Saturday, July 30, 2005
Thank you very much for doing all you have done over the past five years. You see, you now know how 'we' felt during Bubba's eight, horrendous, pathetic, do-nothing years in the White House. The difference is, President Bush is actually DOING SOMETHING for the country where Bubba just coasted along, looking for the next intern who'd wet his willy.
Your RABID RAVENOUS BITTER LIBERAL party, you see, has nothing to offer America or the World. We've listened to you bitch and bitch for the previous five and one-half years, but you're bitching rings quite hollow. You offer nothing proactive or positive. You've actively sponsored NOTHING for the betterment of the U.S. or the world.
Yes, you have your little radio network Air(head) America, and you claim "The Big Guys (I guess you must be directing that towards Rush Limbaugh, Tony Snow, Laura Ingram, Bill Bennett, Hugh Hewitt, Dennis Prager, and Michael Medved - as well as your nemesis Fox News: FAIR and BALANCED) Are Scared of us." Pffffffft! You're network is a joke and the personalities you have are a bunch of recovering or active alcoholics, celebrities who've hit the bottom career-wise, or blubbering, blabbering, uninformed talking heads who couldn't hold a candle to the likes of Snow or Limbaugh, let along the intelligence and analysis of a John McLaughlin or William F. Buckley, Jr.
Yes, people like Janeane Garofool-oh-fool-oh and Castrati Boy Malloy. Whew! Deep thinkers they consider themselves. Diminutive Dwarfs is more like it. And yet, you claim to be the party of compassion. Here is compassion for you; on Friday July 29th, Castrati Boy Malloy, to the tune of the children's song "The Wheels on The Bus Go Round and Round" replaced those lyrics with, referring to the July 7th London subway terror attacks: "The people on the bus are blown to bits, blown to bit, blown to bits, the people on the bus are blown to bits early in the morning."
Don't believe me. Go to his website, write down his program's phone number and call him Monday and ask him. Or, if he archives his show (God knows I don't know if he does), go listen to his "compassion" for what happened on July 7th in London. Oh, Castrati Boy, I take so much solace in the fact that you are an old man, much older than I. And by all actuarial accounts I will outlive you. And I'm gonna have one f*cking field day ripping you up one side and down the other come the day you take that dirt nap. The Haggard Helen pig roasting on a spit photo is a mild, Sunday School reading compared to the treatment you will receive here.
And then we have the Gloria Wise issue, with Air(head) America stealing money, embezzling really, from elderly Alzheimer patients and hungry children. Why, just the same group that Liberals falsely accuse conservatives of attacking. The childhood saying of "When you point a finger at me you have three pointing back at yourself" couldn't ring more true.
I could write a 100,000 word piece on the "Aaahhhhhhhhh...Aaahhhhhh....Aaaahhh" of the O'FrankenFailure, the noxious, nails-across-a-chalkboard-screech of Cacklin' Lampshade, the dormant brain of Garofool-oh-fool-oh, the totally uninformed Wendy Mild, former North Dakota weatherman (or was it sports reporter?) Big Fat Eddy, and of course, girly voiced Castrati Boi Malloy.
But here is what it all comes down to; you offer no solutions or cures for the problems that anyone, anywhere face. You have exposed yourselves and your party for what it really is; a party that offers nothing substantive. You have no plan(s), even though your last losing presidential candidate Kerry claims different. It's funny, if you do the research, Kerry knew by late afternoon on Election Day that he had lost, that he didn't have, nor would he get, the Electoral Votes needed to put him in the White House. Yet, he pretended there still was hope. And that's what your Liberal Party is, a party pretending there is hope when there is none.
Again, Senator "I Have A Plan", WHEN will the public see your service records that you so vociferously claimed would be made public once you signed Form 180?
I thank you all for digging the grave of your own party, saving me the physical labor of having to grab a number two shovel and dig it for you. The best part is, it's damn fun sitting in the shade, sipping on a cool beverage, watching all of you dig your own grave. I don't even break out in a sweat. Thank you Liberals, please by all mean, keep going in the direction you have been. Watching you self destruct has become a wonderful and new spectator sport! Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.
Your RABID RAVENOUS BITTER LIBERAL party, you see, has nothing to offer America or the World. We've listened to you bitch and bitch for the previous five and one-half years, but you're bitching rings quite hollow. You offer nothing proactive or positive. You've actively sponsored NOTHING for the betterment of the U.S. or the world.
Yes, you have your little radio network Air(head) America, and you claim "The Big Guys (I guess you must be directing that towards Rush Limbaugh, Tony Snow, Laura Ingram, Bill Bennett, Hugh Hewitt, Dennis Prager, and Michael Medved - as well as your nemesis Fox News: FAIR and BALANCED) Are Scared of us." Pffffffft! You're network is a joke and the personalities you have are a bunch of recovering or active alcoholics, celebrities who've hit the bottom career-wise, or blubbering, blabbering, uninformed talking heads who couldn't hold a candle to the likes of Snow or Limbaugh, let along the intelligence and analysis of a John McLaughlin or William F. Buckley, Jr.
Yes, people like Janeane Garofool-oh-fool-oh and Castrati Boy Malloy. Whew! Deep thinkers they consider themselves. Diminutive Dwarfs is more like it. And yet, you claim to be the party of compassion. Here is compassion for you; on Friday July 29th, Castrati Boy Malloy, to the tune of the children's song "The Wheels on The Bus Go Round and Round" replaced those lyrics with, referring to the July 7th London subway terror attacks: "The people on the bus are blown to bits, blown to bit, blown to bits, the people on the bus are blown to bits early in the morning."
Don't believe me. Go to his website, write down his program's phone number and call him Monday and ask him. Or, if he archives his show (God knows I don't know if he does), go listen to his "compassion" for what happened on July 7th in London. Oh, Castrati Boy, I take so much solace in the fact that you are an old man, much older than I. And by all actuarial accounts I will outlive you. And I'm gonna have one f*cking field day ripping you up one side and down the other come the day you take that dirt nap. The Haggard Helen pig roasting on a spit photo is a mild, Sunday School reading compared to the treatment you will receive here.
And then we have the Gloria Wise issue, with Air(head) America stealing money, embezzling really, from elderly Alzheimer patients and hungry children. Why, just the same group that Liberals falsely accuse conservatives of attacking. The childhood saying of "When you point a finger at me you have three pointing back at yourself" couldn't ring more true.
I could write a 100,000 word piece on the "Aaahhhhhhhhh...Aaahhhhhh....Aaaahhh" of the O'FrankenFailure, the noxious, nails-across-a-chalkboard-screech of Cacklin' Lampshade, the dormant brain of Garofool-oh-fool-oh, the totally uninformed Wendy Mild, former North Dakota weatherman (or was it sports reporter?) Big Fat Eddy, and of course, girly voiced Castrati Boi Malloy.
But here is what it all comes down to; you offer no solutions or cures for the problems that anyone, anywhere face. You have exposed yourselves and your party for what it really is; a party that offers nothing substantive. You have no plan(s), even though your last losing presidential candidate Kerry claims different. It's funny, if you do the research, Kerry knew by late afternoon on Election Day that he had lost, that he didn't have, nor would he get, the Electoral Votes needed to put him in the White House. Yet, he pretended there still was hope. And that's what your Liberal Party is, a party pretending there is hope when there is none.
Again, Senator "I Have A Plan", WHEN will the public see your service records that you so vociferously claimed would be made public once you signed Form 180?
I thank you all for digging the grave of your own party, saving me the physical labor of having to grab a number two shovel and dig it for you. The best part is, it's damn fun sitting in the shade, sipping on a cool beverage, watching all of you dig your own grave. I don't even break out in a sweat. Thank you Liberals, please by all mean, keep going in the direction you have been. Watching you self destruct has become a wonderful and new spectator sport! Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.
Labels: Malloy The Rotting Corpse
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Using a lot of alliteration doesn't make you sound more intelligent. However, making a lot of grammatical errors and spelling errors does make you sound less intelligent.
Really? Using two words beginning with the letter "R" constitutes "a lot of alliteration" ? Please explain - that seems an extreme position to take for what I guess is an uber-Liberal like you.
As far as the grammatical and spelling errors - run it through Microsoft WORD spell and grammar check. You will find no incorrect grammar. There are some "fragments" and a section where the voice is passive - but other than that, it is indeed grammatically correct.
Are you sad now, that you are an ass?
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As far as the grammatical and spelling errors - run it through Microsoft WORD spell and grammar check. You will find no incorrect grammar. There are some "fragments" and a section where the voice is passive - but other than that, it is indeed grammatically correct.
Are you sad now, that you are an ass?
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