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Saturday, October 15, 2005

From Kerry/Edwards, With Love...

...or It Takes Three Collective Liberal Minds to Write and Send a Blank E-Mail.

An e-mail I received from johnkerry-johnedwards.net, sent by three ladies named Barbara (Sandy Beach), Acchu and Lynn, was blank. They had their little Yahoo Asleep
Send an Instant Message turned on, each face by their names. The perhaps funny thing about the email was, there was no text. It was blank. This is no surprise. The blankness of their email represents the collective body of thought of the Left in general. It took the combined efforts of THREE Kerry-Edwards ladies to compose a blank, wordless, email? Hey, my hat's off to you. I thought it would take at least a dozen "of you" to create something to that degree of refined caliber communication.

Actually, the statement-less email is representative of not only the brain wave activity of the Left, but their objective, well thought and fair political policies. Maybe the wordlessness is supposed to be a joke? Hoo-Haa-Haa-Haa-Haa, you Libs and your wonderful sense of humor. One can tell you have a bevy of joke writers providing outstanding, conceptual, finessed jabs and high-road humor at your disposal to slay your opponents or those that disagree with your Socialistic views.

Your email reminds me of both the 2004 John Kerry, and 2000 Al Gore, presidential campaigns. Both candidates with blank and idea-less platforms. Both candidates who believed they could win the election with unspecific, vague generalizations and one specific candidate (Kerry), who would flip-flop his stand on any topic depending on the audience before him. We kept hearing how the Left "has a plan", but no one could articulate what it was (well, beyond "Blame Bush and Republicans").
Nothing to say, no message to convey, nothing substantive to offer, nothing proactive. The "Usual", as it's called in the bar biz.

Kerry Gals, it appears you at least know and recognize your strengths and weaknesses and your email has as much to offer as the party to which you align yourselves. God Bless Ya! Keep up the good work.

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