Monday, December 21, 2009

The 2009 LPOS© Awards

It that time of year again...for 2009. I've been busy working on The Fourth LPOS© Awards. Whew! Just can't seem to get a break. Lots of contenders this year to sort through. Hoo-boy, I tell ya...

If you're not already, you should acquaint yourselves with the term LPOS©.

And then review past year's festive and gala LPOS™ Awards. There is the 2008 LPOS™ Awards.

Then the 2007 LPOS™ Awards.

And the Very First LPOS™ Awards from 2006.

I don't have to tell you that the MrsSatan Blog Annual LPOS Award is the most talked about, feted, gala affair of the entire blogosphere. That's right. The entire fucking blogosphere, damn it.

The 2009 LPOS Awards. They're coming soon!



  1. I am guessing that this year will have to be like a fifty way tie.

  2. And it could be a 50-way tie! (as usual) you got me thinking!!

    Sorry I haven't been around lately. Busy as all get out. No excuse, but I rarely have time for updating this thingy. Hope you and yours are well, and if I don't get another chance Paul, let me wish you a very Merry Christmas.
