Tuesday, March 29, 2005
Al Franken: The All Time Big Fat Liar Lying Liar of Liar-Dom
Franken refers to a young girl in Texas who was taken off life support and makes a gross miscalculation in his analogy of her circumstances to Terri Schiavo, and the fact that the girls life support was removed while George W. was the governor. The difference, Al, is taking someone off life support versus starving them to death. Why is that so hard for you, and so many other extreme liberals, to understand? Why, even Jesse Jackson and Ralph Nader agree on the right thing to do regarding Ms. Schiavo. (What took them so long is another story).
Case in point: Al would like us to believe that "we", meaning, in his words, the American people, didn't know just how bad cocaine overindulgence could be. Why, it was just YESTERDAY Al, in 1920, that it was added to the list of narcotics to be outlawed in the Dangerous Drug Act of 1920.

AirHeadAmerican: Al Franken (Why do so many liberals have this Deer-In-The Headlights-Look?)
Why should we believe him? Why, intelligent liberals that they are, far more intelligent and a "I know best" attitude than you or I - and they didn't have a hint or a clue that cocaine could be hazardous to your health?
No, only going back to the early 1900's Al, according the the information from the above hypertext:
* 1905 Snorting cocaine becomes popular.
* 1910 First cases of nasal damage from Cocaine snorting are written of in medical literature.
* First cases of nasal damage from Cocaine snorting are seen in hospitals.
* 1912 U.S. Government reports 5,000 Cocaine related fatalities in one year.
* 1914 Cocaine banned in United States
If you really need to visit the Al Franken show site, here it is.
The below is from the "Saturday Night Live" book Live From New York (As Told by its Stars, Writers, and Guests) - by Tom Shales and James Andrew Miller, and are Frankens' words verbatim:
Page 104, (the John he refers to is John Belushi)
"Yes, there were some people on the show doing coke. I don't like to get in to this. John died of it. He had a problem, he got addicted. We didn't know about that, we didn't know at the time, When I say 'we', I mean Americans didn't know what cocaine did, and about addiction, and that kind of thing."
Keep telling yourself this lie, Al, if that's what it takes for you to look yourself in the mirror.
And this guy wanted to run for the open Senate seat in Minnesota in 2006? Why should we believe anything this man says?
You can fool some of the people some of the time Al, but you can fool yourself all of the time.
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