Saturday, December 31, 2005
Happy New Year
When you ring in the New Year tonight remember Them. Thank Them. Give Them your unending Gratitude. They deserve every molecule of our appreciation.
Victoria Climbie / Franklin Coverup
Victoria Climbie's disgraced social worker plans to work with children again.
Haringey council sacked her for missing signs that Victoria, pictured left, was being abused and she was banned from working with children. But a tribunal dismissed the misconduct allegations in June and reversed Arthurworrey's ban, allowing her to apply to the General Social Care Council for reaccreditation as a social worker.
Victoria, who was eight, died in 2000, malnourished and with 128 scars on her body. Her great aunt and partner are serving life sentences for her murder.
Voodoo background and history HERE.
Child Sacrifices real or not? Again, I don't read it, you decide.
Most people would shrug it off, because it is considered too far out of the scope of their reality, but it happens more than we think, does anyone here know of Larry King (not the talkshow host) . He was one of the most prominent black republicans during the 80's and was invovled in a Boys Town scandal, and money laundering schemes. He was accused of child sex slavery, some of the children were killed, another put in jail for purgery [sic] and one was forced into saying he was lying that they made it all up. Yet in an interview he admits he did it for fear of his life, and this guy was suppose to show up for court so that one girl could get out, but he was afraid of going to jail for purgery [sic] and never showed up for court.
He claimed all sorts of horrible things, and high ranking people were abusining [sic] him and others, and that he'd be given drugs and the such for performing the acts. It's very disturbing and seems to have been swept under the rug.
The only trouble King was convicted of was Money Laundering...
Why would the Washington Times run the story if it were a hoax?
Tell me if This is a hoax or not?
I don't know...I wish I did. Something is going on. We need to know the truth on this, and the sooner the better.
Friday, December 30, 2005
Ted Rall: Decapitated
Well, we can pretty much presume he has no appreciation for the fine men and women who fight, have fought, and those who have died, to protect his right to spew hate-speech.
And it is pretty much safe to presume that Teddy hates his country and hates being an American. Well, nothing is keeping you from leaving and moving to...Cuba? Iran? Yeah, see how long your infantile tirades would last in those countries.
What's even more funny is that people like Little, Pudgy, Four-Eye Ted list things like THIS on their own site:
Emails that contain threats will be reported to the appropriate law enforcement agencies as well as your Internet provider.
So, in a Andy Warhol repeated image-way, I present what Ted's Head would look like, in Triplicate, if he were decapitated.

The above is certainly not meant literally or to imply that this a**hole should be beheaded. It's simply me exercising my First Amendment Right to Freedom of Expression.
Ahhhhh, all in a days work .
Labels: Ted Rall
Michael Crook: Deformed or Just Retarded?
So what's with this guy? Never breast-fed? I think calling him a Detestable Human Being is too kind.
A**shole? Well, we're getting closer. Feces comes to mind...yeah, that's a good word. He looks just like what comes out of the anus, doesn't he?
Is it possible doctors forgot to release the oxygen from his brain after they performed an encephalography on him?

Michael Crook: Making John Merrick look like Brad Pitt.
Fred Phelps: The Ridicule Continues

Below is another original, unretouched and non-PhotoShopped picture of the "reverend" during the Gay Pride Parade in San Francisco:

Fred Phelps the Tranny. You're the envy of Liberace Freddi. Nice job on those red toenails Freddi.
Thursday, December 29, 2005

Full Size Image
All you followers and members of God Hates Fags are a notch below child molesters. You are the bottom of the barrel in terms of utterly useless human beings. It would have been better had all of your parents simply aborted you or sold you into sexual slavery to Uday and Qusay Hussein. Yeah, that's right, in case you're thinking you didn't read what you just read, I'll repeat it: It would have been better for the parents of Fred Phelps and the parents of his current followers to have aborted all of you or sold you into sexual slavery.
Fred Phelps and his lowlife followers preach THIS KIND of Gospel. Grasping at straws, his hate-filled group is now claiming their First Amendment Rights are being violated because their hate speech has been restricted. My what compassion Fred Phelps and his group have.
THIS GROUP promises to "Shield the mourning family and friends from interruptions created by any protestor or group of protestors." I cannot think of a more noble endeavor than thwarting the wretched antics of Phelps and his fellow cretins.
God is very unhappy with you Fred Phelps. He told me so during a conversation last night as we watched NHL hockey; The Minnesota Wild and the Edmonton Oilers. The Wild played a great game beating the Oilers 4-2.
God likes hockey but He doesn't like you Fred Phelps. He said you are the ultimate false prophet preaching hatred. He said you have completely missed the point of compassion and forgiveness. He said it is clear you are mentally imbalanced and that you are unable to grasp the most basic - the most elemental - Biblical message of Love Thy Neighbor.
God said that He thoroughly and totally abhors your vitriolic protests outside the places of worship where you spew your message of hate and intolerance. He said that what you do is unforgivable. That inside that place of worship it is His child that is being mourned and who will be buried. He said you have no right to hate anybody or encourage others to do the same. He is very displeased that you are putting words in His mouth by your tactlessness and malicious regurgitations.
He said He is extremely disappointed in your failings as a human being. He said He hopes those that follow you will leave your misanthropic ministry.
He also said there is time for you to repent, Fred Phelps, but He doubts that you will. God said He suspects you are, and always have been, a latent homosexual. That you are someone who has continually repressed your own feelings to be with another man. And that you therefore take your repressed feelings and direct them in an outwardly hateful and non-Christian manner.
God said to tell you that there is still time for you to repent, Fred Phelps. And that you should convey that same message to your flock. Failure to do so means you are leading them down the wrong path with your animus. Doing otherwise undoubtedly proves you are a False Prophet, lacking of love, compassion, and forgiveness.
To the followers of Fred Phelps, God said do not, under any circumstance, listen to what Fred Phelps says. God said you should immediately leave the Phelps "church" and forget everything he has told you.
Wednesday, December 28, 2005
MrsSatan "Recalibrates"
Hmmmmm...I always worry about liberals when they are either pro-military or pro-Constitution. Nothing is more scary than a Law and Order Liberal.
More of what MrsSatan said in the same linked article:
Prior to Clinton's recalibration on Iraq,'s Tom Matzzie disapproved of what the senator had to say.
He told ABC News that he sees them as a sign that she now recognizes the importance of having "a view on foreign policy that is different from that of the Republicans."
Clinton came to loggerheads with the anti-war movement following her September interview with the Voice.
This hosebag, carpetbagging senator from New York is as transparent as the clear, plastic window coverings some people put up in the winter to prevent heat escaping and cold wind entering their homes.
And let's not forget about THIS SCANDAL involving MrsSatan and Bubba The Rapist.
Some of those targeted by the IRS for audits were women who had accused President Clinton of unwanted sexual advances and even rape. These include Gennifer Flowers, Paula Jones, Juanita Broddrick and Elizabeth Ward Gracen.
Also reported is that the primary reason for Hillary's vulnerability is that her college friend, Margaret Milner Richardson, headed the IRS at the time the alleged abuses occurred.
As President Nixon used the IRS and the FBI to violate the constitutional rights of privacy and confidentiality, so Clinton has used the IRS and the FBI to file false charges against career civil servants who stood in the way of his political friends...

MrsSatan: Recalibrating Her Every Move
Who Will Make The Donuts Now?
Michael Vale was Fred The Baker in the Dunkin' Donuts commercials. More HERE.
Rest In Peace, Mr. Vale. God Bless You.
Who will make the donuts now?
Canada Blames Gun Deaths on U.S.
Canadian officials, seeking to make sense of another fatal shooting in what has been a record year for gun-related deaths, said Tuesday that along with a host of social ills, part of the problem stemmed from what they said was the United States exporting its violence.
Canadian Prime Minister Paul Martin and Toronto Mayor David Miller warned that Canada could become like the United States after gunfire erupted Monday on a busy street filled with holiday shoppers, killing a 15-year-old girl and wounding six bystanders -- the latest victims in a record surge in gun violence in Toronto.
And we should listen to These Punks because they know far more than any adults. Lord knows Gangs don't kill people, guns do.
I'd imagine my Northern friends Len at No Rite Turn and The Cannuckistan Chronicles would have some good input into this issue. Guys?
Tuesday, December 27, 2005
I See Decrepit, Old, Reporters
The cinnamon bun, which is said to resemble Mother Teresa, has been stolen from a coffee shop where it has been for the past nine years.

*****"Nun Bun" Pastry***************Turd*******************Helen Thomas
Full Size Image Click Here
I Feel...
Here, maybe Four Maidens at the beach wearing Santa Hats makes up for Orca.
Biggest Richard Ever
Safe for Work. Honest, would I steer you wrong? Okay...but seriously, it IS SFW.
Eastern England: Snowy Conditions
Monday, December 26, 2005
Uh Huh, A-ha!
Well, it really grew on me, and now I'm addicted to it. I think it's the funniest 'toon around.
And I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks that THIS CLIP from "Family Guy" is absolutely and purely comedic genius.
RIP Vincent Schiavelli
Some Bio Facts about him include: speaking fluent Sicilian, authoring three cookbooks, and his grandfather, whom he grew up with, was a cook for an Italian baron before moving to the United States.
I guess if I were an actor, having a large name-recognition factor would be great...something that probably every actor wants.
But there is also the other side, that being, having incredible face recognition with "Who's that guy, he's in everything," reaction that I think would be the pinnacle of acting success.
Mr. Schiavelli reached and surpassed that pinnacle benchmark.
Rest In Peace Mr. Schiavelli.
Chilly Dip
I did something like this years ago. Bunch of us at a house on a lake, in the wintertime, the lake frozen. We'd hit the sauna for a while, then run into a hole that we'd cut in the ice, jump in the water, get out, and run back to the sauna. Then warm up and repeat jump into the water. If I tried that now, I'd probably have an instant brain aneurysm.
Sunday, December 25, 2005
Friday, December 23, 2005
Kofi Percolates, Boils Over
Onlookers say Kofi's head exploded, just like in the movie "Scanners".
For the world's most senior diplomat it was a decidedly undiplomatic moment. In a rare fit of temper for a man famed for keeping his cool, the UN secretary general, Kofi Annan, launched an extraordinary attack against the New York correspondent of the Times, James Bone, branding him an "overgrown schoolboy".
The outburst came during an end of year press conference after the Times reporter questioned him about his son, Kojo, and the Iraq oil-for-food programme. "I think you're being very cheeky," the UN secretary general said. "Listen James Bone, you've been behaving like an overgrown schoolboy in this room for many, many months and years. You are an embarrassment to your colleagues and to your profession. Please stop misbehaving and please let's move on to a serious journalist."

The Always Defiant Kofi Annan: Appearing Now on The Lecture Circuit, Shaming Reporters. Call 888-555-UNFY for additional information.
Hussein Trial
From the San Francisco Chronicle story:
One, who said he had been 8 years old in 1982, recounted how his father, three uncles and grandmother were detained following the assassination attempt. Only his grandmother returned, he said. The others were executed.
"I request blood for my blood," he said.
The second witness, who was 14 at the time, said he had been home during Hussein's visit to Dujail. About three weeks later, security officials came to his house and arrested him and his family. At the first jail they were taken to, relatives had been so badly abused that they were unrecognizable.
"Their faces were yellow, and there was a very foul smell," he said, describing the crowded detention facility. "I was terrified."
He said he saw one prisoner who had plastic melted onto his body, and another who had to kneel because the skin on his back had been peeled away.
The witness and his mother were transferred to Abu Ghraib and later to a prison camp in the desert. At Abu Ghraib, he said, guards forced boys and men to crawl on the floor as they hit them with cables in front of their screaming wives and mothers. Children and teenagers died in the prison from malnutrition and untreated ailments, he said.
The witness said he and his mother had been detained for four years. His 70-year-old father and 17-year-old brother never returned from Abu Ghraib. He later received a death certificate for them, showing they had been executed, he said.
In cross-examination, defense attorney Najib Nueimi, a former Qatari justice minister, tried to make a distinction between officials on the ground and Hussein's political leadership, who he claimed had no responsibility for the abuse. He asked whether the witness or his family had filed complaints with Hussein's government after their release.
"Who am I going to file a complaint with?" the witness replied. "We could not say a word."

Full Size
Thursday, December 22, 2005
Sweeping Searches Begin Immediately
The National Security Agency, The Federal Bureau of Investigation, The Central Intelligence Agency, The Department of Homeland Security and The White House each issued statements that essentially send the message: "We plan to make the most of this over the next thirty days."
With the Patriot Act being renewed for what appears, at least currently, to be the next thirty days, national law and intelligence organizations said they have a lot to do in a short amount of time.
Speaking for the NSA, East South Regional Director Jim McJim said, "frankly, we don't care if it's thirty days or six months. We've got a lot of spying to do. We are asking people that, if upon returning home your belongings look a bit askew, forgive us, we'll try to leave things the way we find them." McJim added it is unnecessary to call your local law authorities should you find yourself having been subject to one of these searches. "We are above the law," emphasized McJim, "local authorities won't be able to help you."
McJim, asking for the publics' understanding and cooperation stated, "should that picture of grandma not be exactly where you had it, just cut us some slack. We have a lot of searches to cover in a short period of time."
McJim added, "Further, it would be great if the public would just leave their front door unlocked. Cats, dogs and other pets should be secured in a kennel or locked room. Milk and cookies are also nice."
Too Much Hitler Being Taught?
Schools are teaching too much "Hitler and Henry" and should broaden their pupils' history lessons, according to an education watchdog.
There has been a gradual narrowing and "Hitlerisation" of history taught to over 14s, said the Qualifications and Curriculum Authority.
And it said that lessons for this age group were also dominated by topics like the Tudors and the 20th Century dictatorships, giving "increasing cause for concern".
The criticism comes ahead of new guidelines on teaching post-war German history, being published next week.
The Torture of Hussein: No Evidence
Hussein responds, calls Bush White House and U.S. Military guards "Liars."
You know, this guy Hussein...he could be the next to take over the DNC Chair from Howard Dean if Dean decides to give it up.
Heh heh heh heh...
Heh heh heh. ..."George Bush as soon-to-be-former President..." ? Good graphic though, no doubt about that.
Hey, here's goose for the Left to chase: Have you heard about this conspiracy? OMG! You'd better get right on that one.
Wednesday, December 21, 2005
The Future of Woody Allen's Wives/Girlfriends?
From Mia Farrow to Diane Keaton and Mariel Hemingway to Soon Yi.
Well, what does the future hold for the women on Woody Allen's arm?
mrssatan contributor T. James Edwards takes a look at how, perhaps, the future unfolds for even younger gal pals, for Woody Allen:

©2005 TJE
Hussein Claims Tortured.
"Oh, Dat's So Sad."
"I have been beaten on every place of my body, and the signs are all over my body," he told the court," alleged the former dictator.
Others that testified about treatment under the Hussein regime included such tender tales of the benevolent Saddam Hussein:
One described how his entire family of 43 was rounded up and imprisoned.
Ali Mohammed Hussan al-Haydari was one of few witnesses who has testified publicly during the on-again, off-again trial that began two months ago.
Two other witnesses testified behind screens.
The witnesses told of intelligence agents shocking people with electricity and pouring melted plastic on people's flesh.
One said he had been tortured three times at intelligence headquarters, then sent to Abu Ghraib prison for over a year before being exiled to the desert for months.
After he was allowed to return home, he was seized afresh by intelligence agents and kept in solitary confinement until he pleaded with them to kill him.

"Look at the bruises on my body. Anyone can tell I am a baby. I mean, I was tortured."
MN Cigarette "Fee" Tax Struck Down
The 75-cents-a-pack cigarette tax approved by the Legislature last summer has been struck down. A Ramsey County judge says the tax flies in the face of a settlement reached with tobacco companies in 1998. That agreement exacted billions of dollars from the tobacco industry to cover costs incurred upon government health programs because of smoking. The settlement also banned the state from making future claims on tobacco companies. Legislators approved the cigarette tax over the summer to help solve the state's budget crisis, estimating it would generate $400 million over the next two years. Lawmakers are now speculating on what the loss of that revenue cushion could do to the state's current budget surplus.
The anti-smoking Nazis recently took this hit.
Is Minnesota turning into the new Marlboro Country?
Tuesday, December 20, 2005
Kofi Annan Wins Lottery
Previous Recipients of this Honour have been: Jim-mah Ka-ter.
When asked how the Secretary General was going to spend his share of the money, he replied "I'm going to Disneyworld."

Dr. Strangeannan: "Zis is qvite an honor, Mein Fuhrer...I mean, Sheikh al-Maktoum."
Separated At Birth?

Drunken Duluth Mayor: Combative During Arrest; Pleads "Spiro Agnew"
And, duly noted, Herbie The Drunk Bug wasn't the most Cooperative Perpetrator:
"The police reports indicate he wasn't a very cooperative individual," said Washburn County District Attorney J. Michael Bitney. "He didn't want to make any statements. He wanted to leave the scene. He refused medical attention. He refused breath tests. He wasn't cooperative at all."
Plea of No Contest.
A Year of Oddities
Fish with human faces, poo on pastries, python fails to digest alligator, and...Mr. Dick Head.
Monday, December 19, 2005
Woody Allen: Ordinary, Average Guy
"My relationship with the American audience is exactly the same as it has always been: they never came to see my films, and they don't come now.
"I've often said that the only thing standing between me and greatness is me," he mused.
Allen claimed he had led a pretty dull, middle-class life.
An Ordinary Average Guy, that Woody.
Iran: Western and "Indecent" Music Banned
Songs by American easy-listening artist Kenny G are also often featured.
Smoking in the UK
"Even in the exempted bars and private members clubs bar workers will be better protected through the exclusion of smoking in the bar area.
"We believe that these proposals offer the right balance between reducing the public health risk whilst allowing an element of choice for those who do want to smoke with a drink to do so in a way which has minimal impact on other people."
...And in Maggot News...
And yes, if you're thinking this isn't the first time one of these Maggots in patients' nose cases has made the news, you'd be correct.
Nor would it be the Second Time, either.
Mmmmmmmmmm, Maggots and leeches.......
Ear Maggots HERE.
Ear Maggot Videos HERE.
So, what the hell is the deal with all these maggots?
Fox: "Fence is shameful."
Shameful, in that it may result in a decrease of illegal immigrants INTO the U.S....or shameful in some other defined way that Mr. Fox is not conveying?
Topics range from in-depth discussions on the meaning of the universe to crude and jerky snapshots of everyday life. In new vlogs uploaded this week, you could take a spin through teeming Mumbai in an auto-rickshaw, drop in on the life of young Filipina vlogger Karen Avila or watch a woman simply tending a kettle in her New York apartment.
Vlogs are an offshoot of "blogs", or weblogs -- diaries posted on the Internet which sparked a new wave of "citizen journalism" -- and their audio equivalent, podcasting. Vlogging's time has come thanks to a new generation of cheap cameras, editing programs and simple software -- plus fast broadband connections needed to download content.
"Our Dog has his own Vlog."
Coming Up: FlogVlogging; Vlogging while being Flogged.
Sleepwalker, not Rapist
Mr Bilton said he had no knowledge of the attack but had a history of sleepwalking which ran in the family.
He could only remember waking up after sticking to the leather sofa and was "completely oblivious" to what had allegedly happened, the court heard.
Sunday, December 18, 2005
Earth To Harry Reid...Earth To Harry Reid
Harry called Congress the "The most corrupt in history." Yeah, saying stuff like this is really a good morale boost for our enemies.
"Don't lump me in with Jack Abramoff. This is a Republican scandal," Reid told Fox News Sunday, saying he never received any money from Abramoff.
Now, Working For Change (yes, WFC!!!), notes:
Here are some of the players in Abramoff's world:
EDWARD AYOOB: Former veteran legislative aide to Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada, hired as a lobbyist by Abramoff. Reid, who undertook several actions favorable to Abramoff's clients, ultimately received more than $66,000 in Abramoff-related donations from 2001 to 2004. Ayoob held a fundraising reception for Reid at the offices of Abramoff's firm, Greenberg Traurig.
Writing on November 29, 2005, Dissident Voice states:
There are a handful of politicians currently under scrutiny. Rep. Tom DeLay is the most notable, but now in the hot seat are Senator Conrad Burns of Montana, Representative John Doolittle of California and Rep. Robert Ney of Ohio, Republicans all. But on the periphery, and I'm told a potential addition to the aforementioned list in the very near future, could be Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada, a Democrat.
Last week the Associated Press reported that almost three dozen congress people moved to halt the construction of a Louisiana Indian casino while they simultaneously collected large donations from Jack Abramoff and his tribal clients. Senator Harry Reid was one of those elected officials.
Sen. Reid sent a letter to Interior Secretary Gale Norton on March 5, 2002, which was also signed by Sen. John Ensign, R-Nev. "The next day, the Coushattas issued a $5,000 check to Reid's tax-exempt political group, the Searchlight Leadership Fund. A second Abramoff tribe sent another $5,000 to Reid's group. Reid ultimately received more than $66,000 in Abramoff-related donations between 2001 and 2004," the AP reported.
It was a political tit-for-tat. Reid opposed the construction of the casino and was paid handsomely for his choice. Another Democrat caught up in the legal chaos is former Senator John Breaux of Louisiana, who, according to tribal records, wrote Norton on March 1, 2002 about the same matter. Coushattas wrote a $1,000 check to his Senate campaign five days later and handed over $10,000 to his library fund.
Reid, like many members of Congress, Democrats and Republicans, has received campaign contributions from Abramoff clients. Some lawmakers have returned those donations, but Reid gave no indication he would do so.
Columbine-like Killing Spree Plan Infiltrated, Stopped
LANCASTER, Calif. Dec 18, 2005 - Two teenagers were in custody for allegedly plotting to carry out a Columbine-like massacre at their former high school next Valentine's Day, authorities said.
The former Quartz Hill High students, whose names were not released, were arrested Thursday after searches of their homes turned up knives, ammunition, a gas mask and bomb-making instructions downloaded from the Internet, according to the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department.
Hmmmm, seems like surveillance can thwart a criminal act?
Puck Up: Koivu vs Koivu
The Wild are last in the Northwest Division with a record of 13 wins, 15 losses, 1 over time loss, and 3 shoot-out losses. Montreal, third in the Northeast Division, are 16-9-5-1. While the Wild are struggling this year, the season is still relatively young. Things may gel and take a different turn after January 1, who knows. And if they don't, they don't, and they retool and refine for the next season. Minnesota NHL fans, and other NHL fans, love the Wild. Hell, they love the sport.
This is still a great NHL season. If "your team" isn't quite where you would like (and I'm sure they feel the same), be patient. There's a lot of other NHL teams to take a back-burner interest in!
Lemieux Update:
Pittsburgh Penguins Mario Lemieux missed yesterdays game against the Buffalo Sabres due to a recurring irregular heartbeat. I'm sure all NHL fans wish him the best.
Saturday, December 17, 2005
al-Zarqawi: Master of Disguise?
The most wanted man in Iraq was apparently arrested by the country's security forces more than a year ago but allowed to go free because no-one realised who he was.
Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, the leader of al-Qaeda in Iraq, is said to have been picked up in the Fallujah area last year and held for three or four hours before being released.
The report was confirmed by Iraq's deputy interior minister.

Homeless Man's Dog Taken Away By Humane Society
'Bones,' officials clash again
Homeless man's dog seized by animal welfare authorities
"Bones" is a fixture on Rice Street.
Like the looming bell tower of St. Bernard's Catholic Church or the aroma of marinara drifting from Mama's Pizza, the clatter from the caravan of carts that carry Bones' belongings partly defines this stretch of St. Paul.
He's homeless and seems to prefer it that way. His only companion is -- or was -- a dog, but animal control officials say they can't allow that in Minnesota's harsh winter.
Last week, Bones' dog was taken from him. He's free to show up for a city hearing Monday to ask for it back, but no one really expects him to be there.
Some local businessmen are outraged about the seizure, and Humane Society officials confess mixed feelings. But Bones' treatment of his dogs has been a problem for several years, they say, and the health of animals is the important thing.
"I don't want to hear about it," Bones said earlier this week, leaning against the Tschida Bakery building on Rice Street, his beard touched with frost.
"Gone and gone. It's done," he grumbled, and walked off down the street.
Biswanath Halder Convicted; Thought He Was Victim of Computer Hack
One person was killed and two wounded in the seven-hour-long shooting spree at Case Western Reserve University, in Cleveland,OH, on May 9, 2003.
The prosecution made the argument that Halder had gone to the university's business school with more than 1,000 rounds of ammunition because he thought that a computer lab employee had hacked into his website that propagated leftist views favoring the developing countries.
Halder is said to have sat impassively as the verdicts were read by the judge to nearly 200 felony counts including murder. The jury in the trial just deliberated for over a day before turning in the verdicts.
But if you're an expat Minnesotan down in Florida, or just want to get a look at some of the white stuff here's some ski and snow cams. And no, I am not affiliated with any of these places in any way.
Ski Cam
Ski Cam
Ski Cam
Minneapolis Sky Cam
St. Paul Hiway Cam
Freeway Cams . Click on any of the White Dots and a window will open with a view of that intersection or location. Maybe you'll get to see a spin out. Ahhhh, "Good Times".
Ski Cam
Ski Cam
And complete ski reports HERE.
So -
"It's not 'The Apprenti,' it's 'The Apprentice,'" Pinkett said, shooting down Jarvis' shot at a gig with Trump.
But would anyone have flinched if the situation were reversed and she had won, and she - all rightfully so!- said the same, "no, Pinkett's not coming back"?
Friday, December 16, 2005
Minnesota Marine Killed
Staff Sgt. Kenneth B. Pospisil, 35, of Andover, died Wednesday when an improvised explosive device went off while he was involved in combat near Ar Ramadi.
They will not be forgotten. Their cause was just. They will always be remembered. May God Bless Them and Their Families.
You've Got Mail. And Maybe An STD.
Los Angeles - Los Angeles County health officials have opened an internet website on which users can anonymously notify their sex partner of having been infected with a sexually transmitted disease.
The site,," which opened on Wednesday, offers different types of electronic postcards to simultaneously e-mail up to six sexual partners of being infected with an STD.
"You're too hot to be out of action," reads one card, featuring the back of a handsome man covering his behind with a towel. "I got diagnosed with an STD since we played. You might want to get checked too."
Good News From Bubba
December 16, 2005
At a Manhattan Fundraiser last night for his wife, Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton, President William Clinton announced his personal satisfaction with the progress in Iraq. "Those purple fingers," said the president, stopping and choking up on his words, biting on his lower lip; "the vote in Iraq earlier today was one that freed millions of people from tyranny and gave them freedom and hope for the future."
The president, flanked by his wife, Vice President Al Gore, fellow democratic Senators John Kerry, Chuck Schumer, Ted Kennedy, Chris Dodd, Joe Biden, Dick Durban, DNC Chairman Howard Dean, and Rep's. Nancy Pelosi and John Murtha, gave credit to the military troops that are serving in Iraq, as well as around the world.
"We have the finest men and women protecting our democracy at home as well as bringing freedom abroad," said President Clinton, his words being interrupted time and time again by rapturous applause from over one-thousand supporters and donors.
President Clinton took the opportunity to note other recent good news. The crowd shouted "Eight more years, eight more years," when the president touted the five percent unemployment rate. "Our country is back to work," said Clinton, "and more people are homeowners than at any other time in the history of our country," said the president. At this point Senators Durban, Biden and Kennedy joined hands and began dancing together in a semi-circle.
"This past week saw a vicious killer by the name of Stanley Williams executed," said the president. "The families of his victims now have closure," he said. The crowd erupted in five minutes of non-stop applause.
"By authorizing the sharing of intelligence in our federal agencies and by my authorizing the National Security Agency to wiretap and monitor private conversations of our own citizens, this administration has uncovered and halted at least five potential terrorist acts," continued President Clinton.
Addressing the concerns of many Hurricane Katrina victims, the president, speaking without notes said, "I take personal responsibility if it is perceived that the federal government responded too slowly or in an untimely manner to what happened to all the people whose lives were uprooted by Hurricane Katrina. I want you to know, that I feel your pain," he said, a tear coming to his eye.
The president, noting that while he could talk for another seventeen hours, tried to be brief. "I know there are others who want to talk, so to address a few more concerns, let me just say that I will pass any bill that Congress sends me, and sign any check for any amount, to invest in what it takes to rebuild the levees in New Orleans and all areas affected by the hurricane, to combat terrorism at home and abroad, to fight the potential devastating effects of the Avian Flu Virus, to make our educational systems the rival of the world, and to continue importing affordable oil, for our poorest Americans. Thank you."
The supporters and donors greeted his words with a seven hour standing ovation.
After the crowd quieted down, Senator Kerry took the podium. "I will be brief," said Kerry. After noting that he had served in Vietnam, Kerry said his vote in favor of the Iraq war was the right vote to cast, "...that I never looked back or questioned my decision, " said Mr. Kerry.
Other speech highlights included both Vice President Gore and Chairman Dean praising the president for his success and determination in Iraq and Afghanistan. Rep.'s Murtha, Pelosi, and Sen. Schumer, borrowing from the "Wayne's World" movies and "Saturday Night Live" skit, smiled at the president chanting "We're not worthy, we're not worthy!" The crowd imitated the same.
Attending the fundraiser was Actor-Activist Mike Farrell, who earlier this week had protested the execution of Stanley Williams. "When I hear my beloved president explain what I, and so many others who protested the death of Mr. Williams, when I hear President Clinton explain it, I just have to change my mind and know the execution was the right thing to do," said Farrell.
U.N.: "Ve must zomehow wrest control of ze Inter-Veb!"
Do you treasure the freedom to wade out into the vast sea of information that is the Internet and surf the World Wide Web? Then look out for what is coming over the horizon: a fleet of ships is bearing down on you and your little surf(key)board, and they are flying the blue Jolly Roger of the United Nations.
ICANN is a collaborative effort of the global community. The ICANN website notes that, "citizens of Australia, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, China, France, Germany, Ghana, Japan, Kenya, Korea, Mexico, the Netherlands, Portugal, Senegal, Spain, the United Kingdom, and the United States," gave all served on the organization's board of directors. "ICANN's President directs an international staff, working from three continents."
The audacity comes in the form of declaring the Internet to be a "global resource" belonging to the world. While this "resource" is global in scope, it clearly bears the stamp "Made in the U.S.A. " Its origin can be traced back to U.S. Defense Department efforts in the 1960s to build an interconnected network - or "Internet" - of computers that could survive a nuclear war. Although others have contributed to the Internet, the primary technology and hardware that make it possible belong to the United States. To declare that the U.S. has done such a good job of creating the Internet that it is now obligated to give it up for the sake of the world is ludicrous.
Through the technical know-how of automobile manufacturers such as Volkswagen and BMW, Germany has excelled at making automobiles. Is Germany going to turn over these companies to the United Nations because everyone in the world deserves an affordable, fuel-efficient vehicle? Nokia of Finland owns 32 percent of the global cellphone market. Is Finland going to turn Nokia over to the UN's International Telecommunication Union because 100 percent of the worlds inhabitants deserve to have a cellphone? Sony Corporation of Japan has become the leader of the home game console market with its PlayStation 2, and is gearing up to release a powerful new version next year. Is Sony going to turn over this technology to UNICEF because every child in the world deserves to play games? Don't hold your breath waiting for these or any other members of the UN to put a new car, cellphone, or game console under your Christmas tree.

The Always Defiant Kofi Annan: "Please, please, let us return to Engineering Our Social Agenda."

Alabama Internet
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