blood knowingly sold by Clinton when he was Governor of Arkansas.
I guess they didn't read about those who lost their lives when the USS Cole was attacked by terrorists while Clinton was president.
I guess they didn't read about the 1993 World Trade Center bombing by terrorists and those who were killed when Clinton was president.
And the above is hardly a complete list of those who died while Clinton lied. Remember Waco?
Here's an image I pilfered from the (unfortunately) defunct New Eagle Blog that I found on the Google archives. It is unretouched by me, and as far as I know, anyone else. Hmmm, do you think this sign was made prior to or after George W. Bush was elected president?

The Left Fringe continues to put their agenda before humanity and truth. It's pathetic. They will be responsible for their own extinction, and that is the only good result that will come if it.
Widdle Panties All in A Bunch!
So Mawwoy got all bent out of shape on his Monday night program. Boo-hoo! "President Bush needs to meet with Cindy Sheehan..." - but the Left fails to end that sentence with the word "AGAIN", since he did meet with her last year. Yeah, the Left seems to omit that fact from every instance of reporting on Ms. Sheehan.
From a guy who calls anyone who disagrees with him a "pig", and a guy who says "Hell waits for (insert name of person/group disagreeing with Mawwoy here)," Mawwoy The Offender was Offended. How Sweet the Irony!
Oh, and Mawwoy invoked the name of Jesus as well with "Love Thy Neighbor" and implying how the Gallagher Group doesn't, considering what they did with "We Don't Care". Would this be the same "love" you have Mawwoy for those who disagree with you? Hardly. Please explain, Mr. Hypocrite.
I think it was about two weeks ago a caller to the Mawwoy show named Jeff said the Left has to be held to the same standards of accuracy as Mawwoy holds the Right. And then Jeff just nailed the Castrati Boy to the wall and Mikey abruptly ended the call and was noticeable twistingly pissed that a caller got the better of him. Good call Jeff! My guess is Castrati Boy Mawwoy doesn't allow many callers like Jeff to get through with an intensive call screening process.
We do care Mikey, we care about Cindy Sheehan, her son, and anyone that is the parent of someone in the military, as well as those in the military. What "We Don't Care" about is the blatant lies and hate that spew from the likes of you and the people you use as a tool of propaganda because you don't have the guts to do it yourself.
Final note to Widdle Mikey: There actually is music after the 1960's era, rather than the quaint folk music and anti-war songs from Vietnam that you play as your bumper music, but if you want to stay stuck in the era it's okay. It gives me more material at which to poke fun! They stopped pressing music on vinyl too, by the way. They have these "new" things called CD's and MP3. Ahhhh, I'm talking to a dinosaur that soon will be extinct, right? And Hell waits for Widdle Mikey Mawwoy.

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