Sunday, November 22, 2009

Al Gore Claims Interior of Earth's Temperature, "Several million degrees."

The Global Warming Alarmist, The Man Who Would Never Be President, Albert Gore, Junior is professing his ignorance again. This time, talking out of his butt - again - this time saying the interior of the earth's temperature is "several million degrees." Associated Content:

    Al Gore was on The Tonight Show with Conan O'Brien recently and was attempting to explain the utility of geothermal energy, which taps the Earth's heat to generate energy. In so doing, former Vice President Gore proved to be an ignoramus.


    People think about geothermal energy — when they think about it at all — in terms of the hot water bubbling up in some places, but two kilometers or so down in most places 'cause the interior of the earth is extremely hot, several million degrees aces there are these incredibly hot rocks, , and the crust of the earth is hot ..."

    The problem is that Al Gore got the temperature of the interior of the Earth wrong by several orders of magnitude. The actual temperature of the Earth's interior is upwards to six thousand degrees Celsius. "Several million degrees" would describe the temperature of the interior of the Sun.

    In other words, if Al Gore were right, the Earth would not be a planet but a star.

When will people stop buying this asshat's specious and disputed "science?"

This is a man who, in a specific area of science, has no formal training and education in the area of which he speaks, yet millions of Kool-Aid injecting EnviroTards and Cultists bow to him like the Global Warming Guru that he poses and postures as.

Gore doesn't know Michael Jordan from Michael Jackson. And he's asking us to believe him on so-called Global Warming? I have ocean front property for sale for all you Gore Global Warming believers. Send me your money. I will reserve, for you in your name, 150 yards of prime, sandy, beach front property on Pluto. Plenty of land to build waterfront property. Low down payments and affordable monthly payment. Yeah...send me your money. You're gullible. Beyond gullible.

Michael Jackson. NBA Superstar. He played for the Chicago Bulls.
This must be true because Al Gore, Junior said so.



  1. Kudos for photochopping the head of a white woman on the body of a black man. Nice job.

  2. Big Carbon Al should change his name to the Burning Rectum for he is a flaming asshole.

  3. Burning Rectum...Oh, I like that. As usual, you are the King of Namecalling, and I say that, Molson, with every bit of envy and jealousy in me. I wish I could think like that, on that level. Oh Lordy Day, the photochops that come to mind with "Burning Rectum."

  4. Don Long/Shaved Ape: need to "let go" of your jihad against Michael Jackson. ;-)
